J. Fernández Rico


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Multipole moments from the partition–expansion method 2013 R. López
G. Ramı́rez
J.J. Fernández
I. Ema
J. Fernández Rico
+ Molecular Slater Integrals for Electronic Energy Calculations 2010 R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
J. Fernández Rico
+ PDF Chat Efficient evaluation of the Fourier transform over products of Slater-type orbitals on different centers 2008 Thomas A. Niehaus
R. López
J. Fernández Rico
+ PDF Chat Three‐center Coulomb repulsion integrals with Slater functions 2008 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ Auxiliary functions for molecular integrals with Slater‐type orbitals. II. Gauss transform methods 2007 I. Ema
R. López
J.J. Fernández
G. Ramı́rez
J. Fernández Rico
+ Auxiliary functions for molecular integrals with Slater‐type orbitals. I. Translation methods 2006 J.J. Fernández
R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
J. Fernández Rico
+ Translation of STO charge distributions 2005 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ PDF Chat Efficiency of the algorithms for the calculation of Slater molecular integrals in polyatomic molecules 2004 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ Electric field integrals for Slater‐type orbitals 2004 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
I. Ema
+ Coulomb integrals for Gaussian, Slater, Bessel and polynomial-type functions 2001 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Four‐center integrals for Gaussian and exponential functions 2001 J. Fernández Rico
Julio J. Contreras Fernández
I. Ema
Rocío Martínez López
Galo Ramı́rez
+ New program for molecular calculations with Slater‐type orbitals 2001 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
Ana Aguado
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ Molecular integrals for Gaussian and exponential-type functions: Shift operators 2000 J. Fernández Rico
José J. Fernández
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Reference program for molecular calculations with Slater-type orbitals 1998 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
A. Aguado
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ Multiple one-center expansions of charge distributions associated with Slater orbitals 1998 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
I. Ema
+ Calculation of many-centre two-electron molecular integrals with STO 1997 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. V. Recurrence algorithm for the exchange integrals 1994 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
C. Tablero
+ Exchange integrals: Comparison of numerical and analytical procedures 1994 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
C. Tablero
+ Long‐Range multicenter integrals with slater functions: Gauss transform‐based methods 1993 J. Fernández Rico
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. IV. Ellipsoidal coordinate methods for three-center nuclear attraction integrals 1992 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. III. Three-center nuclear attraction integrals 1991 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Calculation of integrals with slater basis from the one‐range expansion of the 0<i>s</i> function 1990 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. II. Fast computational algorithms 1989 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. I. General approach 1989 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Calculation of the one‐electron two‐center integrals with <scp>STOS</scp> using recurrence‐based algorithms 1988 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Simplified expansion of Slater orbitals about displaced centers 1988 J. Fernández Rico
Rafael Lóapez
G. Ramíarez
+ Large gaussian expansions of sto’s for the calculation of many-center molecular integrals with slater basis 1987 R. López
G. Ramı́rez
José M. Garcı́a de la Vega
J. Fernández Rico
+ Recurrence relations for the expansion of Slater-type orbitals about displaced centers 1986 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
+ An economical technique for forcing convergence in conventional SCF methods 1983 J. Fernández Rico
José M. Garcı́a de la Vega
Miguel Paniagua
J.I. Fernández-Alonso
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Large gaussian expansions of sto’s for the calculation of many-center molecular integrals with slater basis 1987 R. López
G. Ramı́rez
José M. Garcı́a de la Vega
J. Fernández Rico
+ Calculation of the one‐electron two‐center integrals with <scp>STOS</scp> using recurrence‐based algorithms 1988 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Unified analytical treatment of overlap, two-center nuclear attraction, and Coulomb integrals of<i>B</i>functions via the Fourier-transform method 1986 Ernst Joachim Weniger
Johannes Grotendorst
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. I. General approach 1989 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Fourier transform of a two-center product of exponential-type orbitals. Application to one- and two-electron multicenter integrals 1983 Harit P Trivedi
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Reference program for molecular calculations with Slater-type orbitals 1998 J. Fern�ndez Rico
R. L�pez
Alfredo Aguado
I. Ema
G. Ram�rez
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 7
+ About evaluation of many-center molecular integrals 1966 Yves G. Smeyers
+ Computational quantum chemistry in terms of multicenter Slater‐type orbitals: Entirely numerical procedure for the accurate evaluation of the basic integrals 2003 C. Guidotti
Oriano Salvetti
Nicola Durante
U. T. Lamanna
G. P. Arrighini
+ Master formulas for two- and three-center one-electron integrals involving Cartesian GTO, STO, and BTO 2000 J. Fern�ndez Rico
J. J. Fern�ndez
I. Ema
R. L�pez
G. Ram�rez
+ New program for molecular calculations with Slater-type orbitals 2000 J. Fern�ndez Rico
R. L�pez
Alfredo Aguado
I. Ema
G. Ram�rez
