Bounds for the cohomology and the Castelnuovo regularity of certain surfaces

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1993-09-01

Citations: 7



Let X ⊆ P r be a reduced, irreducible and non-degenerate projective variety over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic 0. Let reg( x ) be the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the sheaf of ideals associated to X . Then it is an open problem—due to D. Eisenbud (see e.g. [E-Go])—whether (0.1) reg( X ) ≤ deg( x ) - codim ( x ) + 1, where deg( x ) denotes the degree of X and codim( x ) denotes the codimension of X . In many cases, this inequality has been proven to hold true.


  • Nagoya Mathematical Journal - View - PDF
  • Project Euclid (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • Zurich Open Repository and Archive (University of Zurich) - View - PDF

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