Cohomological Invariants in Galois Cohomology

Type: Book

Publication Date: 2003-06-20

Citations: 325



Cohomological invariants, Witt invariants, and trace forms: Contents by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Introduction by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi The notion of invariant by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Cohomological preliminaries: The local case by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Cohomological preliminaries: The function field case by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Specialization properties of cohomological invariants by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Restriction and corestriction of invariants by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Cohomological invariants of $O_n,SO_n,\ldots$ by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Cohomological invariants of etale algebras by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi Witt invariants by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi The trace form in dimension $\le 7$ by J.-P. Serre and S. Garibaldi A letter from M. Rost to J-P. Serre by M. Rost A letter from J-P. Serre to R. S. Garibaldi by J.-P. Serre A letter from B. Totaro to J-P. Serre by B. Totaro Rost invariants of simply connected algebraic groups: Contents by A. Merkurjev and S. Garibaldi Rost invariants of simply connected algebraic groups by A. Merkurjev and S. Garibaldi The groups $H^{d+1}(F,\mathbb{Q}^mathbb{Z}(d))$ by A. Merkurjev and S. Garibaldi Tables of Dynkin indices by A. Merkurjev and S. Garibaldi Bibliography Index of notation Index of terms.


  • University lecture series - View - PDF

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