+ Efficient evaluation of infinite-series representations for overlap, two-center nuclear attraction, and Coulomb integrals using nonlinear convergence accelerators 1986 Johannes Grotendorst
Ernst Joachim Weniger
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Molecular integrals over slater orbitals 1990 Michael P. Barnett
+ Improved quadrature methods for the Fourier transform of a two‐center product of exponential‐type basis functions 1992 Herbert H. H. Homeier
E. Otto Steinborn
+ The Fourier transforms of some exponential-type basis functions and their relevance to multicenter problems 1983 Ernst Joachim Weniger
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Molecular integrals for Gaussian and exponential-type functions: Shift operators 2000 J. Fern�ndez Rico
J. J. Fern�ndez
R. L�pez
G. Ram�rez
+ PDF Chat Efficiency of the algorithms for the calculation of Slater molecular integrals in polyatomic molecules 2004 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
I. Ema
G. Ramı́rez
+ Use of addition theorems in evaluation of multicenter nuclear-attraction and electron-repulsion integrals with integer and noninteger n Slater-type orbitals 2002 I. I. Guseinov
Б. А. Мамедов
+ Digital erosion in the evaluation of molecular integrals 2002 Michael P. Barnett
+ Programs for the evaluation of overlap integrals with B functions 1992 Herbert H. H. Homeier
Ernst Joachim Weniger
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Auxiliary functions for Slater molecular integrals 1993 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
J. I. Fernández-Alonso
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. IV. Ellipsoidal coordinate methods for three-center nuclear attraction integrals 1992 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Numerical evaluation of molecular one- and two-electron multicenter integrals with exponential-type orbitals via the Fourier-transform method 1988 Johannes Grotendorst
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Calculation of integrals with slater basis from the one‐range expansion of the 0<i>s</i> function 1990 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Two-Center Exchange Integrals between Slater-Type Atomic Orbitals 1969 Ernest L. Mehler
Klaus Ruedenberg
+ Recent progress on representations for Coulomb integrals of exponential-type orbitals 1992 E. Otto Steinborn
Herbert H. H. Homeier
Ernst Joachim Weniger
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. III. Three-center nuclear attraction integrals 1991 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Recurrence relations for the expansion of Slater-type orbitals about displaced centers 1986 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
+ Molecular integrals with Slater basis. II. Fast computational algorithms 1989 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Improved quadrature methods for three‐center nuclear attraction integrals with exponential‐type basis functions 1991 Herbert H. H. Homeier
E. Otto Steinborn
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ Analytic evaluation of two‐center STO electron repulsion integrals via ellipsoidal expansion 2002 Frank E. Harris
+ Evaluation of two‐center overlap and nuclear attraction integrals over Slater‐type orbitals with integer and noninteger principal quantum numbers 2001 Telhat Özdoğan
Metin Orbay
+ Calculation of coulomb integrals in molecules over an spd basis of STO 1987 Philip E. Hoggan
D. Rinaldi
+ Evaluation of overlap integrals with integer and noninteger n Slater-type orbitals using auxiliary functions 2002 I. I. Guseinov
Б. А. Мамедов
+ Unified treatment for the evaluation of arbitrary multielectron multicenter molecular integrals over Slater‐type orbitals with noninteger principal quantum numbers 2003 Telhat Özdoğan
+ Calculation of molecular electric and magnetic multipole moment integrals of integer and noninteger <i>n</i> Slater orbitals using overlap integrals 2003 I. I. Guseinov
Б. А. Мамедов
+ On the calculation of arbitrary multielectron molecular integrals over Slater‐type orbitals using recurrence relations for overlap integrals. III. Auxiliary functions \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$Q_{nn'}^{q}$\end{document} and \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$G_{-nn'}^{q}$\end{document} 2001 I. I. Guseinov
Б. А. Мамедов
+ Coulomb integrals for Gaussian, Slater, Bessel and polynomial-type functions 2001 J. Fernández Rico
R. López
G. Ramı́rez
+ Calculation of nuclear-attraction and modified overlap integrals using Gegenbauer coefficients* 2002 Emin Öztekin
Selda Özcan
Metin Orbay
Metin Yavuz
+ Calculation of molecular integrals over Slater-type orbitals using recurrence relations for overlap integrals and basic one-center Coulomb integrals 2002 I. I. Guseinov
Б. А. Мамедов
A.M. Rzaeva
+ Addition theorems for<i>B</i>functions and other exponentially declining functions 1989 Ernst Joachim Weniger
E. Otto Steinborn
+ On the evaluation of overlap integrals with exponential‐type basis functions 1992 Herbert H. H. Homeier
E. Otto Steinborn
+ Multicentre two-electron Coulomb and exchange integrals over Slater functions evaluated using a generalized algorithm based on nonlinear transformations 2004 Lilian Berlu
Hassan Safouhi
+ Unified analytical treatment of one‐electron multicenter integrals of central and noncentral potentials over Slater orbitals 2002 I. I. Guseinov
+ Nuclear attraction and electron interaction integrals of exponentially decaying functions and the Poisson equation 1992 E. Otto Steinborn
Ernst Joachim Weniger
+ New methods for accelerating the convergence of molecular electronic integrals over exponential type orbitals 2003 Hassan Safouhi
Philip E. Hoggan
+ Computation of molecular integrals over Slater-type orbitals. X. Calculation of overlap integrals with integer and noninteger n Slater orbitals using complete orthonormal sets of exponential functions 2002 I. I. Guseinov
Б. А. Мамедов
N. Sünel
+ Symbolic calculation of auxiliary functions for molecular integrals over slater orbitals 2000 Michael P. Barnett
+ Exact Gaussian expansions of Slater‐type atomic orbitals 2002 André Severo Pereira Gomes
Rogério Custódio