М. О. Корпусов


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ К вопросу о разрешимости задачи Коши одной тепло-электрической модели 2025 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the existence of a nonextendable solution of the Cauchy problem for a $$(3+1)$$-dimensional thermal–electrical model 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ О существовании непродолжаемого решения задачи Коши одной $(3+1)$-мерной тепло-электрической модели 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
+ The Cauchy Problem for a Nonlinear Wave Equation 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
A. K Matveyeva
+ Numerical Diagnostics of Solution Blow-Up in a Thermoelectric Semiconductor Model 2024 М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
A. K. Matveeva
+ On the Existence of a Nonextendable Solution of the Cauchy problem for a $$(1+1)$$-Dimensional Thermal-Electrical Model 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of the solution of a $(1+1)$-dimensional thermal-electrical model 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of the solution of a $$(1+1)$$-dimensional thermal–electrical model 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ On Blow-Up of Solutions of the Cauchy Problems for a Class of Nonlinear Equations of Ferrite Theory 2024 М. О. Корпусов
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ О существовании непродолжаемого решения задачи Коши одной $(1+1)$-мерной тепло-электрической модели 2024 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow up of solutions for nonlinear second order systems 2024 М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
+ On blow-up and on global existence of weak solutions to Cauchy problem for some nonlinear equation of the pseudoparabolic type 2023 I. K. Katasheva
М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ O razrushenii resheniya odnoy zadachi dlya sobolevskogo uravneniya s nekoertsitivnym istochnikom 2023 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ On Blow-up and Global Existence of Weak Solutions to Cauchy Problem for Some Nonlinear Equation of the Pseudoparabolic Type 2023 I. K. Katasheva
М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the Blow-Up of the Solution of a Nonlinear System of Equations of a Thermal-Electrical Model 2023 М. О. Корпусов
A. Yu. Perlov
Alexander V. Timoshenko
Р. С. Шафир
+ Global-in-time solvability of a nonlinear system of equations of a thermal–electrical model with quadratic nonlinearity 2023 М. О. Корпусов
A. Yu. Perlov
Alexander V. Timoshenko
Р. С. Шафир
+ О глобальной во времени разрешимости одной нелинейной системы уравнений тепло-электрической модели с квадратичной нелинейностью 2023 М. О. Корпусов
Anatolii Yur'evich Perlov
A. V. Tymoshenko
Р. С. Шафир
+ On the Blow-Up of the Solution of a Problem for the Sobolev Equation with a Noncoercive Source 2023 M. V. Artem’eva
М. О. Корпусов
+ Local Solvability, Blow-Up, and Hölder Regularity of Solutions to Some Cauchy Problems for Nonlinear Plasma Wave Equations: III. Cauchy Problems 2023 М. О. Корпусов
E. A. Ovsyannikov
+ Local Solvability, Blow-Up, and Hölder Regularity of Solutions to Some Cauchy Problems for Nonlinear Plasma Wave Equations: III. Cauchy Problems 2023 М. О. Корпусов
E. A. Ovsyannikov
+ On Critical Exponents for Weak Solutions of the Cauchy Problem for a (2 + 1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Composite-Type Equation with Gradient Nonlinearity 2023 М. О. Корпусов
A. K. Matveeva
+ О критических показателях для слабых решений задачи Коши для одного 2 + 1-мерного нелинейного уравнения составного типа с градиентной нелинейностью 2023 М. О. Корпусов
A. K. Matveeva
+ Blow-up of Solutions and Local Solvability of an Abstract Cauchy Problem of Second Order with a Noncoercive Source 2023 Margarita Vitalievna Artemeva
М. О. Корпусов
+ Local Solvability, Blow-up, and Hölder Regularity of Solutions to Some Cauchy Problems for Nonlinear Plasma Wave Equations: II. Potential Theory 2023 М. О. Корпусов
E. A. Ovsyannikov
+ On the Blow-Up of the Solution of a Nonlinear System of Equations of a Thermal-Electrical Model 2023 М. О. Корпусов
Anatolii Yur'evich Perlov
A. V. Tymoshenko
Р. С. Шафир
+ О задачах коши для нелинейных соболевских уравнений теории сегнетоэлектричества 2023 М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
+ On Cauchy Problems for Nonlinear Sobolev Equations in Ferroelectricity Theory 2022 М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
+ Local Solvability, Blow-up, and Hölder Regularity of Solutions to Some Cauchy Problems for Nonlinear Plasma Wave Equations: I. Green Formulas 2022 М. О. Корпусов
E. A. Ovsyannikov
+ On the blowup of solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear equations of ferroelectricity theory 2022 М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
+ PDF Chat On the blowup of solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear equations of ferroelectricity theory 2022 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
Р. С. Шафир
+ On critical exponents for weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for one nonlinear equation with gradient nonlinearity 2022 М. О. Корпусов
A. K. Matveeva
+ Blow-up of Weak Solutions of the Cauchy Problem for (3+1)-Dimensional Equation of Plasma Drift Waves 2022 М. О. Корпусов
