Observation of Hysteretic Transport due to Dynamic Nuclear Spin Polarization in a GaAs Lateral Double Quantum Dot

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2011-11-14

Citations: 18

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.107.216802


We report a new transport feature in a GaAs lateral double quantum dot that emerges for magnetic-field sweeps and shows hysteresis due to dynamic nuclear spin polarization (DNP). This DNP signal appears in the Coulomb blockade regime by virtue of the finite interdot tunnel coupling and originates from the crossing between ground levels of the spin triplet and singlet extensively used for nuclear spin manipulations in pulsed-gate experiments. The magnetic-field dependence of the current level is suggestive of unbalanced DNP between the two dots, which opens up the possibility of controlling electron and nuclear spin states via dc transport.


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