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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Distilling Gaussian States with Gaussian Operations is Impossible 2002 Jens Eisert
Stefan Scheel
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Improvement on teleportation of continuous variables by photon subtraction via conditional measurement 2000 Tomáš Opatrný
Gershon Kurizki
D.‐G. Welsch
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum teleportation 1997 Dik Bouwmeester
Jian-Wei Pan
Klaus Mattle
Manfred Eibl
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Schrödinger Cat States for Quantum Information Processing 2007 Hyunseok Jeong
Timothy C. Ralph
+ PDF Chat A high-fidelity noiseless amplifier for quantum light states 2010 Alessandro Zavatta
Jaromı́r Fiurášek
M. Bellini
+ PDF Chat Computable measure of entanglement 2002 Guifré Vidal
Reinhard F. Werner
+ PDF Chat Generation of Large-Amplitude Coherent-State Superposition via Ancilla-Assisted Photon Subtraction 2008 Hiroki Takahashi
Kentaro Wakui
Shigenari Suzuki
Masahiro Takeoka
Kazuhiro Hayasaka
Akira Furusawa
Masahide Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Macroscopically distinct quantum-superposition states as a bosonic code for amplitude damping 1999 P. T. Cochrane
G. J. Milburn
William J. Munro
+ PDF Chat Quantum State Reconstruction of the Single-Photon Fock State 2001 A. I. Lvovsky
H. Hansen
Thomas Aichele
Oliver Benson
J. Mlynek
S. Schiller
+ PDF Chat Heralded noiseless linear amplification and distillation of entanglement 2010 Guo‐Yong Xiang
Timothy C. Ralph
Austin P. Lund
Nathan Walk
Geoff J. Pryde
+ PDF Chat Testing Bell inequalities with photon-subtracted Gaussian states 2008 Hyunseok Jeong
+ PDF Chat Quantum Homodyne Tomography of a Two-Photon Fock State 2006 Alexei Ourjoumtsev
Rosa Tualle-Brouri
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Time gating of heralded single photons for atomic memories 2009 B. Melholt Nielsen
Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of Coherent-State Discrimination Using a Displacement-Controlled Photon-Number-Resolving Detector 2010 Christoffer Wittmann
Ulrik L. Andersen
Masahiro Takeoka
Denis Sych
Gerd Leuchs
+ PDF Chat Conditional generation of an arbitrary superposition of coherent states 2007 Masahiro Takeoka
Masahide Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Characterization of Gaussian operations and distillation of Gaussian states 2002 G. Giedke
J. I. Cirac
+ PDF Chat Iterative Entanglement Distillation: Approaching the Elimination of Decoherence 2010 Boris Hage
Aiko Samblowski
James DiGuglielmo
Jaromı́r Fiurášek
Roman Schnabel
+ PDF Chat Generation of optical coherent-state superpositions by number-resolved photon subtraction from the squeezed vacuum 2010 Thomas Gerrits
Scott Glancy
Tracy S. Clement
Brice Calkins
Adriana E. Lita
Aaron Miller
Alan L. Migdall
Sae Woo Nam
Richard P. Mirin
Emanuel Knill
+ PDF Chat Proposed Test of Quantum Nonlocality for Continuous Variables 2004 Hyunchul Nha
H. J. Carmichael
+ A bridge between the single-photon and squeezed-vacuum states 2010 Nitin Jain
S.R. Huisman
Erwan Bimbard
A. I. Lvovsky
+ PDF Chat Fault-Tolerant Linear Optical Quantum Computing with Small-Amplitude Coherent States 2008 Austin P. Lund
Timothy C. Ralph
Henry L. Haselgrove
+ PDF Chat Driving non-Gaussian to Gaussian states with linear optics 2003 Dan E. Browne
Jens Eisert
Stefan Scheel
Martin B. Plenio
+ PDF Chat Experimental Demonstration of the Bosonic Commutation Relation via Superpositions of Quantum Operations on Thermal Light Fields 2009 Alessandro Zavatta
Valentina Parigi
M. S. Kim
Hyunseok Jeong
M. Bellini
+ PDF Chat Noise-powered probabilistic concentration of phase information 2010 Mario A. Usuga
C. Müller
Christoffer Wittmann
Petr Marek
Radim Filip
Christoph Marquardt
Gerd Leuchs
Ulrik L. Andersen
+ PDF Chat Generating Schrödinger-cat-like states by means of conditional measurements on a beam splitter 1997 Mohammed Dakna
Tiemo Anhut
Tomáš Opatrný
L. Knöll
D.‐G. Welsch
+ PDF Chat Purification of Noisy Entanglement and Faithful Teleportation via Noisy Channels 1996 Charles H. Bennett
Gilles Brassard
Sandu Popescu
Benjamin Schumacher
John A. Smolin
William K. Wootters
+ PDF Chat Efficient quantum computation using coherent states 2002 Hyunseok Jeong
M. S. Kim
+ Photon subtracted squeezed states generated with periodically poled KTiOPO_4 2007 Kentaro Wakui
Hiroki Takahashi
Akira Furusawa
Masahide Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Engineering of optical continuous-variable qubits via displaced photon subtraction: multimode analysis 2010 Masahiro Takeoka
Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
Makoto Takeuchi
Kentaro Wakui
Hiroki Takahashi
K. Hayasaka
Masahide Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Gaussian Transformations and Distillation of Entangled Gaussian States 2002 Jaromı́r Fiurášek
+ PDF Chat Classical Capacity of the Lossy Bosonic Channel: The Exact Solution 2004 Vittorio Giovannetti
Saikat Guha
Seth Lloyd
Lorenzo Maccone
J.H. Shapiro
Horace P. Yuen
+ PDF Chat Generation of a Superposition of Odd Photon Number States for Quantum Information Networks 2006 Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
B. Melholt Nielsen
Christian Hettich
Klaus Mølmer
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Continuous‐variable quantum information processing 2009 Ulrik L. Andersen
Gerd Leuchs
Christine Silberhorn
+ PDF Chat Elementary gates for quantum information with superposed coherent states 2010 Petr Marek
Jaromı́r Fiurášek
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of Near-Optimal Discrimination of Optical Coherent States 2008 Christoffer Wittmann
Masahiro Takeoka
K. N. Cassemiro
Masahide Sasaki
Gerd Leuchs
Ulrik L. Andersen
+ PDF Chat Teleportation improvement by inconclusive photon subtraction 2003 Stefano Olivares
Matteo G. A. Paris
Rodolfo Bonifacio
+ PDF Chat Entanglement distillation from Gaussian input states 2010 Hiroki Takahashi
Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen
Makoto Takeuchi
Masahiro Takeoka
Kazuhiro Hayasaka
Akira Furusawa
Masahide Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Non-Gaussian states from continuous-wave Gaussian light sources 2006 Klaus Mølmer
+ PDF Chat Implementation of a Nondeterministic Optical Noiseless Amplifier 2010 Franck Ferreyrol
Marco Barbieri
Rémi Blandino
Simon Fossier
Rosa Tualle-Brouri
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Proposal for a Loophole-Free Bell Test Using Homodyne Detection 2004 Raúl García−Patrón
Jaromı́r Fiurášek
Nicolas J. Cerf
Jérôme Wenger
Rosa Tualle-Brouri
P. Grangier
+ PDF Chat Optical hybrid approaches to quantum information 2010 Peter van Loock
+ PDF Chat Quantum interface between light and atomic ensembles 2010 Klemens Hammerer
Anders S. Sørensen
E. S. Polzik
+ PDF Chat Quantum information with continuous variables 2005 Samuel L. Braunstein
Peter van Loock
+ PDF Chat Continuous-variable optical quantum-state tomography 2009 A. I. Lvovsky
Michael G. Raymer
+ Efficient Classical Simulation of Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processes 2002 Stephen D. Bartlett
Barry C. Sanders
Samuel L. Braunstein
Kae Nemoto
+ PDF Chat Quantum-optical state engineering up to the two-photon level 2010 Erwan Bimbard
Nitin Jain
Andrew MacRae
A. I. Lvovsky
+ PDF Chat Homodyne Tomography Characterization and Nonlocality of a Dual-Mode Optical Qubit 2004 С. А. Бабичев
J. Appel
A. I. Lvovsky
+ PDF Chat Experimental entanglement distillation of mesoscopic quantum states 2008 Ruifang Dong
Mikael Lassen
J. Heersink
Christoph Marquardt
Radim Filip
Gerd Leuchs
Ulrik L. Andersen
+ PDF Chat Preparation of distilled and purified continuous-variable entangled states 2008 Boris Hage
Aiko Samblowski
James DiGuglielmo
A. Franzen
Jaromı́r Fiurášek
Roman Schnabel
+ PDF Chat Entangled coherent states: Teleportation and decoherence 2001 Steven van Enk
Osamu Hirota