Type: Article
Publication Date: 2011-07-25
Citations: 119
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.84.014417
Recent work shows that a quantum spin liquid can arise in realistic fermionic models on a honeycomb lattice. We study the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg honeycomb model, considering couplings ${J}_{1}$, ${J}_{2}$, and ${J}_{3}$ up to third nearest neighbors. We use an unbiased pseudofermion functional renormalization-group method to compute the magnetic susceptibility and to determine the ordered and disordered states of the model. Aside from antiferromagnetic-, collinear-, and spiral-order domains, we find a large paramagnetic region at intermediate ${J}_{2}$ coupling. For larger ${J}_{2}$ within this domain, we find a strong tendency for staggered dimer ordering, while the remaining paramagnetic regime for low ${J}_{2}$ shows only weak plaquette and staggered dimer responses. We suggest this regime to be a promising region for looking for quantum spin-liquid states when charge fluctuations would be included.