Nonequilibrium Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics of boson lattice models

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2002-11-12

Citations: 136



Motivated by recent experiments on trapped ultra-cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice potential, we consider the non-equilibrium dynamic properties of such bosonic systems for a number of experimentally relevant situations. When the number of bosons per lattice site is large, there is a wide parameter regime where the effective boson interactions are strong, but the ground state remains a superfluid (and not a Mott insulator): we describe the conditions under which the dynamics in this regime can be described by a discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We describe the evolution of the phase coherence after the system is initially prepared in a Mott insulating state, and then allowed to evolve after a sudden change in parameters places it in a regime with a superfluid ground state. We also consider initial conditions with a "pi phase" imprint on a superfluid ground state (i.e. the initial phases of neighboring wells differ by pi), and discuss the subsequent appearance of density wave order and "Schrodinger cat" states.


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