H. O. Cordes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Dirac Algebra and Foldy-Wouthuysen Transform 2019 H. O. Cordes
+ A Mathematical Analysis of Dirac Equation Physics 2018 H. O. Cordes
+ The Dirac Equation of the Compton Effect 2018 H. O. Cordes
+ Why Should Observables be Pseudodifferential? 2007 H. O. Cordes
+ Dirac Observables and ψdo-s 2007 H. O. Cordes
+ The Split of the Dirac Hamiltonian into Precisely Predictable Energy Components 2004 H. O. Cordes
+ A precise pseudodifferential Foldy-Wouthuysen transform for the Dirac equation 2004 H. O. Cordes
+ Tosio Kato (1917–1999) 2000 H. O. Cordes
Arne Jensen
Shigeyasu Kuroda
Gustavo Ponce
Barry Simon
Michael G. Taylor
+ On Dirac Observables 2000 H. O. Cordes
+ Lorentz transforms of the invariant Dirac algebra 1999 H. O. Cordes
+ Smooth operators for the action ofSO(3) onL 2 S 2 1997 H. O. Cordes
Severino T. Melo
+ Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with conical ends 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ Calculus of pseudodifferential operators 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ Pseudodifferential operators as smooth operators of <i>L</i>(<i>H</i>) 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ Hyperbolic differential equations 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ Elliptic operators and parametrices in ℝ<sup>n</sup> 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ The invariant algebra of the Dirac equation 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ Particle flow and invariant algebra of a semi-strictly hyperbolic system; coordinate invariance of Opψx<sub>m</sub>. 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ Elliptic and paraolic problems 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ The Technique of Pseudodifferential Operators 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ On essential self-adjointness of powers and comparison algebras 1992 H. O. Cordes
+ On the -comparison algebra of a class of singular Sturm-Liouville expressions on the real line 1991 H. O. Cordes
Tai‐Man Tang
+ Liouville-type results and theC 0 t8 -core property for products of elliptic operators 1989 Miloš Arsenović
H. O. Cordes
+ An algebra of singular integral operators with kernels of bounded oscillation, and application to periodic differential operators 1988 H. O. Cordes
Severino T. Melo
+ C<sup>*</sup>-Comparison algebras 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Abstract spectral theory in Hilbert spaces 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Spectral Theory of Linear Differential Operators and Comparison Algebras 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Fredholm theory in comparison algebras 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Covariant derivatives and curvature 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Essential self-adjointness of the Minimal Operator 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Second order elliptic expressions on manifolds 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Comparison algebras with non-compact commutators 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Auxiliary results concerning functions on manifolds 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ The Laplace comparison algebra of spaces with conical and cylindrical ends 1987 H. O. Cordes
Shing H. Doong
+ Spectral theory of linear differntial operators and comparison algebras 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-Differential Operators 1987 H. O. Cordes
Bernhard Gramsch
Harold Widom
Tosinobu Muramatu
Masao Nagase
D. Robert
Elmar Schrohe
B.‐W. Schulze
Johannes Sjöstrand
H Sdhrab
+ Pseudo-differential operators : proceedings of a conference held in Oberwolfach, February 2-8, 1986 1987 H. O. Cordes
Bernhard Gramsch
Harold Widom
+ PDF Chat On the Two-Fold Symbol Chain of a C*-Algebra of Singular Integral Operators on a Polycylinder 1986 H. O. Cordes
+ A pseudo-algebra of observables for the dirac equation 1983 H. O. Cordes
+ A pseudodifferential-foldy-wouthuysen transform 1983 H. O. Cordes
+ A version of Egorov's theorem for systems of hyperbolic pseudo-differential equations 1982 H. O. Cordes
+ Global Parametrices for Certain Singular Elliptic Operators 1982 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat The $C*$-algebra of the elliptic boundary problem 1980 Phillip Colella
H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat The $n$-th order elliptic boundary problem for noncompact boundaries 1980 H. O. Cordes
A. Erkip
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operators — An Abstract Theory 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ On pseudo-differential operators and smoothness of special Lie-group representations 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ Finitely generated pseudo-differential operators 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ On the laplace comparison algebras for L2(ℝn) 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ Distributions with rational singularities 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ Elliptic boundary problems 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat An algebra of pseudodifferential operators with nonsmooth symbol 1978 H. O. Cordes
Dwight Anderson Williams
+ TheC *-algebra of a singular elliptic problem on a noncompact Riemannian manifold 1977 H. O. Cordes
Robert McOwen
+ PDF Chat Remarks on singular elliptic theory for complete Riemannian manifolds 1977 H. O. Cordes
Robert McOwen
+ On compactness of commutators of multiplications and convolutions, and boundedness of pseudodifferential operators 1975 H. O. Cordes
+ Beispiele von Pseudo-Differentialoperator-Algebrenfl 1972 H. O. Cordes
+ Self-adjointness of powers of elliptic operators on non-compact manifolds 1971 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat An algebra of singular integral operators with two symbol homomorphisms 1969 H. O. Cordes
+ Gel'Fand Theory of Pseudo Differential Operators 1968 H. O. Cordes
