Nearly Linear Time Algorithms for Preconditioning and Solving Symmetric, Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2014-01-01

Citations: 388



We present a randomized algorithm that on input a symmetric, weakly diagonally dominant $n$-by-$n$ matrix $A$ with $m$ nonzero entries and an $n$-vector $b$ produces an ${\tilde{x}} $ such that $\|{\tilde{x}} - A^{\dagger} {b} \|_{A} \leq \epsilon \|A^{\dagger} {b}\|_{A}$ in expected time $O (m \log^{c}n \log (1/\epsilon))$ for some constant $c$. By applying this algorithm inside the inverse power method, we compute approximate Fiedler vectors in a similar amount of time. The algorithm applies subgraph preconditioners in a recursive fashion. These preconditioners improve upon the subgraph preconditioners first introduced by Vaidya in 1990. For any symmetric, weakly diagonally dominant matrix $A$ with nonpositive off-diagonal entries and $k \geq 1$, we construct in time $O (m \log^{c} n)$ a preconditioner $B$ of $A$ with at most $2 (n - 1) + O ((m/k) \log^{39} n)$ nonzero off-diagonal entries such that the finite generalized condition number $\kappa_{f} (A,B)$ is at most $k$, for some other constant $c$. In the special case when the nonzero structure of the matrix is planar the corresponding linear system solver runs in expected time $O (n \log^{2} n + n \log n \ \log \log n \ \log (1/\epsilon))$. We hope that our introduction of algorithms of low asymptotic complexity will lead to the development of algorithms that are also fast in practice.


  • SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • CiteSeer X (The Pennsylvania State University) - View - PDF

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