Boris Shapiro


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quantum Friction near the Instability Threshold 2024 Daigo Oue
Boris Shapiro
Mário G. Silveirinha
+ PDF Chat Plasmonic Time Crystals 2024 Joshua M. Feinberg
David E. Fernandes
Boris Shapiro
Mário G. Silveirinha
+ PDF Chat Optical Kinetic Theory of Nonlinear Multimode Photonic Networks 2024 Arkady Kurnosov
Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar
Alba Y. Ramos
Boris Shapiro
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Stationary Charge Radiation in Anisotropic Photonic Time Crystals 2023 Huanan Li
Shixiong Yin
Huan He
Jingjun Xu
Andrea Alù
Boris Shapiro
+ Optical Kinetic Theory of Nonlinear Multi-mode Photonic Networks 2023 Arkady Kurnosov
Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar
Alba Y. Ramos
Boris Shapiro
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Fluctuational Electrodynamics In and Out of Equilibrium 2022 Iver Brevik
Boris Shapiro
Mário G. Silveirinha
+ PDF Chat Fluctuational electrodynamics in and out of equilibrium 2022 Iver Brevik
Boris Shapiro
Mário G. Silveirinha
+ PDF Chat A critical discussion of different methods and models in Casimir effect 2022 Iver Brevik
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Controlling optical beam thermalization via band-gap engineering 2021 Cheng Shi
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Universal Statistics of Waves in a Random Time-Varying Medium 2021 Rémi Carminati
H. Chen
Romain Pierrat
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Optical Phase Transitions in Photonic Networks: a Spin-System Formulation 2020 Alba Y. Ramos
Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Adiabatic Thermal Radiation Pumps for Thermal Photonics 2019 Huanan Li
Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar
F. M. Ellis
Boris Shapiro
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Dynamically modulated perfect absorbers 2019 Suwun Suwunnarat
Dashiell Halpern
Huanan Li
Boris Shapiro
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Unidirectional photonic circuit with a phase-change Fano resonator 2018 Roney Thomas
Eleana Makri
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
Ilya Vitebskiy
+ PDF Chat Floquet scattering theory based on effective Hamiltonians of driven systems 2018 Huanan Li
Boris Shapiro
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Floquet-Network Theory of Nonreciprocal Transport 2018 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Driving-induced metamorphosis of transport in arrays of coupled resonators 2018 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ Non-Recirpocal Transport due to Losses and Floquet Engineered Directed Bonds 2017 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ Driving-induced metamorphosis of transport in coupled resonators and waveguides 2017 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Fluctuation-induced forces in the presence of mobile carrier drift 2017 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Critical dynamics at the Anderson localization mobility edge 2016 Cord A. Müller
Dominique Delande
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Half-period Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in disordered rotating optical ring cavities 2016 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Interference of sound waves in a moving fluid 2015 Huanan Li
Andrea Kleeman
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Thermal transport in phononic Cayley-tree networks 2015 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic magnetic structures with balanced gain and loss 2015 J. M. Lee
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Three-Dimensional Anderson Localization in Variable Scale Disorder” 2014 Cord A. Müller
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Probing long-range intensity correlations inside disordered photonic nanostructures 2014 Raktim Sarma
Alexey Yamilov
Pauf Neupane
Boris Shapiro
Hui Cao
+ PT-symmetry in macroscopic magnetic structures 2014 J. M. Lee
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix-theory approach to mesoscopic fluctuations of heat current 2013 Martin Schmidt
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Cold atoms in the presence of disorder 2012 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Thermalization of strongly disordered nonlinear chains 2011 Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Thermal fluctuations of the electric field in the presence of carrier drift 2010 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat One-Parameter Scaling Theory for Stationary States of Disordered Nonlinear Systems 2010 Joshua D. Bodyfelt
