M. I. Lavrov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Online Ramsey Numbers of Ordered Paths and Cycles 2024 Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ A Hall-Type Condition for Path Covers in Bipartite Graphs 2024 M. I. Lavrov
Jennifer Vandenbussche
+ A Hall-type condition for path covers in bipartite graphs 2023 M. I. Lavrov
Jennifer Vandenbussche
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic connected matchings in 2‐edge‐colored multipartite graphs 2022 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ Online Ramsey numbers of ordered paths and cycles 2022 Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ PDF Chat A strengthening of the Erdős–Szekeres Theorem 2021 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ PDF Chat Longest cycles in 3‐connected hypergraphs and bipartite graphs 2021 Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Ruth Luo
Dara Zirlin
+ Monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-edge-coloured graphs with large minimum degree 2021 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ PDF Chat Conditions for a Bigraph to be Super-Cyclic 2021 Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Ruth Luo
Dara Zirlin
+ PDF Chat Making <i>K</i><sub><i>r</i>+1</sub>-free graphs <i>r</i>-partite 2020 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
M. I. Lavrov
Bernard Lidický
Florian Pfender
+ Conditions for a bigraph to be super-cyclic 2020 Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Ruth Luo
Dara Zirlin
+ A Strengthening of the Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres Theorem 2020 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ Longest cycles in 3-connected hypergraphs and bipartite graphs 2020 Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Ruth Luo
Dara Zirlin
+ PDF Chat Long monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-edge-colored multipartite graphs 2020 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ Conditions for a bigraph to be super-cyclic 2020 Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Ruth Luo
Dara Zirlin
+ A Strengthening of the Erdős-Szekeres Theorem 2020 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ Longest cycles in 3-connected hypergraphs and bipartite graphs 2020 Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Ruth Luo
Dara Zirlin
+ Making $K_{r+1}$-Free Graphs $r$-partite 2019 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
M. I. Lavrov
Bernard Lidický
Florian Pfender
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic Hilbert Cubes and Arithmetic Progressions 2019 József Balogh
M. I. Lavrov
George Shakan
Adam Zsolt Wagner
+ Ordered size Ramsey number of paths 2019 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ Monochromatic connected matchings in 2-edge-colored multipartite graphs 2019 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ Long monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-edge-colored multipartite graphs 2019 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ Monochromatic paths and cycles in $2$-edge-colored graphs with large minimum degree 2019 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ PDF Chat Distance-Uniform Graphs with Large Diameter 2019 M. I. Lavrov
Po‐Shen Loh
Arnau Messegué
+ Ordered Size Ramsey Number of Paths. 2018 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ Monochromatic Hilbert cubes and arithmetic progressions. 2018 József Balogh
M. I. Lavrov
George Shakan
Adam Zsolt Wagner
+ Ordered Size Ramsey Number of Paths 2018 József Balogh
Felix Christian Clemen
Emily Heath
M. I. Lavrov
+ Monochromatic Hilbert cubes and arithmetic progressions 2018 József Balogh
M. I. Lavrov
George Shakan
Adam Zsolt Wagner
+ Distance-Uniform Graphs with Large Diameter 2017 M. I. Lavrov
Po‐Shen Loh
Arnau Messegué
+ Distance-Uniform Graphs with Large Diameter 2017 M. I. Lavrov
Po‐Shen Loh
Arnau Messegué
+ An Upper Bound for the Hales--Jewett Number $\mathrm{HJ}(4,2)$ 2016 M. I. Lavrov
+ Increasing Hamiltonian paths in random edge orderings 2015 M. I. Lavrov
Po‐Shen Loh
+ An upper bound for the Hales-Jewett number HJ(4,2) 2015 M. I. Lavrov
+ An upper bound for the Hales-Jewett number HJ(4,2) 2015 M. I. Lavrov
+ Improved upper and lower bounds on a geometric Ramsey problem 2014 M. I. Lavrov
Mitchell Lee
John Mackey
+ Hamiltonian increasing paths in random edge orderings 2014 M. I. Lavrov
Po‐Shen Loh
+ PDF Chat ON THE S<sup>1</sup> × S<sup>2</sup> HOMFLY-PT INVARIANT AND LEGENDRIAN LINKS 2013 M. I. Lavrov
Dan Rutherford
+ Graham's Number is Less Than 2^^^6 2013 M. I. Lavrov
Mitchell Lee
John Mackey
+ PDF Chat On the Game Chromatic Number of Sparse Random Graphs 2013 Alan Frieze
Simi Haber
M. I. Lavrov
+ PDF Chat Generalized normal rulings and invariants of Legendrian solid torus links 2012 M. I. Lavrov
Dan Rutherford
+ On the S^1 x S^2 HOMFLY-PT invariant and Legendrian links 2012 M. I. Lavrov
Dan Rutherford
+ On the game chromatic number of sparse random graphs 2012 Alan Frieze
Simi Haber
M. I. Lavrov
+ On the game chromatic number of sparse random graphs. 2011 Alan Frieze
Simi Haber
M. I. Lavrov
+ Generalized normal rulings and invariants of Legendrian solid torus links 2011 M. I. Lavrov
Dan Rutherford
+ On the Secondary Minimum of the Eclipsing Binary ZZ UMa 1989 E. B. Janiashvili