Р. С. Шафир
+ Lectures in Nonlinear Functional Analysis 2021 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Potential Theory and Schauder Estimate in Hölder Spaces for (3 + 1)-Dimensional Benjamin–Bona–Mahoney–Burgers Equation 2021 М. О. Корпусов
D. K. Yablochkin
+ On the blow-up of the solution and on the local and global solvability of the Cauchy problem for a nonlinear equation in Hölder spaces 2021 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ О критическом показателе "мгновенное разрушение" versus "локальная разрешимость" в задаче Коши для модельного уравнения соболевского типа 2021 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
A. E. Shishkov
+ PDF Chat On critical exponents for weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for one nonlinear equation with gradient non-linearity 2020 М. О. Корпусов
A. K. Matveeva
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решений задач Коши для одного класса нелинейных уравнений теории ферритов 2020 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Григорий Игоревич Шляпугин
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ Analytical-Numerical Study of Finite-Time Blow-up of the Solution to the Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equation 2020 М. О. Корпусов
A. N. Levashov
D. V. Lukyanenko
+ Local solvability and a priori estimates for classical solutions to an equation of Benjamin‐Bona‐Mahony‐Bürgers type 2020 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the critical exponent “instantaneous blow-up” versus “local solubility” in the Cauchy problem for a model equation of Sobolev type 2020 М. О. Корпусов
А. Н. Панин
A. E. Shishkov
+ On critical exponents for weak solutions of the Cauchy problem for a non-linear equation of composite type 2020 М. О. Корпусов
A. K. Matveeva
+ Blow‐up for Joseph–Egri equation: Theoretical approach and numerical analysis 2020 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Potential Theory for a Nonlinear Equation of the Benjamin–Bona–Mahoney–Burgers Type 2019 М. О. Корпусов
D. K. Yablochkin
+ Blow-up and global solubility in the classical sense of the Cauchy problem for a formally hyperbolic equation with a non-coercive source 2019 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up instability in non-linear wave models with distributed parameters 2019 М. О. Корпусов
E. A. Ovsyannikov
+ Instantaneous blow-up versus local solubility of the Cauchy problem for a two-dimensional equation of a semiconductor with heating 2019 М. О. Корпусов
А. Н. Панин
+ PDF Chat A study of self-oscillation instability in varicap-based electrical networks: analytical and numerical approaches 2019 В.А. Васильченко
М. О. Корпусов
Д.В. Лукьяненко
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of Solutions of Nonclassical Nonlocal Nonlinear Model Equations 2019 М. О. Корпусов
+ Instantaneous Blow-Up of a Weak Solution of a Problem in Plasma Theory on the Half-Line 2019 М. О. Корпусов
+ Diagnostics of Instant Decomposition of Solution in the Nonlinear Equation of Theory of Waves in Semiconductors 2019 М. О. Корпусов
A. K. Matveeva
D. V. Lukyanenko
+ Instantaneous blow‐up versus local solvability of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the equation of a semiconductor in a magnetic field 2018 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Analytic–Numerical Investigation of Combustion in a Nonlinear Medium 2018 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
A. D. Nekrasov
+ Blow-Up in Nonlinear Equations of Mathematical Physics: Theory and Methods 2018 М. О. Корпусов
Alexey Ovchinnikov
А.Г. Свешников
E. V. Yushkov
+ 9. Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 2018 М. О. Корпусов
Alexey Ovchinnikov
А.Г. Свешников
E. V. Yushkov
+ Blow-Up in Nonlinear Equations of Mathematical Physics 2018 М. О. Корпусов
Alexey Ovchinnikov
А.Г. Свешников
E. V. Yushkov
+ On an instantaneous blow-up of solutions of evolutionary problems on the half-line 2018 М. О. Корпусов
+ Solution Blow-up in a Nonlinear System of Equations with Positive Energy in Field Theory 2018 М. О. Корпусов
+ Solution Blowup for Nonlinear Equations of the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya Type 2018 М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow‐up phenomena for a 1‐dimensional equation of ion sound waves in a plasma: Analytical and numerical investigation 2018 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
Grigory Igorevich Shlyapugin
+ On an instantaneous blow-up of solutions of evolutionary problems on the half-line 2018 М. О. Корпусов
+ Instantaneous blow-up versus local solvability for one problem of propagation of nonlinear waves in semiconductors 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
+ On the nonextendable solution and blow-up of the solution of the one-dimensional equation of ion-sound waves in a plasma 2017 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of a full non-linear equation of ion-sound waves in a plasma with non-coercive non-linearities 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Instantaneous blow-up of classical solutions to the Cauchy problem for the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya equation 2017 М. О. Корпусов
Stanislav Mikhailenko
+ Numerical blow-up diagnostics for differential equation solutions 2017 А. А. Белов
