E. J. Wilczynski


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The New Haven Colloquium 2009 Max Mason
Eliakim Hastings Moore
E. J. Wilczynski
+ Plane trigonometry and applications 2008 E. J. Wilczynski
H. E. Slaught
H. E. Slaught
+ Projective differential geometry of curves and ruled surfaces 2008 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Charakteristische Eigenschaften der isotherm-konjugierten Kurvennetze 1982 E. J. Wilczynski
+ The New Haven Mathematical Colloquium : lectures delivered before members of the American Mathematical Society in connection with the Summer Meeting, held Septenber 5th to 8th, 1906, under the auspices of Yale University 1968 Eliakim Hastings Moore
E. J. Wilczynski
Max Mason
+ Charakteristische Eigenschaften der isotherm-konjugierten Kurvennetze 1922 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Some Generalizations of Geodesics 1922 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Charakteristische Eigenschaften der isotherm-konjugierten Kurvennetze 1922 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat One Parameter Families and Nets of Ruled Surfaces and a New Theory of Congruences 1920 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat One parameter families and nets of ruled surfaces and a new theory of congruences 1920 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Line-Geometric Representations for Functions of a Complex Variable 1919 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Line-geometric representations for functions of a complex variable 1919 E. J. Wilczynski
+ On the Form of the Power Series for an Algebraic Function 1919 E. J. Wilczynski
+ On the Form of the Power Series for an Algebraic Function 1919 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Invariants and Canonical Forms 1918 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Integral invariants in projective geometry 1916 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Interpretation of the Simplest Integral Invariant of Projective Geometry 1916 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the historical development and the future prospects of the differential geometry of plane curves 1916 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Plane Trigonometry and Applications. 1914 D. N. Lehmer
E. J. Wilczynski
H. E. Slaught
+ On a Certain Completely Integrable System of Linear Partial Differential Equations 1914 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Ricerche geometriche intorno al problema dei tre corpi 1913 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat On a certain class of self-projective surfaces 1913 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Some general aspects of modern geometry 1913 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Book Review: An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Parameter Groups with Applications to the Solution of Differential Equations 1912 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Review: R. v. Lilienthal, Vorlesungen ĂĽber Differentialgeometrie 1911 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat One-parameter families and nets of plane curves 1911 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Vorlesungen ĂĽber lineare Differentialgleichungen 1910 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Projective Differential Geometry of Curved Surfaces (Fifth Memoir) 1909 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Projective Differential Geometry of Curved Surfaces (Fourth Memoir) 1909 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Vorlesungen aus der analytischen Geometrie der geraden Linie, des Punktes und des Kreises in der Ebene 1909 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Mathematical appointments in colleges and universities 1909 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Projective differential geometry of curved surfaces. IV 1909 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Projective differential geometry of curved surfaces. V 1909 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Projective Differential Geometry of Curved Surfaces (Third Memoir) 1908 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Projective differential geometry of curved surfaces. II 1908 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Projective Differential Geometry of Curved Surfaces (Second Memoir) 1908 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Projective differential geometry of curved surfaces. III 1908 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Projective Differential Geometry of Curved Surfaces (First Memoir) 1907 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Projective differential geometry 1906 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A Treatise on Differential Equations 1905 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat General theory of curves on ruled surfaces 1905 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat General projective theory of space curves 1905 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat General Theory of Curves on Ruled Surfaces 1905 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Errata: “On a certain congruence associated with a given ruled surface” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 4 (1903), no. 2, 185–200; 1500637] 1904 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat On ruled surfaces whose flecnode curve intersects every generator in two coincident points 1904 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Studies in the general theory of ruled surfaces 1904 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Theory of Differential Equations 1903 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat On a Certain Congruence Associated with a Given Ruled Surface 1903 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat A fundamental theorem in the theory of ruled surfaces 1903 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat On a certain congruence associated with a given ruled surface 1903 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Covariants of Systems of Linear Differential Equations and Applications to the Theory of Ruled Surfaces 1902 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat The first meeting of the San Francisco Section of the American Mathematical Society 1902 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Covariants of systems of linear differential equations and applications to the theory of ruled surfaces 1902 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Errata: “Geometry of a simultaneous system of two linear homogeneous differential equations of the second order” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2 (1901), no. 4, 343–362; 1500572] 1902 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal Systems of Linear Differential Equations 1902 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Geometry of a Simultaneous System of Two Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations of the Second Order 1901 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Errata: “Invariants of systems of linear differential equations” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2 (1901), 1–24; 1500552] 1901 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Invariants of systems of linear differential equations 1901 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Geometry of a simultaneous system of two linear homogeneous differential equations of the second order 1901 E. J. Wilczynski
+ Transformation of Systems of Linear Differential Equations 1901 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat Invariants of Systems of Linear Differential Equations 1901 E. J. Wilczynski
+ On Continuous Binary Linearoid Groups, and the Corresponding Differential Equations and Λ Functions 1900 E. J. Wilczynski
+ On Linearoid Differential Equations 1899 E. J. Wilczynski
+ On Systems of Multiform Functions Belonging to a Group of Linear Substitutions with Uniform Coefficients 1899 E. J. Wilczynski
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Appell’s factorial functions 1899 E. J. Wilczynski