Д. Н. Азаров


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the $ \pi $-Potency of Descending HNN-Extensions of Groups 2024 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the Virtual Potency of Automorphism Groups and Split Extensions 2023 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the Virtual Potency of Some Groups and Free Constructions 2022 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the Weak $ \pi $-Potency of Some Groups and Free Products 2020 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Finite Homomorphic Images of Groups of Finite Rank 2019 Д. Н. Азаров
N. S. Romanovskii
+ Residual p-finiteness of generalized free products of groups 2017 Д. Н. Азаров
+ A criterion for the F π -residuality of free products with amalgamated cyclic subgroup of nilpotent groups of finite ranks 2016 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Some Residual Properties of Polycyclic Groups and Split Extensions 2015 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Residual properties of automorphisms groups and split extensions 2015 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Approximability of generalized free products of groups with amalgamated normal subgroup by some classes of finite groups 2015 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Residual Properties of Nilpotent Groups 2015 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Residual Properties of Generalized Free Products with Cyclic Amalgamation 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Approximability of finite rank soluble groups by certain classes of finite groups 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the residual finiteness of descending HNN-extensions of groups 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Some Residual Properties of Finite Rank Groups 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the residual finiteness of the HNN-extensions and generalized free products of finite rank groups 2013 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the residual finiteness of generalized free products of finite rank groups 2013 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the residual finiteness of free products of solvable minimax groups with cyclic amalgamated subgroups 2013 Д. Н. Азаров
+ О почти аппроксимируемости конечными р-группами нисходящих HNN-расширений групп 2012 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On root-class residuality of generalized free products 2004 Д. Н. Азаров
Daniel Tieudjo
+ On the residual nilpotence of free products of free groups with cyclic amalgamation 1998 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On residual finiteness of free products of groups with amalgamated subgroup 1997 Д. Н. Азаров
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
N. S. Romanovskii 1
Daniel Tieudjo 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the residual finiteness of generalised free products of nilpotent groups 1963 Gilbert Baumslag
+ The Theory of Infinite Soluble Groups 2004 John C. Lennox
Derek J. S. Robinson
+ Residual Properties of Infinite Soluble Groups 1957 K. W. Gruenberg
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (IV) 1952 K. A. Hirsch
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (III) 1946 K. A. Hirsch
+ Ascending HNN extensions of polycyclic groups are residually finite 2003 Tim Hsu
Daniel T. Wise
+ Combinatorial Group Theory 1990 Roger C. Lyndon
Paul E. Schupp
+ PDF Chat A converse to a residual finiteness theorem of G. Baumslag 1988 M. Shirvani
+ PDF Chat Conjugacy separability of certain free products with amalgamation 1971 Peter F. Stebe
+ Amalgams of p-groups 1964 Graham Higman
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Group Theory 2001 Roger C. Lyndon
Paul E. Schupp
+ Groups of automorphisms of algebraic systems 1972 B. Plotkin
K. A. Hirsch
+ Residually finite groups of finite rank 1989 Alexander Lubotzky
Avinoam Mann
+ PDF Chat Some two-generator one-relator non-Hopfian groups 1962 Gilbert Baumslag
D. Solitar
+ On the residual finiteness of the HNN-extensions and generalized free products of finite rank groups 2013 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the Weak $ \pi $-Potency of Some Groups and Free Products 2020 Д. Н. Азаров
+ The potency of cyclically pinched one-relator groups 1981 R. B. J. T. Allenby
+ PDF Chat On the residual finiteness of generalized free products 1968 Joan L. Dyer
+ On Generalized Free Products of Residually Finitep-Groups 1998 Goansu Kim
C. Y. Tang
+ Combinatorial Group Theory. 1967 P. M. Cohn
Wilhelm Magnus
A. Karrass
D. Solitar
+ On the residual nilpotence of free products of free groups with cyclic amalgamation 1998 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Residually finite hnn extensions 1978 Benjamin Baumslag
Marvin Tretkoff
+ PDF Chat Separating conjugates in amalgamated free products and HNN extensions 1980 Joan L. Dyer
+ PDF Chat Cyclically separated groups 1982 Brian Hartley
John C. Lennox
A. H. Rhemtulla
+ PDF Chat The residual finiteness of ascending HNN-extensions of certain soluble groups 2003 A. H. Rhemtulla
M. Shirvani
+ The subgroup separability of free products of two free groups with cyclic amalgamation 1984 A. M. Brunner
R. G. Burns
D. Solitar
+ Automorphism Groups of Residually Finite Groups 1963 Gilbert Baumslag
+ Integral representation of holomorphs of polycyclic groups 1970 Yu. I. Merzlyakov
+ Approximability of generalized free products of groups with amalgamated normal subgroup by some classes of finite groups 2015 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On Amalgamated Free Products of Residually p-Finite Groups 1993 G.S. Kim
James McCarron
+ A group theoretic characterization of linear groups 1988 Alexander Lubotzky
+ On the residual finiteness of generalized free products of finite rank groups 2013 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Residual finiteness of descending HNN-extension of groups 1992 Д. И. Молдаванский
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Azarov’s work on soluble groups of finite rank 2016 B. A. F. Wehrfritz
+ Combinatorial group theory 1978 Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Some Residual Properties of Finite Rank Groups 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ PDF Chat Nonresidually finite one-relator groups 1972 Stephen Meskin
+ Residual Properties of Generalized Free Products with Cyclic Amalgamation 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the residual finiteness of descending HNN-extensions of groups 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On the residual finiteness of free products of solvable minimax groups with cyclic amalgamated subgroups 2013 Д. Н. Азаров
+ PDF Chat Conjugacy Separability of Generalized Free Products of Certain Conjugacy Separable Groups 1995 C. Y. Tang
+ Weak potency of fundamental groups of graphs of groups 2010 Malaysian Mathematical
P. C. Wong
C.K. Tang
Hangxin Gan
+ Approximability of finite rank soluble groups by certain classes of finite groups 2014 Д. Н. Азаров
+ Residual $p$ properties of mapping class groups and surface groups 2007 Luis Paris
+ PDF Chat Polynomial maps over finite fields and residual finiteness of mapping tori of group endomorphisms 2004 Alexander Borisov
Mark Sapir
+ Normal automorphisms of free groups 1980 Alexander Lubotzky
+ Residual finiteness of the free product of two groups with commuting subgroups 1999 E. D. Loginova
+ On the Virtual Potency of Automorphism Groups and Split Extensions 2023 Д. Н. Азаров
+ On Infinite Soluble Groups (V) 1954 K. A. Hirsch
+ Profinite Groups 2000 Luis Ribes
Pavel Zalesskii