Geometric properties of Sobolev mappings

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1973-08-01

Citations: 29



If / is a mapping from an open k-cnbe in Rk into R n , 2 5Ξ k ^ n, whose coordinate functions belong to appropriate Sobolev spaces, then the area of / is the integral with respect to k dimensional Hausdorff measure over R n of a nonnegative integer valued multiplicity a mapping whose coordinate functions belong to appropriate Sobolev classes, it was shown in [6] that / is Jf c -1 continuous and that the area of /, as defined in [5], is equal to the classical Jacobian integral.The purpose of this paper is to investigate, using the theory of currents as in [2], the geometric-measure theoretic properties of such a surface and to show that the area is equal to the integral with respect to k dimensional Hausdorff measure in R n of an integer valued multiplicity function.2 Suppose k and n are integers with 2 ^ k ^ n.


  • Pacific Journal of Mathematics - View - PDF
  • Project Euclid (Cornell University) - View - PDF

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