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Diffusion of cold-atomic gases in the presence of an optical speckle potential 2010 Leonid Beilin
E. Gurevich
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Spontaneously Localized Photonic Modes Due to Disorder in the Dielectric Constant 2010 Y. Kodriano
D. Gershoni
Ernest G. Linder
Boris Shapiro
M. É. Raǐkh
J.P. Reithmaier
S. Reitzenstein
Andreas Löffler
A. Forchel
Marília Caldas
+ PDF Chat Exponentially Fragile<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:math>Symmetry in Lattices with Localized Eigenmodes 2009 Oliver Bendix
Ragnar Fleischmann
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ Caustic formation in expanding condensates of cold atoms 2009 J. T. Chalker
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Self-consistent study of Anderson localization in the Anderson-Hubbard model in two and three dimensions 2008 Peter Henseler
Johann Kroha
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Anderson Localization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a 3D Random Potential 2008 S. E. Skipetrov
A. Minguzzi
B. A. van Tiggelen
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Density correlations in cold atomic gases: Atomic speckles in the presence of disorder 2008 Peter Henseler
Boris Shapiro
+ Statistics of resonances in a semi-infinite disordered chain 2008 Hervé Kunz
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Static screening and delocalization effects in the Hubbard-Anderson model 2008 Peter Henseler
Johann Kroha
Boris Shapiro
+ Spontaneously Localized Photonic Modes Due to Disorder in the Dielectric Constant 2008 Y. Kodriano
D. Gershoni
Ernest G. Linder
Boris Shapiro
M. É. Raǐkh
J.P. Reithmaier
S. Reitzenstein
Andreas Löffler
A. Forchel
+ PDF Chat Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Disorder 2007 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Resonances in a one-dimensional disordered chain 2006 Hervé Kunz
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Spin-orbit-induced correlations of the local density of states in a two-dimensional electron gas 2006 Vadym Apalkov
M. É. Raǐkh
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Incomplete Photonic Band Gap as Inferred from the Speckle Pattern of Scattered Light Waves 2004 V. M. Apalkov
M. E. Raikh
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Coherent Random Lasing and `Almost Localized' Photon Modes 2003 Vadym Apalkov
M. É. Raǐkh
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Crossover Between Universality Classes in the Statistics of Rare Events in Disordered Conductors 2002 V. M. Apalkov
M. É. Raǐkh
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Random Resonators and Prelocalized Modes in Disordered Dielectric Films 2002 Vadym Apalkov
M. É. Raǐkh
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Spatial-Field Correlation: The Building Block of Mesoscopic Fluctuations 2002 Patrick Sebbah
Ben Yu-Kuang Hu
Azriel Z. Genack
Reuven Pnini
Boris Shapiro
+ Infinite range correlations of intensity in random media 2002 Alex Retzker
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat A model for addition spectra in quantum dots 2001 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat A model for addition spectra in quantum dots 2001 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat New Type of Intensity Correlation in Random Media 1999 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Orbital magnetism in disordered mesoscopic metals 1999 Boris Shapiro
+ The problem of phase breaking in the electronic conduction in mesoscopic systems: a linear-response theory approach 1999 Pier A. Mello
Y. Imry
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Comment on “Critical Behavior in Disordered Quantum Systems Modified by Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry” 1998 Martin Janßen
Boris Shapiro
Imre Varga
+ PDF Chat Transition from Poisson to Gaussian unitary statistics: The two-point correlation function 1998 Hervé Kunz
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Intensity distribution for waves in disordered media: Deviations from Rayleigh statistics 1998 A. D. Mirlin
Reuven Pnini
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Real-space renormalization of the Chalker-Coddington model 1997 Daniel P. Arovas
Martin Janßen
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Perturbation theory for the Rosenzweig-Porter matrix model 1997 Alexander Altland
Martin Janßen
