Jane O. Swafford


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics 2013 Jeremy Kilpatrick
Jane O. Swafford
Bradford R. Findell
+ Grade 6 Students' Preinstructional Use of Equations to Describe and Represent Problem Situations 2000 Jane O. Swafford
Cynthia W. Langrall
+ Increased Knowledge in Geometry and Instructional Practice 1997 Jane O. Swafford
Graham A. Jones
Carol A. Thornton
+ Issues in Mathematics Assessment in the United States 1993 John A. Dossey
Jane O. Swafford
+ The Fourth NAEP Mathematics Assessment: Performance Trends and Results and Trends for Instructional Indicators 1988 Edward A. Silver
Mary Montgomery Lindquist
Thomas P. Carpenter
Catherine A. Brown
Vicky L. Kouba
Jane O. Swafford
+ Results of the Fourth NAEP Assessment of Mathematics: Trends and Conclusions 1988 Thomas P. Carpenter
Mary Montgomery Lindquist
Catherine A. Brown
Vicky L. Kouba
Edward A. Silver
Jane O. Swafford
+ Secondary School Results for the Fourth NAEP Mathematics Assessment: Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Methods, and Attitudes 1988 Catherine A. Brown
Thomas P. Carpenter
Vicky L. Kouba
Mary Montgomery Lindquist
Edward A. Silver
Jane O. Swafford
+ Results of the Fourth NAEP Assessment of Mathematics: Number, Operations, and Word Problems 1988 Vicky L. Kouba
Catherine A. Brown
Thomas P. Carpenter
Mary Montgomery Lindquist
Edward A. Silver
Jane O. Swafford
+ Sex Differences in First-Year Algebra 1980 Jane O. Swafford
+ Sex Differences in First-Year Algebra 1980 Jane O. Swafford
+ The Evaluation of an Application-Oriented First-Year Algebra Program 1980 Jane O. Swafford
Henry S. Kepner
+ The Evaluation of an Application-Oriented First-Year Algebra Program 1980 Jane O. Swafford
Henry S. Kepner
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Longitudinal Study of Learning to Use Children's Thinking in Mathematics Instruction 1996 Élizabeth Fennema
Thomas P. Carpenter
Megan L. Franke
Linda Levi
Victoria R. Jacobs
Susan B. Empson
+ Advanced Mathematical Thinking Processes 2002 Tommy Dreyfus
+ The Study of Mathematics By High School Girls and Boys: Related Variables 1977 Julia A. Sherman
Élizabeth Fennema
+ Construction of Arithmetical Meanings and Strategies 1988 Leslie P. Steffe
Paul Cobb
+ Elementary School Mathematics: A Guide to Current Research. Fourth Edition. 1968 Leroy G. Callahan
Vincent J. Glennon
+ None 1997 Graham A. Jones
Cynthia W. Langrall
Carol A. Thornton
A. T. Mogill
+ Approaches to Algebra: Perspectives for Research and Teaching 1996 Nadine Bednarz
Carolyn Kieran
Lesley Lee
+ Children's Mathematical Thinking: A Developmental Framework for Preschool, Primary, and Special Education Teachers 1987 Arthur J. Baroody
+ The State of mathematics achievement: NAEP's 1990 assessment of the nation and the trial assessment of the states 1992 Ina V. S. Mullis
John A. Dossey
E. Owen
Gary W. Phillips
+ The Development of Numerical Understandings 1982 Robert S. Siegler
Mitchell B. Robinson
+ Children’s Counting and Concepts of Number 1988 Karen C. Fuson
+ Mathematics, Gender, and Research 2006 Élizabeth Fennema
+ Emergence and Development of Algebra as a Problem-Solving Tool: Continuities and Discontinuities with Arithmetic 1996 Nadine Bednarz
Bernadette Janvier
+ Research on whole number addition and subtraction. 1992 Karen C. Fuson
+ Supporting Latino First Graders' Ten-Structured Thinking in Urban Classrooms 1997 Karen C. Fuson
Steven T. Smith
Ana Marie Lo Cicero
+ The development of algebra: Confronting historical and psychological perspectives 1995 Anna Sfard
+ Ratio and Proportion: Connecting Content and Children's Thinking 1993 Susan J. Lamon
+ Reflections of evolution and culture in children's cognition: Implications for mathematical development and instruction. 1995 David C. Geary
