Guangming Xue


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Multipurpose architecture for fast reset and protective readout of superconducting qubits 2025 Jiayu Ding
Yulong Li
He Wang
Guangming Xue
Tang Su
Chenlu Wang
Weijie Sun
Feiyu Li
Yujia Zhang
Yang Gao
+ PDF Chat Multi-Purpose Architecture for Fast Reset and Protective Readout of Superconducting Qubits 2024 Jiayu Ding
Yulong Li
He Wang
Guangming Xue
Tang Su
Chenlu Wang
Weijie Sun
Feiyu Li
Yujia Zhang
Yang Gao
+ PDF Chat Performing <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi>SU</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math> Operations and Rudimentary Algorithms in a Superconducting Transmon Qudit for <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:math> and <mml:math xmlns:mml="
 2023 Pei Liu
Ruixia Wang
Jing-Ning Zhang
Yingshan Zhang
Xiaoxia Cai
Huikai Xu
Zhiyuan Li
Jiaxiu Han
Xuegang Li
Guangming Xue
+ Protecting quantum entanglement between error-corrected logical qubits 2023 Weizhou Cai
Xianghao Mu
Weiting Wang
Jie Zhou
Yuwei Ma
Xiaoxuan Pan
Z. Hua
Xinyu Liu
Guangming Xue
Haifeng Yu
+ Performing SU($d$) operations and rudimentary algorithms in a superconducting transmon qudit for $d=3$ and $d=4$ 2023 Pei Liu
Ruixia Wang
Jing-Ning Zhang
Yingshan Zhang
Xiaoxia Cai
Huikai Xu
Zhiyuan Li
Jiaxiu Han
Xuegang Li
Guangming Xue
+ Probing spin hydrodynamics on a superconducting quantum simulator 2023 Yun‐Hao Shi
Zheng‐Hang Sun
Yongyi Wang
Zheng‐An Wang
Yu-Ran Zhang
Wei‐Guo Ma
Hao-Tian Liu
Kui Zhao
Jiacheng Song
Gui-Han Liang
+ Spurious microwave crosstalk in floating superconducting circuits 2022 Peng Zhao
Yingshan Zhang
Xuegang Li
Jiaxiu Han
Huikai Xu
Guangming Xue
Yirong Jin
Haifeng Yu
+ Simulating Chern insulators on a superconducting quantum processor 2022 Zhongcheng Xiang
Kaixuan Huang
Yu-Ran Zhang
Tao Liu
Yun‐Hao Shi
Cheng‐Lin Deng
Tong Liu
Hao Li
Gui-Han Liang
Zheng-Yang Mei
+ Quantum crosstalk analysis for simultaneous gate operations on superconducting qubits 2021 Peng Zhao
Kehuan Linghu
Zhiyuan Li
Peng Xu
Ruixia Wang
Guangming Xue
Yirong Jin
Haifeng Yu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Autonomously stabilized entanglement between two superconducting quantum bits 2013 Shyam Shankar
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S. M. Girvin
Luigi Frunzio
Mazyar Mirrahimi
M. H. Devoret
+ PDF Chat Fast Accurate State Measurement with Superconducting Qubits 2014 E. Jeffrey
D. Sank
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R. Barends
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+ PDF Chat Linear Optical Quantum Computing in a Single Spatial Mode 2013 Peter C. Humphreys
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+ PDF Chat Cavity-Assisted Quantum Bath Engineering 2012 Kater Murch
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+ PDF Chat A variational eigenvalue solver on a photonic quantum processor 2014 Alberto Peruzzo
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+ PDF Chat Coherence and Decay of Higher Energy Levels of a Superconducting Transmon Qubit 2015 Michael Peterer
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+ PDF Chat Coherent population transfer between uncoupled or weakly coupled states in ladder-type superconducting qutrits 2016 Huikai Xu
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+ PDF Chat Hardware-Efficient and Fully Autonomous Quantum Error Correction in Superconducting Circuits 2016 Eliot Kapit
+ PDF Chat Measurement-Induced State Transitions in a Superconducting Qubit: Beyond the Rotating Wave Approximation 2016 D. Sank