М. О. Корпусов
+ Global unsolvability of a nonlinear conductor model in the quasistationary approximation 2017 М. О. Корпусов
E. V. Yushkov
+ Gradient blow-up in generalized Burgers and Boussinesq equations 2017 E. V. Yushkov
М. О. Корпусов
+ Local Solvability and Decay of the Solution of an Equation with Quadratic Noncoercive Nonlineatity 2017 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
E. A. Ovsyannikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blowup of the solution to the Cauchy problem with arbitrary positive energy for a system of Klein–Gordon equations in the de Sitter metric 2016 М. О. Корпусов
Stanislav Mikhailenko
+ Blow‐up phenomena in the model of a space charge stratification in semiconductors: analytical and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ PDF Chat О разрушении за конечное время решения начально-краевой задачи для нелинейного уравнения ионно-звуковых волн 2016 М. О. Корпусов
+ The finite-time blowup of the solution of an initial boundary-value problem for the nonlinear equation of ion sound waves 2016 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up for one Sobolev problem: Theoretical approach and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Critical exponents of instantaneous blow-up or local solubility of non-linear equations of Sobolev type 2015 М. О. Корпусов
+ Global unsolvability of one-dimensional problems for Burgers-type equations 2015 E. V. Yushkov
М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat Критические показатели мгновенного разрушения или локальной разрешимости нелинейных уравнений соболевского типа 2015 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up of solutions of an abstract Cauchy problem for a formally hyperbolic equation with double non-linearity 2014 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of non-linear equations of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili and Zakharov-Kuznetsov types 2014 М. О. Корпусов
А.Г. Свешников
E. V. Yushkov
+ Local solvability and blow-up for Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers, Rosenau-Burgers and Korteweg-de Vries-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equations 2014 М. О. Корпусов
E. V. Yushkov
+ PDF Chat Разрушение решений нелинейных уравнений типа Кадомцева - Петвиашвили и Захарова - Кузнецова 2014 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
Егор Владиславович Юшков
E. V. Yushkov
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решения абстрактной задачи Коши для формально гиперболического уравнения с двойной нелинейностью 2014 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Александр Анатольевич Панин
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of a system of equations with double nonlinearities and nonlocal sources 2013 М. О. Корпусов
+ Solution blowup for systems of shallow-water equations 2013 М. О. Корпусов
E. V. Yushkov
+ Local solvability and solution blowup for the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation with a nonlocal boundary condition 2013 М. О. Корпусов
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Blow-up of solutions of strongly dissipative generalized Klein-Gordon equations 2013 М. О. Корпусов
+ Solution blow-up for a class of parabolic equations with double nonlinearity 2013 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blowup of solutions of nonlinear equations and systems of nonlinear equations in wave theory 2013 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up of positive-energy solutions of a dissipative system in classical field theory 2013 М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of the solution of an equation related to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2013 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat Разрушение решений систем уравнений мелкой воды 2013 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Егор Владиславович Юшков
E. V. Yushkov
+ Blow-up of solutions of model nonlinear equations of mathematical physics 2013 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решения уравнения, родственного уравнению Гамильтона - Якоби 2012 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat On the destruction of ion-sound waves in plasma with strong space-time dispersion 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ Solution blowup for the heat equation with double nonlinearity 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ On blowup of gravity-gyroscopic waves with nonlinear sources and sinks on the boundary 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ On blowup of solutions to a Kirchhoff type dissipative wave equation with a source and positive energy 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up of the solution of a nonlinear system of equations with positive energy 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of the solution of an equation with a gradient nonlinearity 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up of ion-sound waves in plasma with non-linear sources on the boundary 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blowup of a positive-energy solution of model wave equations in nonlinear dynamics 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blowup of solutions of the three-dimensional Rosenau-Burgers equation 2012 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решений модельных волновых уравнений с положительной энергией в нелинейной механике 2012 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решения одной нелинейной системы уравнений с положительной энергией 2012 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решений трехмерного уравнения Розенау - Бюргерса 2012 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of solutions of the Benjamin–Bona–Mahony–Burgers and Rosenau–Burgers equations 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of internal gravitational waves with non-linear sources 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ Blow-up in Nonlinear Sobolev Type Equations 2011 A. B. Al’shin