+ Confounding Whole-Number and Fraction Concepts When Building on Informal Knowledge 1995 Nancy K. Mack
+ Countable entities: Developmental changes 1990 Elizabeth F. Shipley
Barbara A. Shepperson
+ The Child's Conception of Number 1953 E. A. Peel
J. Piaget
+ A mental model for early arithmetic. 1994 Janellen Huttenlocher
Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
+ Nonintellective variables and mathematics achievement: Directions for research 1970 Lewis R. Aiken
+ Children's understanding of counting 1990 Karen Wynn
+ Effects of Language Characteristics on Children's Cognitive Representation of Number: Cross-National Comparisons 1988 Irene T. Miura
Chungsoon C. Kim
Chih-Mei Chang
Yuko Okamoto
+ A cognitive gap between arithmetic and algebra 1994 Nicolas Herscovics
Liora Linchevski
+ A featural analysis of preschoolers' counting knowledge. 1984 Diane J. Briars
Robert S. Siegler
+ Using Knowledge of Children’s Mathematics Thinking in Classroom Teaching: An Experimental Study 1989 Thomas P. Carpenter
Élizabeth Fennema
Penelope L. Peterson
Chi-Pang Chiang
Megan Loef
+ Comprehension of arithmetic word problems: A comparison of successful and unsuccessful problem solvers. 1995 Mary Hegarty
Richard E. Mayer
Christopher A. Monk
+ Sex differences in algebraic ability. 1930 Glenn R. Pease
+ A Rational-Constructivist Account of Early Learning About Numbers and Objects 1993 Rochel Gelman
+ Young children's numerical competence 1986 Rochel Gelman
Elizabeth Meck
Susan Merkin
+ How children change their minds: Strategy change can be gradual or abrupt. 1999 Martha W. Alibali
+ Four aspects of strategic change: Contributions to children's learning of multiplication. 1995 Patrick Lemaire
Robert S. Siegler
+ Calculation Abilities in Young Children with Different Patterns of Cognitive Functioning 1995 Nancy C. Jordan
Susan C. Levine
Janellen Huttenlocher
+ Early Developments in Children's Understanding of Number: Inferences about Numerosity and One-to-One Correspondence 1988 Catherine Sophian
+ PDF Chat First principles organize attention to and learning about relevant data: Number and the animate-inanimate distinction as examples 1990 Rochel Gelman
+ Instruction, Understanding, and Skill in Multidigit Addition and Subtraction 1996 James Hiebert
Diana Wearne
+ Using a Base-Ten Blocks Learning/Teaching Approach for First- and Second-Grade Place-Value and Multidigit Addition and Subtraction 1990 Karen C. Fuson
Diane J. Briars
+ Instruction on Derived Facts Strategies in Addition and Subtraction 1985 Ruth Steinberg
+ In young children's counting, procedures precede principles 1991 Robert S. Siegler
+ Assigning Average-Achieving Eighth Graders to Advanced Mathematics Classes in an Urban Junior High 1992 DeWayne A. Mason
Darline D. Schroeter
Ronald K. Combs
Karen Washington
+ Talking about Rates Conceptually, Part I: A Teacher's Struggle 1994 Patrick W Thompson
Alba G. Thompson
+ Counting in Chinese: Cultural variation in a basic cognitive skill 1987 Kevin F. Miller
James W. Stigler
+ Matching, Counting, and Conservation of Numerical Equivalence 1983 Karen C. Fuson
Walter G. Secada
James W. Hall
+ The perils of averaging data over strategies: An example from children's addition. 1987 Robert S. Siegler
+ Levels in Conceptualizing and Solving Addition and Subtraction Compare Word Problems 1996 Karen C. Fuson
William M. Carroll
Judith Landis
+ Preschoolers' counting: Principles before skill 1983 Rochel Gelman
Elizabeth Meck
+ Doing Mathematics Without Understanding It: A Commentary on Higbee and Kunihira 1985 Jeremy Kilpatrick
+ Chapter 2 Relationships Children Construct Among English Number Words, Multiunit Base-Ten Blocks, And Written Multidigit Addition 1992 Karen C. Fuson
Judith L. Fraivillig
Birch H. Burghardt