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Orbital Maghetism in Two-Dimensional Integrable Systems 1997 E. Gurevich
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Intensity fluctuations in closed and open systems 1996 Reuven Pnini
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Density of Levels in a Generalized Matrix Ensemble 1995 M. Kreynin
Boris Shapiro
+ Density of Levels in a Generalized Matrix Ensemble 1995 M. Kreynin
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Generalized Ensemble of Random Matrices 1994 Moshe Moshe
Herbert Neuberger
Boris Shapiro
+ Ultrasonic attenuation and the resistive transition in a superconducting granular lead film 1986 M. Levy
J. Schmidt
A. Schenstrom
M. Revzen
A. Ron
Boris Shapiro
C.G. Kuper
+ Anisotropic bond percolation in two dimensions 1983 Daniel P. Arovas
R. N. Bhatt
Boris Shapiro
+ Quantum Conduction on a Cayley Tree 1983 Boris Shapiro
+ Real-space renormalisation in the percolation problem 1979 Boris Shapiro
+ An equivalence between two renormalisation group transformations for the percolation problem 1978 Boris Shapiro
+ Renormalization-group approach to a random resistor network 1977 R. Rosman
Boris Shapiro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Coherent matter wave transport in speckle potentials 2007 R. C. Kuhn
Olivier Sigwarth
Christian Miniatura
Dominique Delande
Cord A. Müller
+ PDF Chat Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Presence of Disorder 2007 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Anderson Localization of Expanding Bose-Einstein Condensates in Random Potentials 2007 Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
David Clément
Pierre Lugan
Philippe Bouyer
G. V. Shlyapnikov
A. Aspect
+ PDF Chat Suppression of Transport of an Interacting Elongated Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Random Potential 2005 David Clément
A. F. Varón
M. Hugbart
J. A. Retter
Philippe Bouyer
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
D. M. Gangardt
G. V. Shlyapnikov
A. Aspect
+ PDF Chat Current Relaxation in Nonlinear Random Media 2004 Tsampikos Kottos
Matthias Weiß
+ PDF Chat Multiple scattering of classical waves: microscopy, mesoscopy, and diffusion 1999 Mark C. W. van Rossum
Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
+ PDF Chat Anderson Localization of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a 3D Random Potential 2008 S. E. Skipetrov
A. Minguzzi
B. A. van Tiggelen
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Nearly localized states in weakly disordered conductors 1995 B. A. Muzykantskiǐ
D. E. Khmelnitskiǐ
+ PDF Chat Evolution of a Bose-condensed gas under variations of the confining potential 1996 Yu. Kagan
E.L. Surkov
G. V. Shlyapnikov
+ PDF Chat Effect of Optical Disorder and Single Defects on the Expansion of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a One-Dimensional Waveguide 2005 C. Fort
L. Fallani
Vera Guarrera
Jessica Lye
M. Modugno
D.S. Wiersma
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Space-division multiplexing in optical fibres 2013 David J. Richardson
John M. Fini
L.E. Nelson
+ PDF Chat Spatial beam self-cleaning in multimode fibres 2017 Katarzyna Krupa
Alessandro Tonello
Badr Mohamed Ibrahim Shalaby
Marc Fabert
Alain Barthélémy
G. Millot
S. Wabnitz
Vincent Couderc
+ Self-consistent perturbation theory for random matrix ensembles 1990 F. Leyvraz
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Thermal fluctuations of the electric field in the presence of carrier drift 2010 Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Observation of Asymmetric Transport in Structures with Active Nonlinearities 2013 Nicholas Bender
Samuel M. Factor
Joshua D. Bodyfelt
Hamidreza Ramezani
Demetrios N. Christodoulides
F. M. Ellis
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Anderson transitions 2008 Ferdinand Evers
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Localization of ultrasound in a three-dimensional elastic network 2008 Hefei Hu
Anatoliy Strybulevych
J. H. Page
S. E. Skipetrov
B. A. van Tiggelen
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic theory of highly multimoded nonlinear optical systems 2019 Fan O. Wu
Absar U. Hassan
Demetrios N. Christodoulides
+ PDF Chat Statistical Mechanics of a Discrete Nonlinear System 2000 K. Ø. Rasmussen
Thierry Cretegny
P. G. Kevrekidis
Niels Grønbech‐Jensen
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter waves in a controlled disorder 2008 Juliette Billy
Vincent Josse
Zhanchun Zuo
Alain Bernard
Ben Hambrecht
Pierre Lugan
David Clément
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
