A.A. Melikyan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Minimizing the determinant of the graph Laplacian 2024 Nathan Albin
Joan Lind
A.A. Melikyan
Pietro Poggiā€Corradini
+ Universal surfaces and smooth solutions of Bellmanā€™s equations 2011 A.A. Melikyan
Alexander Ovseevich
+ Singular boundary characteristics of the Hamiltonā€“Jacobi equation 2010 A.A. Melikyan
+ PDF Chat Boundary singularities and characteristics of Hamiltonā€“Jacobi equation 2010 A.A. Melikyan
Geert Jan Olsder
+ Investigation of the behavior of weak waves in the solution of a vector variational wave equation 2009 V. A. Korneev
A.A. Melikyan
+ Simple Singularities for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Max-Concave Hamiltonians and Generalized Characteristics 2008 Martin V. Day
A.A. Melikyan
+ Necessary optimality conditions for different phase portraits in a neighborhood of a singular arc 2006 A.A. Melikyan
+ A Remark on IVP and TVP Non-Smooth Viscosity Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations 2005 A.A. Melikyan
Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov
Naira Hovakimyan
+ Bringing a non-linear manoeuvringobject to the optimal position in the shortest time 2005 Yu. N. Zhelnin
A.A. Melikyan
A.Ye. Utemov
F. L. Chernousko
+ Dynamic programming approach to a minimum distance optimal control problem 2004 A.A. Melikyan
Naira Hovakimyan
Yutaka Ikeda
+ Weak wave generation control in variational wave equation 2004 A.A. Melikyan
+ Primary strategies of simple pursuit in differential games on two-sided plane figures 2004 A.A. Melikyan
+ None 2001 A.A. Melikyan
+ Mode reconstruction in a one-parameter family of optimal control problems 2001 Yu.V. Aldakimov
A.A. Melikyan
G.V. Naumov
+ Singular characteristics in dynamic programming 1999 A.A. Melikyan
+ Differential game of simple convergence on manifolds 1993 A.A. Melikyan
Naira Hovakimyan
+ A simple pursuit-and-evasion game on a two-dimensional cone 1991 A.A. Melikyan
N. V. Ovakimyan
+ Singular trajectory in the problem of simple pursuit on a manifold 1991 A.A. Melikyan
N. V. Ovakimyan
+ Hamiltonian systems with a specified invariant manifold and some of their applications 1984 A.A. Melikyan
Alexander Ovseevich
+ Some differential games with incomplete information 1975 F. L. Chernousko
A.A. Melikyan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 V. I. Arnold
+ Generalized characteristics of first order PDEs 1998 A.A. Melikian
+ Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 V. I. Arnold
+ Optimal pursuit on a plane in the presence of an obstacle 1982 L.S. Vishnevetskii
A.A. Melikian
+ Userā€™s guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations 1992 Michael G. Crandall
Hitoshi Ishii
Pierre-Louis Lions
+ Controlled markov processes and viscosity solutions 1994 M. R. James
+ Partial Differential Equations. 1963 Courtney Coleman
Bernard S. Epstein
+ Singularities and Oscillations in a Nonlinear Variational Wave Equation 1997 Robert T. Glassey
John K. Hunter
Yuxi Zheng
+ Viscosity Solutions and Convergence of Monotone Schemes for Synthetic Aperture Radar Shape-from-Shading Equations with Discontinuous Intensities 1999 Daniel N. Ostrov
+ Hamiltonian systems with a specified invariant manifold and some of their applications 1984 A.A. Melikyan
Alexander Ovseevich
+ PDF Chat An Escape-Time Criterion for Queueing Networks: Asymptotic Risk-Sensitive Control via Differential Games 2003 Rami Atar
Paul Dupuis
Adam Shwartz
+ PDF Chat Boundary singularities and characteristics of Hamiltonā€“Jacobi equation 2010 A.A. Melikyan
Geert Jan Olsder
+ Neumann-Type Boundary Conditions for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Smooth Domains 2006 Martin V. Day
+ Approximation schemes for finding the value functions for differential games with nonterminal payoff functional 1994 Nikolai D. Botkin
+ Dynamic noncooperative game theory 1997 Harri Ehtamo
+ Mathematical methods of classical mechanics 1978 Š’Š»Š°Š“ŠøŠ¼Šøр Š˜Š³Š¾Ń€ŠµŠ²Šøч ŠŃ€Š½Š¾Š»ŃŒŠ“
+ Singular surfaces in differential games an introduction 2006 Pierre Bernhard
+ Partial differential equations 2021 Brent J. Lewis
E. Nihan Onder
Andrew A. Prudil
+ Partial Differential Equations 2024 Robert Johansson
+ Partial Differential Equations 2010 Lawrence Evans
+ Geometry of Optimal Paths around Focal Singular Surfaces in Differential Games 2005 Arik Melikyan
Pierre Bernhard
+ A simple pursuit-and-evasion game on a two-dimensional cone 1991 A.A. Melikyan
N. V. Ovakimyan
+ A Free Boundary Problem in <i>R</i><sup><i>d</i></sup> with Both Smooth and Nonsmooth Fit 1998 J. R. Dorroh
Guillermo Ferreyra
+ The sufficient conditions of stability for the value function of a differential game in terms of singular points 2003 Liudmila Kamneva
+ PDF Chat A differential game with constrained dynamics and viscosity solutions of a related HJB equation 2002 Rami Atar
Paul Dupuis
+ Second-order tests in optimization theories 1975 C. Marchal
+ On initial value and terminal value problems for Hamiltonā€“Jacobi equation 2007 Arik Melikyan
Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov
Naira Hovakimyan