On Parabolic Functions of One-Dimensional Quasidiffusions

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1980-04-30

Citations: 6

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2977/prims/1195187507


In this paper we will deal with quasidiffusions X=(X t ) t ^0 on [0, 1) assuming that 0 is a reflecting regular boundary, 1 is an accessible or entrance boundary and X is killed as soon as it hits the boundary 1.We shall give a Martin representation of space-time-excessive functions for X.This includes in particular a representation of all parabolic functions f(x, t) satisfying a certain integrability condition by minimal ones (see Theorem 2 below).We shall show that the set of minimal points of space-time Martin boundary is homeomorphic to (0, oo[; in particular the minimal parabolic functions form a one-parameter family (k t ) (re(0, oo]).If z<oo 5 the function k t (x,s) is the limit (in a weak sense) of the transition density p(t-s, x, y) or its derivative with respect to j, where y converges to the boundary 1.In the limit circle case we will give an uniformly convergent expansion of k t (t^(Q, °o]) in eigenfunctions of the infinitesimal operator of X.Using these results we consider the problem which minimal parabolic functions factorize (i.e. have the form k t (x, s) = 0*(XhMX)) and which factorizing parabolic functions are minimal.(For some Markov chains and diffusion processes this problem was studied in [9], [11].)As another application we shall give a necessary and sufficient condition in order that for a parabolic function/the process {f(X t , s+t), t^ [a, b]} is a martingale.Parabolic functions which are martingales on the trajectories of X are used to determine the probabilities that X ever hits some time-varying boundaries (see e.g.[12]) and were studied e.g. in [2], [8].The assumption that the boundary 1 is accessible or entrance is essential.


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