Shu Luo


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Chenghao Li 1
Guangshi LĂŒ 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. VI. The Shadow and Mass of the Central Black Hole 2019 Kazunori Akiyama
A. Alberdi
W. Alef
Keiichi Asada
Rebecca Azulay
Anne-Kathrin Baczko
David Ball
M. Baloković
John Barrett
Dan Bintley
+ Modified gravity and cosmology 2012 Timothy Clifton
Pedro G. Ferreira
Antonio Padilla
Constantinos Skordis
+ PDF Chat Quantum Oppenheimer-Snyder and Swiss Cheese Models 2023 Jerzy Lewandowski
Yongge Ma
Jinsong Yang
Cong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Testing general relativity with present and future astrophysical observations 2015 Emanuele Berti
Enrico Barausse
VĂ­tor Cardoso
Leonardo Gualtieri
Paolo Pani
Ulrich Sperhake
Leo C. Stein
Norbert Wex
Kent Yagi
Tessa Baker
+ PDF Chat Black hole image encoding quantum gravity information 2023 Cong Zhang
Yongge Ma
Jinsong Yang
+ PDF Chat The Structure of Dark Matter Halos in Dwarf Galaxies 1995 Andreas Burkert
+ PDF Chat Dark Matter Scaling Relations 2000 P. Salucci
Andreas Burkert
+ PDF Chat Scalar fields around a loop quantum gravity black hole in de Sitter spacetime: Quasinormal modes, late-time tails and strong cosmic censorship 2024 Cai-Ying Shao
Cong Zhang
Wei Zhang
Cheng-Gang Shao
+ PDF Chat Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger 2016 B. P. Abbott
R. Abbott
T. D. Abbott
M. R. Abernathy
F. Acernese
K. Ackley
C. Adams
T. Adams
P. Addesso
R. X. Adhikari
+ PDF Chat Image of a Kerr-Melvin black hole with a thin accretion disk 2022 Yehui Hou
Zhenyu Zhang
Haopeng Yan
Minyong Guo
Bin Chen
+ Derivative self-interactions for a massive vector field 2016 Jose Beltrån Jiménez
Lavinia Heisenberg
+ PDF Chat Solutions in the generalized Proca theory with the nonminimal coupling to the Einstein tensor 2016 Masato Minamitsuji
+ Shadows of Einstein–dilaton–Gauss–Bonnet black holes 2017 Pedro V. P. Cunha
Carlos Herdeiro
Burkhard Kleihaus
Jutta Kunz
Eugen Radu
+ PDF Chat Light propagation in a plasma on Kerr spacetime: Separation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and calculation of the shadow 2017 Volker Perlick
Oleg Yu. Tsupko
+ PDF Chat Shadows of rotating wormholes 2018 Rajibul Shaikh
+ PDF Chat Massive Vector Fields in Rotating Black-Hole Spacetimes: Separability and Quasinormal Modes 2018 Valeri P. Frolov
Pavel KrtouĆĄ
David Kubizƈåk
Jorge E. Santos
+ PDF Chat Shadow and deflection angle of rotating black holes in perfect fluid dark matter with a cosmological constant 2019 Sumarna Haroon
Mubasher Jamil
Kimet Jusufi
Kai Lin
Robert B. Mann
+ PDF Chat Astrophysical signatures of black holes in generalized Proca theories 2019 Mostafizur Rahman
Anjan A. Sen
+ PDF Chat Black hole shadows, photon rings, and lensing rings 2019 Samuel E. Gralla
D. E. Holz
Robert M. Wald
+ PDF Chat Black hole surrounded by a dark matter halo in the M87 galactic center and its identification with shadow images 2019 Kimet Jusufi
Mubasher Jamil
Paolo Salucci
Tao Zhu
Sumarna Haroon
+ PDF Chat Significance of black hole quasinormal modes: A closer look 2020 Ramin G. Daghigh
Michael D. Green
Jodin C. Morey
+ PDF Chat Asymptotical quasinormal mode spectrum for piecewise approximate effective potential 2021 Wei‐Liang Qian
Kai Lin
Cai-Ying Shao
Bin Wang
Rui-Hong Yue
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes of black holes: From astrophysics to string theory 2011 R. A. Konoplya
A. Zhidenko
+ PDF Chat Generalized Proca action for an Abelian vector field 2016 Erwan Allys
Patrick Peter
Yeinzon RodrĂ­guez
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous symmetry breaking in loop quantum gravity 2008 GĂĄbor Helesfai
+ PDF Chat Pseudospectrum and Black Hole Quasinormal Mode Instability 2021 José Luis Jaramillo
Rodrigo Panosso Macedo
Lamis Al Sheikh
+ PDF Chat Pseudospectrum of Reissner-Nordström black holes: Quasinormal mode instability and universality 2021 Kyriakos Destounis
Rodrigo Panosso Macedo
Emanuele Berti
VĂ­tor Cardoso
José Luis Jaramillo
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal ringing of regular black holes in asymptotically safe gravity: the importance of overtones 2022 R. A. Konoplya
A. F. Zinhailo
Jutta Kunz
Zdeněk Stuchlík
A. Zhidenko
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the black-to-white hole transition within a single asymptotic region 2023 Muxin Han
Carlo Rovelli
Farshid Soltani
+ PDF Chat Perturbing the perturbed: Stability of quasinormal modes in presence of a positive cosmological constant 2023 Subhodeep Sarkar
Mostafizur Rahman
Sumanta Chakraborty
+ PDF Chat Optical appearance of a nonsingular de Sitter core black hole geometry under several thin disk emissions 2023 Ivan De Martino
Riccardo Della Monica
Diego Rubiera-GarcĂ­a
+ PDF Chat Effective four-dimensional loop quantum black hole with a cosmological constant 2024 Jianhui Lin
Xiangdong Zhang
+ PDF Chat Appearance of de Sitter black holes and strong cosmic censorship 2024 Li-Ming Cao
Long-Yue Li
Xia-Yuan Liu
Yu-Sen Zhou
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal modes, pseudospectrum and time evolution of Proca fields in a quantum Oppenheimer-Snyder–de Sitter spacetime 2024 Shu Luo
+ PDF Chat Shadow casted by a Konoplya-Zhidenko rotating non-Kerr black hole 2017 Mingzhi Wang
Songbai Chen
Jiliang Jing
+ PDF Chat Hyperboloidal foliations and scri-fixing 2008 Anıl Zenginoğlu
+ PDF Chat Black-Hole Bombs and Photon-Mass Bounds 2012 Paolo Pani
VĂ­tor Cardoso
Leonardo Gualtieri
Emanuele Berti
Akihiro Ishibashi
+ PDF Chat Superradiant instabilities in astrophysical systems 2013 Helvi Witek
VĂ­tor Cardoso
Akihiro Ishibashi
Ulrich Sperhake
+ PDF Chat Branch cut and quasinormal modes at large imaginary frequency in Schwarzschild space-time 2012 Marc Casals
Adrian C. Ottewill
+ PDF Chat Decay of massive scalar field in a Schwarzschild background 2005 R. A. Konoplya
A. Zhidenko
+ PDF Chat About the significance of quasinormal modes of black holes 1996 Hans-Peter Nollert
+ Exact solutions in bouncing cosmology 2007 Tomasz Stachowiak
Marek SzydƂowski
+ PDF Chat Generating rotating regular black hole solutions without complexification 2014 Mustapha Azreg‐Aïnou
+ PDF Chat The Proca field in loop quantum gravity 2007 GĂĄbor Helesfai