J. R. Blum


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Ergodic Theorems 2014 J. R. Blum
+ Ergodic Theorems 2005 J. R. Blum
+ Distribution Free Tests of Independence Based on the Sample Distribution Function 1985 J. R. Blum
J. Kiefer
M. Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat A Simple Solution to a Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation Problem 1984 Gilbert G. Walter
J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Pointwise ergodic theorems in l.c.a. groups 1982 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat Strongly ergodic sequences of integers and the individual ergodic theorem 1982 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ Maximal deviation theory of some estimators of prior distribution functions 1981 J. R. Blum
V. Susarla
+ On the strong law of large numbers for dependent random variables 1980 J. R. Blum
Michael Brennan
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theorems or mixing transformation groups 1979 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat p-Sets for random walks 1979 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat Probability Density Estimation Using Delta Sequences 1979 G.G. Walter
J. R. Blum
+ On the posterior distribution of a dirichlet process given randomly right censored observations 1977 J. R. Blum
V. Susarla
+ The individual ergodic theorem forp-sequences 1977 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat On the Individual Ergodic Theorem for $K$-Automorphisms 1977 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat Estimation of a Mixing Distribution Function 1977 J. R. Blum
V. Susarla
+ PDF Chat A Fourier inversion method for the estimation of a density and its derivatives 1977 J. R. Blum
V. Susarla
+ Shorter Notes: A Mean Ergodic Theorem for Families of Contractions in Hilbert Space 1976 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat A mean ergodic theorem for families of contractions in Hilbert space 1976 J. R. Blum
J. I. Reich
+ PDF Chat On ergodic sequences of measures 1975 J. R. Blum
Robert Cogburn
+ PDF Chat The Law of Large Numbers for Subsequences of a Stationary Process 1975 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat Strong uniform distributions and ergodic theorems 1975 J. R. Blum
L. Hahn
+ Probability and Statistics 1974 Robert V. Hogg
J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
+ On the fourier-stieltjes coefficients of cantor-type distributions 1974 J. R. Blum
Bernard S. Epstein
+ PDF Chat Generalized summing sequences and the mean ergodic theorem 1974 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat Generalized Summing Sequences and the Mean Ergodic Theorem 1974 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ Probability and Statistics 1973 J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
Shelemyaha Zacks
+ PDF Chat Measure-Invariant Sets 1973 J. R. Blum
Pramod K. Pathak
+ PDF Chat A Note on Random Measures and Moving Averages on Non-discrete Groups 1973 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ Probability and Statistics 1972 Robert J. Beaver
J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat Conditions for Metric Transitivity for Stationary Gaussian Processes on Groups 1972 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat A Note on the Zero-one Law 1972 J. R. Blum
Pramod K. Pathak
+ On the fourier transforms of an interesting class of measures 1971 J. R. Blum
Bernard S. Epstein
+ Two integral inequalities 1971 J. R. Blum
M. Reichaw
+ A note on mixing transformations 1971 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Weyl and the ergodic theorem 1971 J. R. Blum
Victor J. Mizel
+ PDF Chat On Fixed Precision Estimation in Time Series 1969 J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat On Partial a Priori Information in Statistical Inference 1967 J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat On invariant measures for classes of transformations 1967 J. R. Blum
Nathaniel A. Friedman
+ On some statistical problems requiring purely sequential sampling schemes 1966 J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat On commuting transformations and roots 1966 J. R. Blum
Nathaniel A. Friedman
+ On quasi-periodic probability measures 1966 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
+ PDF Chat A note on the ergodic theorem 1965 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
+ A strong mixing finite state process which is not tail trivial 1964 J. R. Blum
W. E. Franck
+ PDF Chat On a Class of Simple Random Walks 1963 J. R. Blum
Denis Hanson
Seymour V. Parter
+ PDF Chat A note on ergodic transformations 1963 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
+ PDF Chat On the central limit theorem for the sum of a random number of independent random variables 1963 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
Judah Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat On the isomorphism problem for Bernoulli schemes 1963 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
+ PDF Chat On Relatively Nonatomic Measures 1961 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Distribution Free Tests of Independence Based on the Sample Distribution Function 1961 J. R. Blum
J. Kiefer
M. Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat On a Theorem of Renyi Concerning Mixing Sequences of Sets 1961 J. H. Abbott
J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat On invariant probability measures. II 1961 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a functional equation 1961 J. R. Blum
Michael Norris
G. Milton Wing
+ PDF Chat On invariant probability measures I 1960 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat On the mean ergodic theorem for subsequences 1960 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
