Distinguished representations and a Fourier summation formula

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1992-01-01

Citations: 31

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24033/bsmf.2193


YUVAL Z. FLICKER (*)RESUME.-Une nouvelle formule sommatoire de type Fourier est developpee dans Ie cadre du groupe lineaire, GL(n, -E), et du groupe unitaire quasi-deploye U('^, E /'jF), ou E est une extension quadratique d'un corps global F. Cette formule est utilisee pour reduire la forme precise de la conjecture de [Fl] reexprimee ci-dessous a une hypothese technique locale concernant les integrales orbitales de type Fourier.La conjecture est que Ie changement de base stable (si n est impair) et instable (si n est pair) est une surjection de Pensemble (a) des representations irreductibles automorphes, seriesdiscretes non degenerees, TT, du groupe de points adeliques de \j{n, E/F), sur Pensemble (b) des representations automorphes irreductibles, non degenerees, TT', du groupe des points adeliques de GL(n, E), induites normalisees d'une representation, p\ x • • • X pa, d'un sous-groupe parabolique de type (ni,... .no,),ou les pi sont des representations mutuellement inequivalentes, distinguees cuspidales et non degenerees du groupe des points adeliques de GL(n^,-E 1 ).ABSTRACT.-A new "Fourier" summation formula is developed in the context of both GL(n, E) and the quasi-split unitary group \j{n, E/F) associated with a quadratic extension E/F of global fields.It is used to reduce to a local technical conjecture concerning matching "Fourier" orbital integrals, the following precise form of the conjecture of [Fl].The stable (if n is odd) and the unstable (if n is even) base-change lifting is a surjection from (a) the set of irreducible automorphic discreteseries non-degenerate representations TT of the group of adele points on U(n, E/F), to (b) the set of automorphic irreducible non-degenerate representations TT' of GL(n,AjR;) normalizedly induced from a representation pi X • • • x pa of a parabolic subgroup of type (ni,... ,'n-a), where the pi are pairwise inequivalent distinguished cuspidal nondegenerate representations of GL(n^,A^;).Let E/F be a quadratic extension of global fields with char F -^ 2, AE and A = Ap their rings of adeles, and put G == GL(n), viewed as an F-group.Put G = G(F), G' = G{E\ G = C?(A), ^ = G(A^), and denote their centers by Z ^ F x , Z' ^ E x , Z ^ A^ Z' ^ A^,.Fix a unitary


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