Separation of trajectories and its relation to entropy for intermittent systems with a zero Lyapunov exponent

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2010-07-14

Citations: 20



One dimensional intermittent maps with stretched exponential separation of nearby trajectories are considered. When time goes infinity the standard Lyapunov exponent is zero. We investigate the distribution of $\lambda_{\alpha}= \sum_{i=0}^{t-1} \ln \left| M'(x_i) \right|/t^{\alpha}$, where $\alpha$ is determined by the nonlinearity of the map in the vicinity of marginally unstable fixed points. The mean of $\lambda_{\alpha}$ is determined by the infinite invariant density. Using semi analytical arguments we calculate the infinite invariant density for the Pomeau-Manneville map, and with it obtain excellent agreement between numerical simulation and theory. We show that $\alpha \left< \lambda_{\alpha}\right>$ is equal to Krengel's entropy and to the complexity calculated by the Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm. This generalized Pesin's identity shows that $\left< \lambda_{\alpha}\right>$ and Krengel's entropy are the natural generalizations of usual Lyapunov exponent and entropy for these systems.


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