+ PDF Chat Colloquium: Atomic quantum gases in periodically driven optical lattices 2017 André Eckardt
+ PDF Chat Driving-induced metamorphosis of transport in arrays of coupled resonators 2018 Huanan Li
Tsampikos Kottos
Boris Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Disordered quantum gases under control 2010 Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Maciej Lewenstein
+ PDF Chat Destruction of Anderson Localization by a Weak Nonlinearity 2008 Arkady Pikovsky
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Experimental Realization of Floquet <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:math> -Symmetric Systems 2017 Mahboobeh Chitsazi
Huanan Li
F. M. Ellis
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Observation of the Critical Regime Near Anderson Localization of Light 2006 M. Störzer
Peter Groß
Christof M. Aegerter
G. Maret
+ PDF Chat Absence of Wave Packet Diffusion in Disordered Nonlinear Systems 2008 Georgios Kopidakis
Stavros Komineas
Sergej Flach
S. Aubry
+ PDF Chat Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Random Potential 2005 Jessica Lye
L. Fallani
M. Modugno
Diederik S. Wiersma
C. Fort
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Unidirectional nonlinear<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-symmetric optical structures 2010 Hamidreza Ramezani
Tsampikos Kottos
Ramy El‐Ganainy
Demetrios N. Christodoulides
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization of a non-interacting Bose–Einstein condensate 2008 G. Roati
Chiara D’Errico
L. Fallani
M. Fattori
C. Fort
Matteo Zaccanti
Giovanni Carlo Modugno
M. Modugno
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Distribution of local density of states in disordered metallic samples: Logarithmically normal asymptotics 1996 A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein condensation of photons in an optical microcavity 2010 Jan Klaers
Julian Schmitt
Frank Vewinger
Martin Weitz
+ PDF Chat Thermal Lifshitz Force between an Atom and a Conductor with a Small Density of Carriers 2008 Лев П. Питаевский
+ A real-space renormalization group for site and bond percolation 1977 Peter J. Reynolds
H. Eugene Stanley
W. Klein
+ PDF Chat Statistics of energy levels and eigenfunctions in disordered systems 2000 A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Density modulations in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate released from a disordered potential 2008 David Clément
Philippe Bouyer
Alain Aspect
Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
+ PDF Chat Universal high-frequency behavior of periodically driven systems: from dynamical stabilization to Floquet engineering 2015 Marin Bukov
Luca D’Alessio
Anatoli Polkovnikov
+ PDF Chat Theory of ultracold atomic Fermi gases 2008 S. Giorgini
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
+ PDF Chat Parity–time-symmetric whispering-gallery microcavities 2014 Bo Peng
Şahin Kaya Özdemir
Fuchuan Lei
Faraz Monifi
Mariagiovanna Gianfreda
Gui‐Lu Long
Shanhui Fan
Franco Nori
Carl M. Bender
Lan Yang
+ PDF Chat Effect of interactions on the diffusive expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a three-dimensional random potential 2009 Nicolas Cherroret
S. E. Skipetrov
+ PDF Chat Time-delay correlations and resonances in one-dimensional disordered systems 2000 M. Titov
Yan V. Fyodorov
+ PDF Chat Universality of the Wigner Time Delay Distribution for One-Dimensional Random Potentials 1999 Christophe Texier
Alain Comtet
+ PDF Chat Bose–Einstein Condensates in Disordered Potentials 2008 L. Fallani
C. Fort
M. Inguscio
+ PDF Chat Experimental observation of the dual behavior of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">PT</mml:mi></mml:math>-symmetric scattering 2012 Zin Lin
Joseph Schindler
F. M. Ellis
Tsampikos Kottos
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions 2014 Gregor Jotzu
Michael Messer
Rémi Desbuquois
Martin Lebrat
Thomas Uehlinger
Daniel Greif
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Atomic Scattering in the Presence of an External Confinement and a Gas of Impenetrable Bosons 1998 Maxim Olshanii
+ PDF Chat Delocalizing effect of the Hubbard repulsion for electrons on a two-dimensional disordered lattice 2003 Bhargavi Srinivasan
Giuliano Benenti
Dima L. Shepelyansky
+ PDF Chat Casimir-Lifshitz force out of thermal equilibrium 2008 Mauro Antezza
Лев П. Питаевский
S. Stringari
V. B. Svetovoy
+ PDF Chat Superfluid-insulator transition in “Dirty” ultracold Fermi gas 2008 B. I. Shklovskiǐ
+ PDF Chat Probing Anderson localization of light via decay rate statistics 2004 F. A. Pinheiro
Marian Rusek
Arkadiusz Orłowski
B. A. van Tiggelen