V. A. Volpert


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On a new mechanism of the emergence of spatial distributions in biological models 2024 Bogdan Kaźmierczak
V. A. Volpert
+ PDF Chat Fronts in subdiffusive FitzHugh–Nagumo systems 2019 Alexander Nepomnyashchy
V. A. Volpert
+ Existence of waves for a reaction–diffusion–dispersion system 2018 Moitri Sen
V. A. Volpert
V. Vougalter
+ Similarity solution of a Stefan drug-release subdiffusion problem 2016 V. A. Volpert
Alexander Nepomnyashchy
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Modelling in Biology: a Classification Review 2015 Anastasis Stephanou
V. A. Volpert
+ PDF Chat On pulse solutions of a reaction–diffusion system in population dynamics 2015 V. A. Volpert
Natalia Reinberg
Mohammed Benmir
S. Boujena
+ PDF Chat Patterns for Competing Populations with Species Specific Nonlocal Coupling 2015 A. Bayliss
V. A. Volpert
+ Particle growth in a subdiffusive medium 2013 Alexander Nepomnyashchy
V. A. Volpert
+ An exactly solvable model of subdiffusion–reaction front propagation 2013 Alexander Nepomnyashchy
V. A. Volpert
+ Exact solutions in front propagation problems with superdiffusion 2009 V. A. Volpert
Yana Nec
Alexander Nepomnyashchy
+ Step-flow growth of a crystal surface by Lévy flights 2008 M. S. Levine
A. A. Golovin
Vladimir A. Volpert
+ PDF Chat Competition of Species with Intra-Specific Competition 2008 Narcisa Apreutesei
Arnaud Ducrot
V. A. Volpert
+ Nonlinear dynamics of endothelial cells 2006 A. E. Tikhomirova
V. A. Volpert
+ О разрешимости линейных эллиптических краевых задач на неограниченных цилиндрах 2004 Sergey Kryzhevich
V. A. Volpert
+ Об условиях Фредгольма и разрешимости эллиптических краевых задачв неограниченных цилиндрах 2004 Сергей Геннадьевич Крыжевич
V. A. Volpert
+ Elliptic regularization for the heat equation with nonlinear boundary conditions 2003 Narcisa Apreutesei
V. A. Volpert
+ Traveling-wave solutions of parabolic systems with discontinuous nonlinear terms 2002 Aizik Volpert
V. A. Volpert
+ Computation of the Index of Linear Elliptic Operators in Unbounded Cylinders 1999 Jean–François Collet
V. A. Volpert
+ PDF Chat Topological degree for elliptic operators in unbounded cylinders 1999 Jean–François Collet
V. A. Volpert
Aizik Volpert
+ PDF Chat Mean Field Effects for Counterpropagating Traveling Wave Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Systems 1995 Andrew J. Bernoff
Rachel Kuske
B. J. Matkowsky
V. A. Volpert
+ PDF Chat Construction of the Leray-Schauder degree for elliptic operators in unbounded domains 1994 Aizik Volpert
V. A. Volpert
+ Radially Symmetric Flow of Reacting Liquid with Changing Viscosity 1993 Stanislav E. Solovyov
V. A. Volpert
S. P. Davtyan
+ Existence and stability of stationary solutions for a class of semilinear parabolic systems 1993 V. A. Volpert
Aizik Volpert
+ Existance and stability of stationery solutions for a class of semilinear parabolic systems 1993 V. A. Volpert
Aizik Volpert
+ Application of a minimax method in combustion problems 1990 V. A. Volpert
V. A. Volpert
D. S. Davtyan
+ Qualitative location of the spectrum of elliptic operators in unbounded cylindrical domains 1981 V. A. Volpert
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The random walk's guide to anomalous diffusion: a fractional dynamics approach 2000 Ralf Metzler
J. Klafter
+ PDF Chat The restaurant at the end of the random walk: recent developments in the description of anomalous transport by fractional dynamics 2004 Ralf Metzler
J. Klafter
+ Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: Statistical mechanisms, models and physical applications 1990 Jean‐Philippe Bouchaud
Antoine Georges
+ PDF Chat Pattern and Waves for a Model in Population Dynamics with Nonlocal Consumption of Resources 2006 Stéphane Génieys
Vitaly Volpert
Pierre Auger
+ The approach of solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations to travelling front solutions 1977 Paul C. Fife
J. B. McLeod
+ PDF Chat Construction of the Leray-Schauder degree for elliptic operators in unbounded domains 1994 Aizik Volpert
V. A. Volpert
+ Scale-invariant solutions to partial differential equations of fractional order with a moving boundary condition 2008 Xicheng Li
Mingyu Xu
Shaowei Wang
+ PDF Chat Normal solvability and the noetherictty of elliptic operators in spaces of functions on Rn, part I 1984 Э. Мухамадиев
+ PDF Chat How to Measure Subdiffusion Parameters 2005 Tadeusz Kosztołowicz
K. Dworecki
Stanisław Mrówczyński
+ PDF Chat Diffusion on a Solid Surface: Anomalous is Normal 2004 J. M. Sancho
Ana María Lacasta Palacio
Katja Lindenberg
Igor M. Sokolov
A. Romero
+ Existence and stability of travelling wave solutions of competition models: A degree theoretic approach 1982 Robert A. Gardner
