Bruno Koobus


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Application of hybrid RANS/VMS modeling to rotating machines 2022 Florian Miralles
Bastien Sauvage
Stephen Wornom
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ References 2022 Alain Dervieux
Frédéric Alauzet
Adrien Loseille
Bruno Koobus
+ Advective vertex-centered Reconstruction Scheme on unstructured Meshes 2009 Hilde Ouvrard
Ilia Abalakin
T. K. Kozubskaya
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ PDF Chat Calculs de sensibilite par differentiation pour l'AĂ©rodynamique 2008 Alain Dervieux
Youssef Mesri
François Courty
Laurent Hascoët
Bruno Koobus
Mariano VĂĄzquez
+ Mesh adaptation by Optimal Control of a continuous model 2006 François Courty
Tristan Roy
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ Multilevel optimization of a supersonic aircraft 2004 Mariano VĂĄzquez
Alain Dervieux
Bruno Koobus
+ Computation of low Mach thermical flows with implicit upwind methods 2003 Éric Schall
C. Viozat
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ Spatial discretization issues for the energy conservation in compressible flow problems on moving grids 2003 Mariano VĂĄzquez
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
Ch. Farhat
+ Low Mach investigation of compressible airflow around a generic airship 2003 Yacine Bentaleb
Éric Schall
Bruno Koobus
Mohamed Amara
+ Turbulence modeling challenges in airship CFD studies 2003 Kamal El Omari
Éric Schall
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ Application of Unsteady Fluid-Structure Methods to Problems in Aeronautics and Space 2003 Alain Dervieux
Bruno Koobus
Éric Schall
R. Lardat
Charbel Farhat
+ Distributed 3D shape optimization with incomplete sensitivities and CAD-free framework for high-speed inviscid and viscous turbulent regimes 2000 Bruno Koobus
Bijan Mohammadi
Guillaume Puigt
+ PDF Chat A scaled and minimum overlap restricted additive Schwarz method with application to aerodynamics 2000 Marcus Sarkis
Bruno Koobus
+ Aeroelastic Coupling between a Thin Divergent and High Pressure Jets 2000 Bruno Koobus
Éric Schall
R. Lardat
Alain Dervieux
Charbel Farhat
+ On the implicit time integration of semi-discrete viscous fluxes on unstructured dynamic meshes 1999 Bruno Koobus
Charbel Farhat
+ On the implicit time integration of semi‐discrete viscous fluxes on unstructured dynamic meshes 1999 Bruno Koobus
Charbel Farhat
+ An Additive Standpoint in Parallel Two-Level Multigrid Algorithms 1994 Bruno Koobus
Marie-HĂ©lĂšne Lallemand
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. V. A second-order sequel to Godunov's method 1979 Bram van Leer
+ PDF Chat A class of implicit upwind schemes for Euler simulations with unstructured meshes 1989 Loula FĂ©zoui
B. Stoufflet
+ Mixed explicit/implicit time integration of coupled aeroelastic problems: Three‐field formulation, geometric conservation and distributed solution 1995 Charbel Farhat
Michel Lesoinne
Nathan Maman
+ Mixed-element-volume MUSCL methods with weak viscosity for steady and unsteady flow calculations 2000 Christophe Debiez
Alain Dervieux
+ Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors, and difference schemes 1981 Philip L. Roe
+ PDF Chat Convergence Analysis of the Defect-Correction Iteration for Hyperbolic Problems 1995 Jean‐Antoine DĂ©sidĂ©ri
Piet Hemker
+ Exact-gradient shape optimization of a 2-D Euler flow 1992 F. Beux
Alain Dervieux
+ A Restricted Additive Schwarz Preconditioner for General Sparse Linear Systems 1999 Xiao‐Chuan Cai
Marcus Sarkis
+ On the behaviour of upwind schemes in the low Mach number limit 1999 Hervé Guillard
C. Viozat
+ Computation of low Mach thermical flows with implicit upwind methods 2003 Éric Schall
C. Viozat
Bruno Koobus
Alain Dervieux
+ Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes 1997 Philip L. Roe
+ On the accuracy, stability, and performance of the solution of three-dimensional nonlinear transient aeroelastic problems by partitioned procedures 1996 Charbel Farhat
Michel Lesoinne
+ PDF Chat Preconditioned methods for solving the incompressible and low speed compressible equations 1987 Eli Turkel
+ Multilevel optimization of a supersonic aircraft 2004 Mariano VĂĄzquez
