Femtoscopy in hydrodynamics-inspired models with resonances

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2006-06-26

Citations: 71

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevc.73.064902


Effects of the choice of the freeze-out hypersurface and resonance decays on the Hanbury-Brown--Twiss (HBT) interferometry in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are studied in detail within a class of models with single freeze-out. The Monte-Carlo method, as implemented in THERMINATOR, is used to generate hadronic events describing production of particles from a thermalized and expanding source. All well-established hadronic resonances are included in the analysis as their role is crucial at large freeze-out temperatures. We find that presence of the the short-lived resonances increase the pionic HBT radii by about 1 fm. We use the two-particle method to extract the correlation functions, which allows us to study the Coulomb effects. We find that the pion HBT data from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider are fully compatible with the single freeze-out scenario, pointing at the shape of the freeze-out hypersurface where the transverse radius is decreasing with time. Results for the single-particle spectra for this situation are also presented. Finally, we present predictions for the kaon femtoscopy.


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