+ PDF Chat On the structure of infinitely divisible distributions 1959 J. R. Blum
Murray Rosenblatt
+ PDF Chat Central Limit Theorems for Interchangeable Processes 1958 J. R. Blum
Herman Chernoff
M. Rosenblatt
Henry Teicher
+ PDF Chat Consistency of Certain Two-Sample Tests 1957 J. R. Blum
Lionel Weiss
Murray Rosenblatt
+ On a characterization of the normal distribution 1956 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat On the Convergence of Empiric Distribution Functions 1955 J. R. Blum
+ Chapter VIII: Nonparametric Methods 1954 J. R. Blum
Nicholas A. Fattu
+ PDF Chat Approximation Methods which Converge with Probability one 1954 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Two Theorems on Almost Sure Convergence 1954 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Two theorems on almost sure convergence 1954 J. R. Blum
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Generalized summing sequences and the mean ergodic theorem 1974 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat Generalized Summing Sequences and the Mean Ergodic Theorem 1974 J. R. Blum
Bennett Eisenberg
+ PDF Chat On invariant probability measures I 1960 J. R. Blum
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theory of Certain "Goodness of Fit" Criteria Based on Stochastic Processes 1952 T. W. Anderson
D. A. Darling
+ PDF Chat On the Individual Ergodic Theorem for Subsequences 1971 Ulrich Krengel
+ PDF Chat On the mean ergodic theorem for subsequences 1960 J. R. Blum
D. L. Hanson
+ Lectures on ergodic theory 1956 Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF Chat A Non-Parametric Test of Independence 1948 Wassily Hoeffding
+ The Empirical Bayes Approach to Statistical Decision Problems 1964 Herbert Robbins
+ On Almost Sure Convergence 1951 Michel Loève
+ PDF Chat Ergodic theorems for operator sequences 1969 Antoine Brunel
Michaël Keane
+ PDF Chat On the Choice of the Number of Class Intervals in the Application of the Chi Square Test 1942 H. B. Mann
Abraham Wald
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Weyl and the ergodic theorem 1971 J. R. Blum
Victor J. Mizel
+ Ergodic theorems and the construction of summing sequences in amenable locally compact groups 1973 Frederick Greenleaf
+ PDF Chat On ergodic sequences of measures 1975 J. R. Blum
Robert Cogburn
+ Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemerédi on arithmetic progressions 1977 Harry Furstenberg
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces 1976 Manfred Denker
Christian Grillenberger
Karl Sigmund
+ An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis. 1970 Guido Weiss
Yitzhak Katznelson
+ PDF Chat On the Stochastic Approximation Method of Robbins and Monro 1952 J. Wolfowitz
+ Invariant measure and the ergodic theorems 1947 Yael Naim Dowker
+ PDF Chat Random Variables with Independent Binary Digits 1971 George Marsaglia
+ PDF Chat On Some Connections between Probability Theory and Differential and Integral Equations 1951 Mark Kac
+ PDF Chat Estimation of Partial derivatives of the average of densities belonging to a family of densities 1975 V. Susarla
S. Srinivas Kumar
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Minimax Character of the Sample Distribution Function for Vector Chance Variables 1959 J. Kiefer
J. Wolfowitz
+ Ergodic theory and topological dynamics 1976 James Russell Brown
+ PDF Chat Limit Theorems Associated with Variants of the Von Mises Statistic 1952 M. Rosenblatt
+ Fourier Analysis on Groups 2006 Walter Rudin
L. Bers
R. Courant
J. J. Stoker
Dagmar Renate Henney
+ PDF Chat Bayes Estimation of the Mixing Distribution, The Discrete Case 1972 Glen Meeden
+ PDF Chat On Tests of Normality and Other Tests of Goodness of Fit Based on Distance Methods 1955 Mark Kac
J. Kiefer
J. Wolfowitz
+ PDF Chat Knot groups in<i>S</i><sup>4</sup>with nontrivial homology 1982 A. M. Brunner
E. J. Mayland
Jonathan Simon
+ On a Test of Whether one of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the Other 1947 H. B. Mann
Douglas R. Whitney
+ PDF Chat On a Stochastic Approximation Method 1954 Kai Lai Chung
+ PDF Chat The two-obstacle problem for the biharmonic operator 1982 Luis Caffarelli
Avner Friedman
Alessandro Torelli
+ HAZARD ANALYSIS II 1964 G. S. Watson
M. R. Leadbetter
+ PDF Chat An interpolation theorem in the predicate calculus 1959 Roger C. Lyndon
+ PDF Chat Distribution-free Tests of fit for Continuous Distribution Functions 1953 Z. W. Birnbaum
+ Über eine Eigenschaft der normalen Verteilungsfunktion 1936 Harald Cramér
+ PDF Chat Commutator groups of monomial groups 1960 Calvin Holmes
+ PDF Chat Distribution of Sample Arrangements for Runs Up and Down 1946 Paul S. Olmstead
+ PDF Chat On univalence of a continued fraction 1960 E. P. Merkes
William T. Scott
+ Non-parametric Statistical Inference 1949 J. Wolfowitz
+ PDF Chat Rate of Strong Consistency of Two Nonparametric Density Estimators 1975 B. B. Winter
+ PDF Chat The range of a vector measure 1948 Paul R. Halmos
+ PDF Chat Some Results on Invariant Sets for Translation Parameter Family of Probability Measures--I 1971 P. K. Pathak
Neil W. Rickert
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Properties of the Wald-Wolfowitz Test of Randomness 1950 Gottfried E. Noether
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of H. Hadwiger 1961 Branko Grünbaum
+ Proceedings of the Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability 1953 Guy H. Orcutt
Jerzy Neyman
+ PDF Chat Generalization of the Theorem of Glivenko-Cantelli 1954 J. Wolfowitz
+ PDF Chat Confidence Limits for Continuous Distribution Functions 1939 Abraham Wald
J. Wolfowitz
+ Theorie und Anwendung der Laplace-Transformation 1937 Gustav Doetsch