Coupled quantum dots as quantum gates

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1999-01-15

Citations: 1411



We consider a new quantum gate mechanism based on electron spins in coupled semiconductor quantum dots. Such gates provide a general source of spin entanglement and can be used for quantum computers. We determine the exchange coupling J in the effective Heisenberg model as a function of magnetic (B) and electric fields, and of the inter-dot distance (a) within the Heitler-London approximation of molecular physics. This result is refined by using sp-hybridization, and by the Hund-Mulliken molecular-orbit approach which leads to an extended Hubbard description for the two-dot system that shows a remarkable dependence on B and a due to the long-range Coulomb interaction. We find that the exchange J changes sign at a finite field (leading to a pronounced jump in the magnetization) and then decays exponentially. The magnetization and the spin susceptibilities of the coupled dots are calculated. We show that the dephasing due to nuclear spins in GaAs can be strongly suppressed by dynamical nuclear spin polarization and/or by magnetic fields.


  • Physical review. B, Condensed matter - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • KOPS (University of Konstanz) - View - PDF
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