Alain Dervieux
Bruno Koobus
+ PDF Chat Advanced algorithms for design and optimization of Quiet Supersonic Platforms 2002 Juan J. Alonso
A. Jameson
Ilan Kroo
+ An analysis of time discretization in the finite element solution of hyperbolic problems 1987 J. Donéa
L. Quartapelle
Vittorio Selmin
+ Basic error estimates for elliptic problems 1991 Philippe G. Ciarlet
+ A Fast, Matrix-free Implicit Method for Compressible Flows on Unstructured Grids 1998 Hong Luo
Joseph D. Baum
Rainald Löhner
+ Fully anisotropic goal-oriented mesh adaptation for 3D steady Euler equations 2010 Adrien Loseille
Alain Dervieux
Frédéric Alauzet
+ A five equation reduced model for compressible two phase flow problems 2004 Angelo Murrone
Hervé Guillard
+ Numerical Simulation of the Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Two-Phase Flows 2000 SĂ©bastien Clerc
+ High-Re solutions for incompressible flow using the Navier-Stokes equations and a multigrid method 1982 Urmila Ghia
K. N. Ghia
C. T. Shin
+ Adaptive remeshing for compressible flow computations 1987 J. Peraire
Mehdi Vahdati
K. Morgan
O.C. Zienkiewicz
+ Uniformly High-Order Accurate Nonoscillatory Schemes. I 1987 Ami Harten
Stanley Osher
+ Adjoint methods for PDEs: <i>a posteriori</i> error analysis and postprocessing by duality 2002 Michael B. Giles
Endre SĂŒli
+ Semi-implicit extension of a godunov-type scheme based on low mach number asymptotics I: One-dimensional flow 1995 Rupert Klein
+ 3D transient fixed point mesh adaptation for time-dependent problems: Application to CFD simulations 2006 Frédéric Alauzet
Pascal Frey
Paul‐Louis George
Bijan Mohammadi
+ Nonhomogeneous Viscous Incompressible Fluids: Existence of Velocity, Density, and Pressure 1990 Jacques Simon
+ On Upstream Differencing and Godunov-Type Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 1983 Amiram Harten
Peter D. Lax
Bram van Leer
+ PDF Chat Log‐Euclidean metrics for fast and simple calculus on diffusion tensors 2006 Vincent Arsigny
Pierre Fillard
Xavier Pennec
Nicholas Ayache
+ On the Choice of Wavespeeds for the HLLC Riemann Solver 1997 Paul Batten
Nicholas Clarke
Christophe Lambert
D. M. Causon
+ Simulation of hypersonic flows on unstructured grids 1992 Vittorio Selmin
Luca Formaggia
+ Mesh Adaption and Automatic Differentiation for Optimal Shape Design 1998 Bijan Mohammadi
+ Numerical simulation of laminar flames at low Mach number by adaptive finite elements 1999 Roland Becker
Malte Braack
Rolf Rannacher
+ On positivity preserving finite volume schemes for Euler equations 1996 Benoı̂t Perthame
Chi‐Wang Shu
+ PDF Chat Local adaptive mesh refinement for shock hydrodynamics 1989 Marsha Berger
Phillip Colella
+ A New Class of Optimal High-Order Strong-Stability-Preserving Time Discretization Methods 2002 Raymond J. Spiteri
Steven J. Ruuth
+ Towards the Ultimate Conservative Difference Scheme 1997 Bram van Leer
+ PDF Chat How to Prevent Pressure Oscillations in Multicomponent Flow Calculations: A Quasi Conservative Approach 1996 RĂ©mi Abgrall
+ PDF Chat Airfoil design and optimization by the one-shot method 1995 Geojoe Kuruvila
Shlomo Ta’asan
M Salas
+ Discontinuous Galerkin methods 2003 Bernardo Cockburn
+ PDF Chat Aerodynamic shape optimization of wing and wing-body configurations using control theory 1995 Josephine Reuther
A. Jameson
+ PDF Chat A formalism for the differentiation of conservation laws 2002 Claude Bardos
Olivier Pironneau
+ Two-dimensional Euler computations on a triangular mesh using an upwind, finite-volume scheme 1988 David L. Whitaker
+ Optimization of low boom configuration of SST by genetic algorithm 1998 Hayato Yamaguchi
Yoshiaki Nakamura
+ None 2000 Michael B. Giles
Niles A. Pierce
+ A Comparative Study of Computational Methods in Cosmic Gas Dynamics 1997 G.D. van Albada
Bram van Leer
William W. Roberts
+ A finite-volume, adaptive grid algorithm applied to planetary entry flowfields 1983 Peter A. Gnoffo
+ PDF Chat <b>P</b><sup>1</sup>‐conservative solution interpolation on unstructured triangular meshes 2010 FrĂ©dĂ©ric Alauzet
Michel MĂ©hrenberger
+ Aeroelastic Coupling between a Thin Divergent and High Pressure Jets 2000 Bruno Koobus
Éric Schall
R. Lardat
Alain Dervieux
Charbel Farhat