+ PDF Chat Reaction front in an<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>A</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mover><mml:mrow><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>→</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:mover></mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mi>C</mml:mi></mml:math>reaction-subdiffusion process 2004 S. B. Yuste
L. Acedo
Katja Lindenberg
+ Spatio-temporal pattern formation in a nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation 2001 Stephen A. Gourley
Mark A. J. Chaplain
Fordyce A. Davidson
+ Exact solutions in front propagation problems with superdiffusion 2009 V. A. Volpert
Yana Nec
Alexander Nepomnyashchy
+ An Infinite Dimensional Version of Sard's Theorem 1965 Stephen T. Smale
+ PDF Chat Measuring subdiffusion parameters 2005 Tadeusz Kosztołowicz
K. Dworecki
Stanisław Mrówczyński
+ An exact solution to the moving boundary problem with fractional anomalous diffusion in drug release devices 2003 J.Y. Liu
Mingjie Xu
+ PDF Chat Fronts in anomalous diffusion–reaction systems 2012 Vitaly Volpert
Yana Nec
Alexander Nepomnyashchy
+ PDF Chat Topological degree for elliptic operators in unbounded cylinders 1999 Jean–François Collet
V. A. Volpert
Aizik Volpert
+ Degree theory for nonlinear mappings 1986 Felix E. Browder
+ Diffusion in regular and disordered lattices 1987 Joseph W. Haus
K. W. Kehr
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Multiscale Models of Cell Population Dynamics: Asymptotic and Numerical Methods 2015 Pilar Guerrero
Tomás Alarcón
+ On Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 2011 Louis Nirenberg
+ Reaction-diffusion equations and their applications to biology 1986 N. F. Britton
+ Solvability conditions for some linear and nonlinear non-Fredholm elliptic problems 2012 Vitali Vougalter
Vitaly Volpert
+ A Study of the Diffusion Equation with Increase in the Amount of Substance, and its Application to a Biological Problem 1991 V. М. Tikhomirov
+ Multiscale agent-based cancer modeling 2008 Le Zhang
Zhihui Wang
Jonathan Sagotsky
Thomas S. Deisboeck
+ Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations 1968 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat The speed of propagation for KPP type problems. I: Periodic framework 2005 Henri Berestycki
François Hamel
Nikolaï Nadirashvili
+ Some exact solutions to Stefan problems with fractional differential equations 2008 Junyi Liu
Mingyu Xu
+ Multidimensional nonlinear diffusion arising in population genetics 1978 D. G. Aronson
Hans F. Weinberger
+ PDF Chat Computational Models of Sprouting Angiogenesis and Cell Migration: Towards Multiscale Mechanochemical Models of Angiogenesis 2015 Tommy Heck
Marie‐Mo Vaeyens
Hans Van Oosterwyck
+ Mathematical modelling of angiogenesis. 2000 Mark A. J. Chaplain
+ Lectures on Mathematical Combustion 1983 J. Buckmaster
G. S. S. Ludford
+ On solvability of non-linear equations with fredholm operators 1984 Yu. G. Borisovich
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale, multi-resolution brain cancer modeling 2008 Le Zhang
L. Leon Chen
Thomas S. Deisboeck
+ Fredholm properties of a class of elliptic operators on non-compact manifolds 1981 Robert Lockhart
+ Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type 1964 Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat Predictive oncology: A review of multidisciplinary, multiscale in silico modeling linking phenotype, morphology and growth 2007 Sandeep Sanga
Hermann B. Frieboes
Xiaoming Zheng
Robert A. Gatenby
Elaine L. Bearer
Vittorio Cristini
+ A note on semi-discrete modelling in the life sciences 2009 Ludovic Mailleret
Valérie Lemesle
+ PDF Chat The measure of the critical values of differentiable maps 1942 Arthur Sard
+ Instability results for reaction diffusion equations with Neumann boundary conditions 1978 Richard G. Casten
Charles J. Holland
+ A geometric approach to singular perturbation problems with applications to nerve impulse equations 1977 Gail A. Carpenter
+ PDF Chat Hybrid models of tumor growth 2010 Katarzyna A. Rejniak
Alexander R.A. Anderson
+ Fronts, relaxation oscillations, and period doubling in solid fuel combustion 1987 A. Bayliss
B. J. Matkowsky
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of some integro-differential operators and stability of travelling waves 2011 Arnaud Ducrot
Martine Marion
Vitaly Volpert
+ Aggregation, Blowup, and Collapse: The ABC's of Taxis in Reinforced Random Walks 1997 Angela Stevens
Hans G. Othmer
+ Mathematical modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis 2004 Nikos V. Mantzaris
S. David Webb
Hans G. Othmer
+ On the uniqueness of the topological degree 1973 Herbert Amann
Stanley A. Weiss
+ Mathematical Modeling of Capillary Formation and Development in Tumor Angiogenesis: Penetration into the Stroma 2001 Herbert Levine