On diophantine monoids and their class groups

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2002-11-01

Citations: 29

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2140/pjm.2002.207.125


A Diophantine monoid S is a monoid which consists of the set of solutions in nonnegative integers to a system of linear Diophantine equations.Given a Diophantine monoid S, we explore its algebraic properties in terms of its defining integer matrix A. If d r (S) and d c (S) denote respectively the minimal number of rows and minimal number of columns of a defining matrix A for S, then we prove in Section 3 that d r (S) = rank Cl(S) and d c (S) = rank Cl(S)+rank Q(S) where Cl(S) represents the divisor class group of S and Q(S) the quotient group of S. The proof relies on the characteristic properties of the so-called essential states of S, which are developed in Section 2. We close in Section 4 by offering a characterization of factorial Diophantine monoids and an algorithm which determines if a Diophantine monoid is halffactorial.


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