М. О. Корпусов
А.Г. Свешников
+ On blowup of solutions to a system of equations of ion sound waves in plasma 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ On a nonlinear eigenmode problem in semiconductor theory 2011 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Destruction of solutions of wave equations in systems with distributed parameters 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ On the uniqueness of the solution of a nonlinear eigenmode problem 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ Finite-time relaxation of the solution of a nonlinear pseudoparabolic equation 2011 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Blow-up of ion acoustic waves in a plasma 2011 М. О. Корпусов
+ On sufficient conditions of blowing‐up of solution of initial‐boundary‐value problem for strongly nonlinear Sobolev type equation 2010 М. О. Корпусов
+ Solution blow-up for a new stationary Sobolev-type equation 2010 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Application of the nonlinear capacity method to differential inequalities of Sobolev type 2009 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ On blow up of generalized Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov equation 2009 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Blow-up of Oskolkov's system of equations 2009 М. О. Корпусов
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
+ Sufficient conditions for the blowup of a solution to the Boussinesq equation subject to a nonlinear Neumann boundary condition 2008 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ An initial-boundary value problem for a Sobolev-type strongly nonlinear dissipative equation 2008 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Sufficient close-to-necessary conditions for the blowup of solutions to a strongly nonlinear generalized Boussinesq equation 2008 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Traveling-wave solution to a nonlinear equation in semiconductors with strong spatial dispersion 2008 A. B. Al’shin
М. О. Корпусов
E. V. Yushkov
+ PDF Chat Blow-up of solutions of strongly nonlinear equations of pseudoparabolic type 2007 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ “Destruction” of the solution of a strongly nonlinear equation of pseudoparabolic type with double nonlinearity 2006 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Blow-up of solutions of nonlinear Sobolev type equations with cubic sources 2006 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ On the “Destruction” of Solutions of Nonlinear Wave Equations of Sobolev Type with Cubic Sources 2005 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Blow-up of solutions of a class of strongly non-linear dissipative wave equations of Sobolev type with sources 2005 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Blow-Up of the Solution of an Initial-Boundary Value Problem for a Nonhomogeneous Equation of Pseudoparabolic Type 2005 М. О. Корпусов
+ Global Solvability Conditions for an Initial-Boundary Value Problem for a Nonlinear Equation of Pseudoparabolic Type 2005 М. О. Корпусов
+ On Blowup of a Solution to a Sobolev-Type Equation with a Nonlocal Source 2005 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ On blowing-up of solutions of Sobolev-type equation with source 2005 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveschnikov
+ PDF Chat О разрушении решений класса сильно нелинейных волновых диссипативных уравнений типа Соболева с источниками 2005 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
+ PDF Chat О “разрушении” решений нелинейных волновых уравнений типа Соболева с кубическими источниками 2005 Максим Олегович Корпусов
М. О. Корпусов
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
Алексей Георгиевич Свешников
+ On a necessary and sufficient condition for a blowing up of a solution to a mixed boundary problem for a certain nonlinear equation of Sobolev type. 2005 М. О. Корпусов
А.Г. Свешников
+ Blow-up of solutions of abstract Cauchy problems for nonlinear operator-differential equations 2005 М. О. Корпусов
A. G. Sveshnikov
+ Blow-up of solutions of a class of strongly non-linear equations of Sobolev type 2004 М. О. Корпусов
+ Three-dimensional nonlinear evolution equations of pseudoparabolic type in problems of mathematical physics. II 2004 М. О. Корпусов
А.Г. Свешников
+ On the solvability of an initial-boundary value problem for an equation of internal waves 1997 М. О. Корпусов
Dan Yu
A.G. Sveshnikov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Blow-up in Nonlinear Sobolev Type Equations 2011 A. B. Al’shin