Eugene A. Herman
+ On a class ofC*-algebras 1967 H. O. Cordes
Eugene A. Herman
+ Über eine nicht algebraische Charakterisierung von ℑ-Fredholm-Operatoren 1966 H. O. Cordes
+ On the differentiability of strong solutions of partial differential equations 1964 H. O. Cordes
Robert D. Moyer
+ On Banach algebras with [sigma] symbol II 1964 M. Breuer
H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat A matrix inequality 1960 H. O. Cordes
+ On Maximal First Order Partial Differential Operators 1960 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat On continuation of boundary values for partial differential operators 1959 H. O. Cordes
+ Vereinfachter Beweis der Existenz einer Apriori-H�lderkonstanten 1959 H. O. Cordes
+ Über die Eigenwertdichte von Sturm‐Liouville‐Problemen am unteren Rand des Spektrums. Hermann Ludwig Schmid zum Gedächtnis 1958 H. O. Cordes
+ �ber die erste Randwertaufgabe bei quasilinearen Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung in mehr als zwei Variablen 1956 H. O. Cordes
+ Nicht-halbbeschränkte partielle Differentialoperatoren bei Randbedingungen dritter Art 1956 H. O. Cordes
+ An Inequality of G. Borg 1956 H. O. Cordes
+ �ber die Spektralzerlegung von hypermaximalen Operatoren, die durch Separation der Variablen zerfallen 1954 H. O. Cordes
+ �ber die Spektralzerlegung von hypermaximalen Operatoren, die durch Separation der Variablen zerfallen 1954 H. O. Cordes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Gel'Fand Theory of Pseudo Differential Operators 1968 H. O. Cordes
Eugene A. Herman
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Pseudo-Differential Operators — An Abstract Theory 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ Spectral Theory of Linear Differential Operators and Comparison Algebras 1987 H. O. Cordes
+ Self-adjointness of powers of elliptic operators on non-compact manifolds 1971 H. O. Cordes
+ A pseudo-algebra of observables for the dirac equation 1983 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat Integro-differential operators on vector bundles 1965 R. Seeley
+ A pseudodifferential-foldy-wouthuysen transform 1983 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat An algebra of singular integral operators with two symbol homomorphisms 1969 H. O. Cordes
+ Essential self-adjointness of powers of generators of hyperbolic equations 1973 Paul R. Chernoff
+ Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformations and Related Problems 1970 E. de Vries
+ General Theory of Banach Algebras. 1961 E. H. Batho
C. E. Rickart
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Remarks on singular elliptic theory for complete Riemannian manifolds 1977 H. O. Cordes
Robert McOwen
+ Über den L<scp>APLACE</scp>‐Operator auf R<scp>IEMANNS</scp>chen Mannigfaltigkeiten mit diskontinuierlichen Gruppen 1960 Walter Roelcke
+ The Technique of Pseudodifferential Operators 1995 H. O. Cordes
+ A version of Egorov's theorem for systems of hyperbolic pseudo-differential equations 1982 H. O. Cordes
+ A Special Stokes's Theorem for Complete Riemannian Manifolds 1954 Matthew P. Gaffney
+ Characterization of pseudodifferential operators and applications 1977 Richard Beals
+ PDF Chat Gelfand theory of pseudo differential operators and hypoelliptic operators 1971 Michael E. Taylor
+ Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. I 1959 Shmuel Agmon
Avron Douglis
Louis Nirenberg
+ A general calculus of pseudodifferential operators 1975 Richard Beals
+ TheC *-algebra of a singular elliptic problem on a noncompact Riemannian manifold 1977 H. O. Cordes
Robert McOwen
+ PDF Chat The Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics 1998 Dennis Dieks
Pieter E. Vermaas
+ An algebra of pseudo‐differential operators 1965 J. J. Kohn
Louis Nirenberg
+ On pseudo-differential operators and smoothness of special Lie-group representations 1979 H. O. Cordes
+ On compactness of commutators of multiplications and convolutions, and boundedness of pseudodifferential operators 1975 H. O. Cordes
Eugene A. Herman
+ Pseudodifferential operators 1993 Otto Liess
+ Beiträge zur Störungstheorie der Spektralzerleung 1951 Erhard Heinz
+ Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics 1966 Wilhelm Magnus
Fritz Oberhettinger
Raj Pal Soni
+ �ber gew�hnliche Differentialgleichungen mit Singularit�ten und die zugeh�rigen Entwicklungen willk�rlicher Funktionen 1910 Hermann Weyl
+ On a class ofC*-algebras 1967 H. O. Cordes
+ Halbbeschr�nkte partielle Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ordnung vom elliptischen Typus 1958 Ernst Wienholtz
+ PDF Chat Theory of Bessel potentials. I 1961 N. Aronszajn
K. T. Smith
+ Pseudo-differential operators and hypoelliptic equations 1967 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet's problem for linear elliptic partial differential equations 1953 Lars Gårding
+ Symmetric positive linear differential equations 1958 Kurt Friedrichs
+ A calculus of observables on a Dirac particle 1998 André Unterberger
+ Pseudo-differential Operators and Non-elliptic Boundary Problems 1966 Lars Hörmander
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ Pseudo differential operators 1974 Michael E. Taylor
+ Beispiele von Pseudo-Differentialoperator-Algebrenfl 1972 H. O. Cordes
+ PDF Chat On the solutions of quasi-linear elliptic partial differential equations 1938 Charles B. Morrey
+ Another approach to elliptic boundary problems 1961 Jaak Peetre
+ ( 19 ) On ordinary differential equations of any even order and the corresponding eigenfunction expansions 2015 Kunihiko Kodaira
+ PDF Chat On the boundedness of pseudo-differential operators 1971 Alberto P. Calderón
Rémi Vaillancourt
+ Über eine nicht algebraische Charakterisierung von ℑ-Fredholm-Operatoren 1966 H. O. Cordes
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ PDF Chat The Harmonic Operator for Exterior Differential Forms 1951 Matthew P. Gaffney
+ Various types of boundary conditions for elliptic equations 1960 Martin Schechter