A. E. Western


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Tables of indices and primitive roots 1968 A. E. Western
J. C. P. Miller
+ 2673. Note on Fermat's methods of factorisation 1957 A. E. Western
+ Note on the Magnitude of the Difference between Successive Primes 1934 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat Corrigenda: On Lucas's and Pepin's tests for the Primeness of Mersenne's Numbers<sup>‡</sup> 1932 A. E. Western
+ On Lucas's and Pepin's Tests for the Primeness of Mersenne's Numbers 1932 A. E. Western
+ The Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers. By L. W. Reid Pp. 454. (New York: Macmillan.) 1910. 1911 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat The Elements of the Theory of Algebraic Numbers. By L. W. Reid Pp. 454. (New York: Macmillan.) 1910. 1911 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat Some Criteria for the Residues of Eighth and Other Powers 1911 A. E. Western
+ Quadratic Partitions. By Lieut.-Col. Allan Cunningham, R.E. . Pp. xxiii and 266. 12s. 1904. (Francis Hodgson.) 1905 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat Quadratic Partitions 1905 A. E. Western
Allan Cunningham
+ A Treatise on the Line Complex. By C. M. Jessop. Pp. xvi, 364. 10s. 1903. (Cam. Univ. Press.) 1904 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat A Treatise on the Line Complex. By C. M. Jessop. Pp. xvi, 364. 10s. 1903. (Cam. Univ. Press.) 1904 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat On Fermat's Numbers 1904 Allan Cunningham
A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat Groups of Order p<sup>3</sup> q 1898 A. E. Western
+ PDF Chat The Group of Linear Homogeneous Substitutions on mq Variables which is defined by the Invariant ϕ≡∑i=1mξi1ξi2…ξin. 1898 L. E. Dickson
A. E. Western
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Allan Cunningham 2
J. C. P. Miller 1
L. E. Dickson 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced