Restricted representations of classical Lie algebras of types 𝐴₂ and 𝐵₂

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1967-01-01

Citations: 30



The dimensions of the finite dimensional irreducible restricted modules for a Lie algebra of classical type have never been determined.C. W. Curtis ([5], [6]) has given sufficient, but not necessary, conditions that the dimension be given by Weyl's formula.In this paper, we give results which determine the dimensions of a certain class of finite dimensional irreducible restricted modules for a simple algebra of type A 2 or B 2 over a field of characteristic p>3.Counterexamples to a conjecture of N. Jacobson regarding the complete reducibility of certain modules for an algebra of classical type are given.Our method involves rather lengthy, though elementary, calculations (given in detail in [3]), and depends on a character formula for algebras of types A 2 or B 2 over the complex field, which is due to J. P. Antoine ([l], [2]).R. Steinberg has mentioned that the results for A 2 were obtained by Mark ([9]).


  • Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society - View - PDF

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