Jacob E. Goodman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Geometric Control of Two Quadrotors Carrying a Rigid Rod with Elastic Cables 2022 Jacob E. Goodman
Leonardo Colombo
+ Variational Obstacle Avoidance with Applications to Interpolation Problems in Hybrid Systems 2021 Jacob E. Goodman
Leonardo Colombo
+ On the Existence and Uniqueness of Poincaré Maps for Systems with Impulse Effects 2018 Jacob E. Goodman
Leonardo Colombo
+ Transversal and Helly-type Theorems in Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology 2009 Imre Bárány
Ted Bisztriczky
Jacob E. Goodman
Luis Montejano
Déborah Oliveros
+ The combinatorial encoding of disjoint convex sets in the plane 2008 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Convexity in Topological Affine Planes 2007 Raghavan Dhandapani
Jacob E. Goodman
Andreas F. Holmsen
Richard Pollack
Shakhar Smorodinsky
+ PDF Chat Cremona convexity, frame convexity and a theorem of Santaló 2006 Jacob E. Goodman
Andreas F. Holmsen
Richard Pollack
Kristian Ranestad
Frank Sottile
Andreas F. Holmsen
Richard Pollack
Kristian Ranestad
Frank Sottile
+ Cremona Convexity, Frame Convexity, and a Theorem of Santal\'o 2004 Jacob E. Goodman
Andreas F. Holmsen
Ricky Pollack
Kristian Ranestad
Frank Sottile
+ Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, Second Edition 2004 Jacob E. Goodman
Joseph O’Rourke
+ Pseudoline Arrangements 2004 Jacob E. Goodman
+ Cremona Convexity, Frame Convexity, and a Theorem of Santaló 2004 Jacob E. Goodman
Andreas F. Holmsen
Ricky Pollack
Kristian Ranestad
Frank Sottile
+ A Helly-type theorem for higher-dimensional transversals 2002 Boris Aronov
Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat A Helly-Type Theorem for Hyperplane Transversals to Well-Separated Convex Sets 2001 Boris Aronov
Jacob E. Goodman
Ricky Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ PDF Chat On the Helly Number for Hyperplane Transversals to Unit Balls 2000 Boris Aronov
Jacob E. Goodman
Ricky Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ A Helly-type theorem for hyperplane transversals to well-separated convex sets 2000 Boris Aronov
Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ Bounding the Number of Geometric Permutations Induced byk-Transversals 1996 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ PDF Chat Foundations of a theory of convexity on affine Grassmann manifolds 1995 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat On the connected components of the space of line transversals to a family of convex sets 1995 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ Arrangements and Topological Planes 1994 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
Tudor Zamfirescu
+ Arrangements and Topological Planes 1994 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
Tudor Zamfirescu
+ Bounding the number of geometric permutations induced by <i>k</i>-transversals 1994 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ None 1994 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Allowable Sequences and Order Types in Discrete and Computational Geometry 1993 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Geometric Transversal Theory 1993 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ Discrete and Computational Geometry: Papers from the DIMACS Special Year 1991 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
William Steiger
+ The Intrinsic Spread of a Configuration in R d 1990 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat The intrinsic spread of a configuration in ${\bf R}\sp d$ 1990 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Bernd Sturmfels
+ On the combinatorial complexity of the space of hyperplane transversals 1990 János Pach
Sylvain E. Cappell
Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Micha Sharir
Rephael Wenger
+ Mountain Climbing, Ladder Moving, and the Ring-Width of a Polygon 1989 Jacob E. Goodman
János Pach
Chee Yap
+ Mountain Climbing, Ladder Moving, and the Ring-Width of a Polygon 1989 Jacob E. Goodman
János Pach
Chee Yap
+ New Bounds on Higher Dimensional Configurations and Polytopes 1989 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Coordinate representation of order types requires exponential storage 1989 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Cell decomposition of polytopes by bending 1988 Jacob E. Goodman
János Pach
+ Hadwiger's Transversal Theorem In Higher Dimensions 1988 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Hadwiger’s transversal theorem in higher dimensions 1988 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for configurations and polytopes inR d 1986 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat There are asymptotically far fewer polytopes than we thought 1986 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Polynomial realization of pseudoline arrangements 1985 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Richard Pollack
Richard Pollack
+ Modeling planar configurations 1985 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Semispaces of configurations, cell complexes of arrangements 1984 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ On the number of k-subsets of a set of n points in the plane 1984 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Multidimensional Sorting 1983 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Helly-type theorems for pseudoline arrangements in P2 1982 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Three points do not determine a (pseudo-) plane 1981 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ On the largest convex polygon contained in a non-convex n-gon, or how to peel a potato 1981 Jacob E. Goodman