М. О. Корпусов
А.Г. Свешников
+ Some nonexistence and instability theorems for solutions of formally parabolic equations of the form Put=−Au+ℱ(u) 1973 Howard A. Levine
+ On local solvability and blow-up of solutions of an abstract nonlinear Volterra integral equation 2015 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ On the general theory of operator semigroups 1994 G. A. Sviridyuk
+ PDF Chat Instability and nonexistence of global solutions to nonlinear wave equations of the form 𝑃𝑢_{𝑡𝑡}=-𝐴𝑢+ℱ(𝓊) 1974 Howard A. Levine
+ The occurrence of collapse for quasilinear equations of parabolic and hyperbolic types 1978 Varga Κ. Kalantarov
O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
+ Third-order nonlinear dispersive equations: Shocks, rarefaction, and blowup waves 2008 В. А. Галактионов
Stanislav I. Pohožaev
+ Apriori estimates and blow-up of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations and inequalities 2001 Enzo Mitidieri
S. I. Pokhozhaev
+ Critical Nonlinearities in Partial Differential Equations 2009 Stanislav I. Pohožaev
+ Critical exponents of instantaneous blow-up or local solubility of non-linear equations of Sobolev type 2015 М. О. Корпусов
+ PDF Chat О локальной разрешимости и разрушении решения абстрактного нелинейного интегрального уравнения Вольтерра 2015 Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Global Nonexistence for Abstract Evolution Equations with Positive Initial Energy 1998 Patrizia Pucci
James Serrin
+ Blow-up for one Sobolev problem: Theoretical approach and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ Instantaneous blow‐up versus local solvability of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the equation of a semiconductor in a magnetic field 2018 М. О. Корпусов
А. V. Ovchinnikov
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
+ Instability and Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations of the Form Pu tt = -Au + ℱ(u) 1974 Howard A. Levine
+ PDF Chat Some new results on global nonexistence for abstract evolution with positive initial energy 1997 Patrizia Pucci
James Serrin
+ PDF Chat Blow up of solutions of the Cauchy problem for a wave equation with nonlinear damping and source terms and positive initial energy 2000 Howard A. Levine
Grozdena Todorova
+ PDF Chat Further global nonexistence theorems for abstract nonlinear wave equations 1975 Brian Straughan
+ Some Nonexistence Results for Quasilinear Elliptic Problems 2000 Е. И. Галахов
+ Numerical diagnosis of blow-up of solutions of pseudoparabolic equations 2007 A. B. Al’shin
Elena Alshina
+ Blow‐up phenomena in the model of a space charge stratification in semiconductors: analytical and numerical analysis 2016 М. О. Корпусов
D. V. Lukyanenko
Alexander Anatolyevich Panin
E. V. Yushkov
+ PDF Chat Some general implicit processes for the numerical solution of differential equations 1963 H.H. Rosenbrock
+ On global solutions and blow-up for Kuramoto–Sivashinsky-type models, and well-posed Burnett equations 2008 Victor A. Galaktionov
Enzo Mitidieri
Stanislav I. Pohožaev
G. A. Sviridyuk
+ Quelques méthodes de résolution des problèmes aux limites non linéaires 1969 Jacques Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Критические показатели мгновенного разрушения или локальной разрешимости нелинейных уравнений соболевского типа 2015 М. О. Корпусов
+ Some remarks on global nonexistence for nonautonomous abstract evolution equations 1997 Howard A. Levine
Patrizia Pucci
James Serrin
+ On the critical exponent “instantaneous blow-up” versus “local solubility” in the Cauchy problem for a model equation of Sobolev type 2020 М. О. Корпусов
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+ Rosenbrock schemes with complex coefficients for stiff and differential algebraic systems 2006 A. B. Al’shin
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+ Instantaneous blow-up versus local solvability for one problem of propagation of nonlinear waves in semiconductors 2017 М. О. Корпусов
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+ Solution Blowup for Nonlinear Equations of the Khokhlov–Zabolotskaya Type 2018 М. О. Корпусов
+ On the blow-up of the solution of an equation related to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2013 М. О. Корпусов
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+ PDF Chat On Instant Blow-up for Semilinear Heat Equations with Growing Initial Data 2008 Yoshikazu Giga
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+ Global-in-time solvability of a nonlinear system of equations of a thermal–electrical model with quadratic nonlinearity 2023 М. О. Корпусов
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+ On the blow‐up phenomena for a 1‐dimensional equation of ion sound waves in a plasma: Analytical and numerical investigation 2018 М. О. Корпусов
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+ Blow-up of Oskolkov's system of equations 2009 М. О. Корпусов
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+ Some simple nonlinear PDE's without solutions 1998 Haı̈m Brezis
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+ PDF Chat Existence versus explosion instantanée pour des équations de la chaleur linéaires avec potentiel singulier 1999 Xavier Cabré
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