Vladimir Hinich


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the equivalence of Lurie's ∞$\infty$‐operads and dendroidal ∞$\infty$‐operads 2024 Vladimir Hinich
Ieke Moerdijk
+ PDF Chat Key lemma and universal localization 2024 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Root groupoid and related Lie superalgebras 2024 Maria Gorelik
Vladimir Hinich
Vera Serganova
+ On diagrams of algebras 2023 Vladimir Hinich
+ Matsumoto theorem for skeleta 2023 Maria Gorelik
Vladimir Hinich
Vera Serganova
+ On the equivalence of the Lurie's $\infty$-operads and dendroidal $\infty$-operads 2022 Vladimir Hinich
Ieke Moerdijk
+ Root groupoid and related Lie superalgebras 2022 Maria Gorelik
Vladimir Hinich
Vera Serganova
+ Colimits in enriched $\infty$-categories and Day convolution 2021 Vladimir Hinich
+ Colimits in enriched $\infty$-categories and Day convolution 2021 Vladimir Hinich
+ Yoneda lemma for enriched ∞-categories 2020 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat So, what is a derived functor? 2020 Vladimir Hinich
+ Representations and Nilpotent Orbits of Lie Algebraic Systems 2019 Maria Gorelik
Vladimir Hinich
Anna Melnikov
+ PDF Chat Deligne Categories and the Limit of Categories Rep(GL(m|n)) 2018 Inna Entova-Aizenbud
Vladimir Hinich
Vera Serganova
+ Yoneda lemma for enriched infinity categories 2018 Vladimir Hinich
+ So, what is a derived functor? 2018 Vladimir Hinich
+ Lectures on infinity categories 2017 Vladimir Hinich
+ On the equivalence between Lurie's model and the dendroidal model for infinity-operads 2016 Gijs Heuts
Vladimir Hinich
Ieke Moerdijk
+ PDF Chat Formality theorem and bialgebra deformations 2016 Vladimir Hinich
Dan Lemberg
+ PDF Chat Dwyer–Kan localization revisited 2016 Vladimir Hinich
+ Enriched Yoneda Lemma 2015 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative unfolding of hypersurface singularity 2015 Vladimir Hinich
Dan Lemberg
+ PDF Chat Rectification of algebras and modules 2015 Vladimir Hinich
+ Formality theorem and bialgebra deformations 2014 Vladimir Hinich
Dan Lemberg
+ On the equivalence between Lurie's model and the dendroidal model for infinity-operads 2013 Gijs Heuts
Vladimir Hinich
Ieke Moerdijk
+ Dwyer-Kan localization revisited 2013 Vladimir Hinich
+ On the equivalence between Lurie's model and the dendroidal model for infinity-operads 2013 Gijs Heuts
Vladimir Hinich
Ieke Moerdijk
+ Noncommutative unfolding of hypersurface singularity 2012 Vladimir Hinich
Dan Lemberg
+ PDF Chat Augmented Teichmüller spaces and orbifolds 2010 Vladimir Hinich
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Plumbing coordinates on Teichmüller space: A counterexample 2010 Vladimir Hinich
+ Subcanonical coordinate rings are Gorenstein 2009 Vladimir Hinich
Vadim Schechtman
+ Augmented Teichmuller Spaces and Orbifolds 2007 Vladimir Hinich
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Drinfeld double for orbifolds 2007 Vladimir Hinich
+ Homotopy coherent nerve in Deformation theory 2007 Vladimir Hinich
+ Augmented Teichmuller Spaces and Orbifolds 2007 Vladimir Hinich
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Earle-Marden coordinates on Teichmueller space: a counterexample 2006 Vladimir Hinich
+ Studies in Lie Theory : Dedicated to A. Joseph on His Sixtieth Birthday 2006 Joseph Bernstein
Vladimir Hinich
Anna Melnikov
Anthony Joseph
+ Studies in Lie Theory 2006 Joseph Bernstein
Vladimir Hinich
Anna Melnikov
+ Plumbing coordinates on Teichmueller space: a counterexample 2006 Vladimir Hinich
+ Orbital variety closures and the convolution product in Borel–Moore homology 2005 Vladimir Hinich
Anthony Joseph
+ Drinfeld double for orbifolds 2005 Vladimir Hinich
+ Deformations of sheaves of algebras 2004 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Deformations of Homotopy Algebras 2004 Vladimir Hinich
+ Deformations of sheaves of algebras 2003 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Tamarkins proof of Kontsevich formality theorem 2003 Vladimir Hinich
+ Erratum to "Homological algebra of homotopy algebras" 2003 Vladimir Hinich
+ Deformations of sheaves of algebras 2003 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Cyclic operads and algebra of chord diagrams 2002 Vladimir Hinich
Arkady Vaintrob
+ DG coalgebras as formal stacks 2001 Vladimir Hinich
+ Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types 2001 Vladimir Hinich
+ Cyclic operads and algebra of chord diagrams 2000 Vladimir Hinich
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Tamarkin's proof of Kontsevich formality theorem 2000 Vladimir Hinich
+ Cyclic operads and algebra of chord diagrams 2000 Vladimir Hinich
Arkady Vaintrob
+ Deformations of homotopy algebras 1999 Vladimir Hinich
+ Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types 1999 Vladimir Hinich
+ DG coalgebras as formal stacks 1998 Vladimir Hinich
+ Homological algebra of homotopy algebras 1997 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra of homotopy algebras 1997 Vladimir Hinich
+ Homological algebra of homotopy algebras 1997 Vladimir Hinich
+ None 1997 Vladimir Hinich
+ Descent of Deligne groupoids 1996 Vladimir Hinich
+ Refined Dynkin Data for Nilpotent Elements 1994 Vladimir Hinich
+ Deformation theory and Lie algebra homology 1994 Vladimir Hinich
Vadim Schechtman
+ Homotopy Lie algebras 1993 Vladimir Hinich
Vadim Schechtman
+ Rings with Approximation Property Admit a Dualizing Complex 1993 Vladimir Hinich
+ On the singularities of nilpotent orbits 1991 Vladimir Hinich
+ On Brieskorn’s theorem 1991 Vladimir Hinich
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Homological algebra of homotopy algebras 1997 Vladimir Hinich
+ Simplicial localizations of categories 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ PDF Chat The deformation theory of representations of fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds 1988 William M. Goldman
John J. Millson
+ Rational Homotopy Theory 1969 Daniel Quillen
+ Function complexes in homotopical algebra 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ Calculating simplicial localizations 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Invariant Algebraic Structures on Topological Spaces 1973 J. M. Boardman
R. M. Vogt
+ Higher Topos Theory 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ The homotopy limit of homotopy algebras 1986 V A Khinich
V. V. Shekhtman
+ Model Categories and Their Localizations 2009 Philip Hirschhorn
+ PDF Chat Rectification of algebras and modules 2015 Vladimir Hinich
+ None 1997 Vladimir Hinich
+ Homotopy Lie algebras 1993 Vladimir Hinich
Vadim Schechtman
+ Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory 1967 Peter Gabriel
Michel Zisman
+ On PL De Rham Theory and Rational Homotopy Type 1976 A. K. Bousfield
V. K. A. M. Gugenheim
+ Deformation theory and Lie algebra homology 1994 Vladimir Hinich
Vadim Schechtman
+ A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory 2000 Charles Rezk
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces 1972 J. P. May
+ PDF Chat The homotopy invariance of the Kuranishi space 1990 William M. Goldman
John J. Millson
+ DG coalgebras as formal stacks 2001 Vladimir Hinich
+ Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types 2001 Vladimir Hinich
+ Koszul duality for operads 1994 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Tamarkins proof of Kontsevich formality theorem 2003 Vladimir Hinich
+ Operads, homotopy algebra and iterated integrals for double loop spaces 1994 Ezra Getzler
John D. S. Jones
+ Deformations of sheaves of algebras 2004 Vladimir Hinich
+ Obstructions to homotopy equivalences 1979 Stephen Halperin
James Stasheff
+ PDF Chat Relative categories: Another model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ Combinatorial Model Categories Have Presentations 2001 Daniel Dugger
+ PDF Chat Functors of Artin rings 1968 Michael Schlessinger
+ A characterization of simplicial localization functors and a discussion of DK equivalences 2012 Clark Barwick
D Kan
+ PDF Chat Rectification of enriched ∞–categories 2015 Rune Haugseng
+ Orbifolds, Sheaves and Groupoids 1997 Ieke Moerdijk
Dorette Pronk
+ PDF Chat Homotopical Algebra 1967 Daniel Quillen
+ Homotopy Limits, Completions and Localizations 1972 A. K. Bousfield
Daniel M. Kan
+ Lectures on infinity categories 2017 Vladimir Hinich
+ PDF Chat The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for V-manifolds. 1957 Ichirō Satake
+ PDF Chat Quantization of Lie bialgebras, II 1998 Pavel Etingof
David Kazhdan
+ Descente pour les n-champs (Descent for n-stacks) 1998 André Hirschowitz
Carlos Simpson
+ PDF Chat A model category structure on the category of simplicial categories 2006 Julia E. Bergner
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups 1965 Robert Steinberg
+ PDF Chat Deformation Quantization of Poisson Manifolds 2003 Maxim Kontsevich
+ Simplicial objects in algebraic topology 1993 J. P. May
+ PDF Chat On spaces of Riemann surfaces with nodes 1974 Lipman Bers
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of braid spaces 1973 Fred Cohen
+ Teichmüller spaces and representability of functors 1975 Michael Engber
+ Grothendieck Duality and Base Change 2000 Brian Conrad
+ Théorie homotopique des formes différentielles (d'après D. Sullivan) 1977 Daniel Lehmann
+ On the collapsing of homogeneous bundles 1976 George R. Kempf
+ PDF Chat Dendroidal Segal spaces and ∞-operads 2013 Denis-Charles Cisinski
Ieke Moerdijk