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+ PDF Chat Dynamical Engineering of Interactions in Qudit Ensembles 2017 Soonwon Choi
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+ PDF Chat High-Dimensional Single-Photon Quantum Gates: Concepts and Experiments 2017 Amin Babazadeh
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+ PDF Chat Fast and Unconditional All-Microwave Reset of a Superconducting Qubit 2018 Paul Magnard
Philipp Kurpiers
Baptiste Royer
T. Walter
Jean-Claude Besse
Simone Gasparinetti
Marek Pechal
Johannes Heinsoo
Simon Storz
Alexandre Blais
+ PDF Chat Quantum computational chemistry 2020 Sam McArdle
Suguru Endo
Alán Aspuru‐Guzik
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+ PDF Chat Quantum process tomography via completely positive and trace-preserving projection 2018 George C. Knee
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Erik M. Gauger
+ PDF Chat Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions 2017 Florentin Reiter
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+ PDF Chat Qudits and High-Dimensional Quantum Computing 2020 Yuchen Wang
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+ PDF Chat Practical trapped-ion protocols for universal qudit-based quantum computing 2020 Pei Jiang Low
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+ PDF Chat Rapid High-Fidelity Single-Shot Dispersive Readout of Superconducting Qubits 2017 T. Walter
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Paul Magnard
Anton Potočnik
Yves Salathé
Marek Pechal
Mintu Mondal
Markus Oppliger
Christopher Eichler
+ PDF Chat Entanglement and complexity of interacting qubits subject to asymmetric noise 2020 Eliot Kapit
P. Roushan
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+ PDF Chat Protecting superconducting qubits from radiation 2011 Antonio CĂłrcoles
Jerry M. Chow
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Chad Rigetti
John Rozen
George Keefe
Mary Beth Rothwell
M. B. Ketchen
Matthias Steffen
+ PDF Chat Rapid High-fidelity Multiplexed Readout of Superconducting Qubits 2018 Johannes Heinsoo
Christian Kraglund Andersen
Ants Remm
Sebastian Krinner
Theodore Walter
Yves Salathé
Simone Gasparinetti
Jean-Claude Besse
Anton Potočnik
A. Wallraff
+ PDF Chat Fast reset and suppressing spontaneous emission of a superconducting qubit 2010 Matthew D. Reed
Blake Johnson
Andrew Houck
L. DiCarlo
Jerry M. Chow
David Schuster
Luigi Frunzio
R. J. Schoelkopf
+ PDF Chat Twisted photons: new quantum perspectives in high dimensions 2017 Manuel Erhard
Robert Fickler
Mario Krenn
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Scalable Quantum Simulation of Molecular Energies 2016 P. O’Malley
Ryan Babbush
Ian Kivlichan
Jonathan Romero
Jarrod R. McClean
R. Barends
J. Kelly
P. Roushan
Andrew Tranter
Nan Ding
+ PDF Chat Mechanical Purcell filters for microwave quantum machines 2019 Agnetta Y. Cleland
Marek Pechal
Pieter-Jan Stas
Christopher J. Sarabalis
E. Alex Wollack
Amir H. Safavi-Naeini
+ PDF Chat Quantum Chemistry Calculations on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator 2018 Cornelius Hempel
Christine Maier
Jonathan Romero
Jarrod R. McClean
Thomas Monz
Heng Shen
Petar Jurcevic
B. P. Lanyon
Peter J. Love
Ryan Babbush
+ PDF Chat Pulsed Reset Protocol for Fixed-Frequency Superconducting Qubits 2018 Daniel J. Egger
Max Werninghaus
Marc Ganzhorn
G. Salis
Andreas Fuhrer
PĂ©ter MĂŒller
Stefan Filipp
+ PDF Chat Low-Latency Digital Signal Processing for Feedback and Feedforward in Quantum Computing and Communication 2018 Yves Salathé
Philipp Kurpiers
Thomas Karg
C. B. Lang
Christian Kraglund Andersen
Abdulkadir Akın
Sebastian Krinner
Christopher Eichler
A. Wallraff