M. I. Lavrov
+ Errata: "New coefficients of polynomials approximating eclipsing binary solutions" [Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechoslovakia, Vol. 27, p. 301 - 308 (1976)]. 1978 M. I. Lavrov
N. G. Sokolova
+ New Coefficients of Polynomials Approximating Eclipsing Binary Solutions 1976 M. I. Lavrov
N. G. Sokolova
+ Complex of programmes for the analysis of light curves of eclipsing binaries by a direct method and some results of its application. 1976 M. I. Lavrov
+ Computer solutions of light curves of eclipsing binaries. 1973 M. I. Lavrov
+ The function alpha (k, p) for a sphere-ellipsoid model. 1972 M. I. Lavrov
+ Sphere-ellipsoid model for close binary systems. 1971 M. I. Lavrov
N. V. Lavrova
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Problem in Geometry 2009 P. Erdős
G. Szckeres
+ Cycles in bipartite graphs 1981 Bill Jackson
+ The Ramsey number for a triple of long even cycles 2006 Agnieszka Figaj
Tomasz Łuczak
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic Cycles in 2-Coloured Graphs 2012 Fabrício Benevides
Tomasz Łuczak
Alex Scott
Jozef Skokan
Matthew White
+ Primitive recursive bounds for van der Waerden numbers 1988 Saharon Shelah
+ On some Multicolor Ramsey Properties of Random Graphs 2017 Andrzej Dudek
Paweł Prałat
+ The 3-colored Ramsey number of even cycles 2009 Fabrício Benevides
Jozef Skokan
+ PDF Chat Legendrian solid-torus links 2004 Lenhard Ng
+ PDF Chat On the combinatorial problems which I would most like to see solved 1981 P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Erdős-Szekeres-type theorems for monotone paths and convex bodies 2012 Jacob Fox
János Pach
Benny Sudakov
Andrew Suk
+ The size Ramsey number of a directed path 2011 Ido Ben‐Eliezer
Michael Krivelevich
Benny Sudakov
+ R(Cn,Cn,Cn)⩽(4+o(1))n 1999 Tomasz Łuczak
+ PDF Chat HOMFLY-PT polynomial and normal rulings of Legendrian solid torus links 2011 Dan Rutherford
+ On Size Ramsey Number of Paths, Trees and Circuits. II 1990 József Beck
+ A Probabilistic Proof of an Asymptotic Formula for the Number of Labelled Regular Graphs 1980 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Bennequin Type Inequalities in Lens Spaces 2011 Christopher R. Cornwell
+ Pancyclic graphs II 1976 J. A. Bondy
A. W. Ingleton
+ On the multi‐colored Ramsey numbers of cycles 2011 Tomasz Łuczak
Miklós Simonovits
Jozef Skokan
+ On the Multi-Colored Ramsey Numbers of Paths and Even Cycles 2016 Gábor N. Sárközy
+ On Hamilton's ideals 1972 Vašek Chvátal
+ A Ramsey-type problem in directed and bipartite graphs 1973 András Gyárfás
Jenö Lehel
+ None 2007 4
+ Chekanov–Eliashberg invariant of Legendrian knots: existence of augmentations 2003 Dmitry Fuchs
+ On Ramsey-Type Problems 2009 Edy Tri Baskoro
+ PDF Chat Long monochromatic paths and cycles in 2-edge-colored multipartite graphs 2020 József Balogh
Alexandr Kostochka
M. I. Lavrov
Xujun Liu
+ Long cycles in bipartite graphs 1985 Bill Jackson
+ PDF Chat A Construction for Partitions Which Avoid Long Arithmetic Progressions 1968 Elwyn R. Berlekamp
+ PDF Chat Monochromatic paths in random tournaments 2018 Matija Bucić
Shoham Letzter
Benny Sudakov
+ The oriented size Ramsey number of directed paths 2020 Shoham Letzter
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat On <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e79" altimg="si13.svg"><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:math>-uniform hypergraphs with circumference less than <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline" id="d1e84" altimg="si13.svg"><mml:mi>r</mml:mi></mml:math> 2019 Alexandr Kostochka
Ruth Luo
+ PDF Chat Multicolour Bipartite Ramsey Number of Paths 2019 Matija Bucić
Shoham Letzter
Benny Sudakov
+ PDF Chat Tripartite Ramsey numbers for paths 2007 András Gyárfás
Miklós Ruszinkó
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Three-color Ramsey numbers for paths 2008 András Gyárfás
Miklós Ruszinkó
Gábor N. Sárközy
Endre Szemerédi
+ PDF Chat Ramsey Theory, integer partitions and a new proof of the Erdős–Szekeres Theorem 2014 Guy Moshkovitz
A. Shapira
+ Cycles of even length in graphs 1974 J. A. Bondy
Miklós Simonovits
+ Strong Tur\'an stability 2014 Mykhaylo Tyomkyn
Andrew J. Uzzell
+ Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 1 2011 Richard P. Stanley
+ All Ramsey numbers for cycles in graphs 1974 Ralph J. Faudree
R. H. Schelp
+ Lexicographic Ramsey theory 1993 P. C. Fishburn
Ronald Graham
+ The Thurston-Bennequin number, Kauffman polynomial, and ruling invariants of a Legendrian link: The Fuchs conjecture and beyond 2006 Drew Rutherford
+ PDF Chat Some new results in extremal graph theory 2011 Vladimir Nikiforov
+ Variations on the Monotone Subsequence Theme of Erdös and Szekeres 1995 J. Michael Steele
+ PDF Chat An Alternative Proof of the Linearity of the Size-Ramsey Number of Paths 2014 Andrzej Dudek
Paweł Prałat
+ PDF Chat The two possible values of the chromatic number of a random graph 2005 Dimitris Achlioptas
Assaf Naor
+ On the number of hamilton cycles in a random graph 1989 Colin Cooper
Alan Frieze
+ On a combinatorial problem in geometry 1975 H. L. Abbott
D. Hanson
+ The Ramsey size number of dipaths 2002 David Reimer
+ Some Ramsey–Turán type problems and related questions 2011 R.H. Schelp