+ Proof of Grünbaum's conjecture on the stretchability of certain arrangements of pseudolines 1980 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Proof of a conjecture of Burr, Grünbaum, and Sloane 1980 Jacob E. Goodman
+ Varieties proper over affine schemes 1973 Jacob E. Goodman
Alan Landman
+ Affine Open Subsets of Algebraic Varieties and Ample Divisors 1969 Jacob E. Goodman
+ Schemes with Finite-Dimensional Cohomology Groups 1969 Jacob E. Goodman
Robin Hartshorne
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Arrangements and Spreads 1972 Benjamin W. Grunbaum
+ Geometric Transversal Theory 1993 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds for configurations and polytopes inR d 1986 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Proof of Grünbaum's conjecture on the stretchability of certain arrangements of pseudolines 1980 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Multidimensional Sorting 1983 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Helly-Type Theorems and Geometric Transversals 2004 Rephael Wenger
+ Semispaces of configurations, cell complexes of arrangements 1984 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Hadwiger’s transversal theorem in higher dimensions 1988 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Combinatorial Geometry in the Plane. 1965 G. P. Johnson
H. Hadwiger
Hans Debrunner
Victor Klee
+ Teilungen der Ebene durch Geraden oder topologische Geraden 1956 Gerhard Ringel
+ PDF Chat On the Betti numbers of real varieties 1964 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Reduced Decompositions of Elements of Coxeter Groups 1984 Richard P. Stanley
+ A theorem of ordered duality 1982 JacobE. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Proof of a conjecture of Burr, Grünbaum, and Sloane 1980 Jacob E. Goodman
+ Helly-type theorems for pseudoline arrangements in P2 1982 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat Proof of grünbaum's conjecture on common transversals for translates 1989 Helge Tverberg
+ Helly’s theorem and its relatives 1963 Ludwig Danzer
Branko Grünbaum
Victor Klee
+ Un Teorema sobre conjuntos de paralelepípedos de aristas paralelas 2009 Lluís Santaló
+ PDF Chat The maximum number of ways to stabn convex nonintersecting sets in the plane is 2n−2 1990 Herbert Edelsbrunner
Micha Sharir
+ Über ein Problem aus der kombinatorischen Geometrie 1957 Ludwig Danzer
+ On the number of k-subsets of a set of n points in the plane 1984 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat On the Helly Number for Hyperplane Transversals to Unit Balls 2000 Boris Aronov
Jacob E. Goodman
Ricky Pollack
Rephael Wenger
+ Coordinate representation of order types requires exponential storage 1989 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Two counterexamples concerning transversals for convex subsets of the plane 1980 Ted G. Lewis
+ The tropical Grassmannian 2004 David E Speyer
Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Upper bounds on geometric permutations for convex sets 1990 Rephael Wenger
+ Hadwiger's Transversal Theorem In Higher Dimensions 1988 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ PDF Chat The different ways of stabbing disjoint convex sets 1992 Meir Katchalski
T. Lewis
A. Liu
+ Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry 1987 Herbert Edelsbrunner
+ Geometric permutations for convex sets 1985 Meir Katchalski
T. Lewis
Joseph Zaks
+ Neighborly polytopes 1982 Ido Shemer
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat A conjecture of Grünbaum on common transversals. 1986 Meir Katchalski
+ Computational Synthetic Geometry 1989 Bernd Sturmfels
+ Combinatorial Correspondences for Young Tableaux, Balanced Tableaux and Maxima l Chains in the Weak Bruhat Order of Sn 1985 Curtis Greene
Paul H. Edelman
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Vertices of a Convex Polytope 1964 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat Foundations of a theory of convexity on affine Grassmann manifolds 1995 Jacob E. Goodman
Richard Pollack
+ Order properties of lines in the plane and a conjecture of G. Ringel 1986 Michel Las Vergnas
+ Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and 3 1977 Edwin E. Moïse
+ PDF Chat Uniform oriented matroids without the isotopy property 1989 Beat Jäggi
Peter Mani-Levitska
Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
+ Über Mengen konvexer Körper mit gemeinschaftlichen Punkte. 1923 Ed. Helly
+ PDF Chat Chow quotients of Grassmannians. I 1993 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Sur les Matroïdes Orientés de Rang 3 et les Arrangements de Pseudodroites dans le Plan Projectif Réel 1982 Raul Cordovil
+ The Theorem of Riemann-Roch for High Multiples of an Effective Divisor on an Algebraic Surface 1962 Oscar Zariski
+ A Lower Bound for Heilbronn'S Problem 1982 János Komlós
J. Pintz
Endre Szemerédi
+ Some Applications of Affine Gale Diagrams to Polytopes with Few Vertices 1988 Bernd Sturmfels
+ Helly, Radon, and Carathéodory Type Theorems 1993 Jürgen Eckhoff
+ PDF Chat Common secants for plane convex sets 1954 Victor Klee
+ PDF Chat On the existence of a curve connecting given points on an abstract variety 1954 Hajime Nishimura
Yoshikazu Nakai
+ Lower bounds for approximation by nonlinear manifolds 1968 Hugh E. Warren