Elad Levi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat IntellAgent: A Multi-Agent Framework for Evaluating Conversational AI Systems 2025 Elad Levi
Ilan Kadar
+ PDF Chat Intent-based Prompt Calibration: Enhancing prompt optimization with synthetic boundary cases 2024 Elad Levi
Eli Brosh
Matan Friedmann
+ PDF Chat DLT: Conditioned layout generation with Joint Discrete-Continuous Diffusion Layout Transformer 2023 Elad Levi
Eli Brosh
Mykola Mykhailych
Meir Perez
+ DLT: Conditioned layout generation with Joint Discrete-Continuous Diffusion Layout Transformer 2023 Elad Levi
Eli Brosh
Mykola Mykhailych
Meir Perez
+ Stay on topic with Classifier-Free Guidance 2023 Guillaume Sanchez
Honglu Fan
Alexander Spangher
Elad Levi
Pawan Sasanka Ammanamanchi
Stella Biderman
+ An Algebraic Hypergraph Regularity Lemma 2022 Alexis Chevalier
Elad Levi
+ PDF Chat Rethinking preventing class-collapsing in metric learning with margin-based losses 2021 Elad Levi
Tete Xiao
Xiaolong Wang
Trevor Darrell
+ Rethinking preventing class-collapsing in metric learning with margin-based losses 2020 Elad Levi
Tete Xiao
Xiaolong Wang
Trevor Darrell
+ PDF Chat Spatio-Temporal Action Graph Networks 2019 Roei Herzig
Elad Levi
Huijuan Xu
Hang Gao
Eli Brosh
Xiaolong Wang
Amir Globerson
Trevor Darrell
+ PDF Chat Accurate Visual Localization for Automotive Applications 2019 Eli Brosh
Matan Friedmann
Ilan Kadar
Lev Yitzhak Lavy
Elad Levi
Shmuel Rippa
Yair Lempert
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz
Roei Herzig
Trevor Darrell
+ Accurate Visual Localization for Automotive Applications 2019 Eli Brosh
Matan Friedmann
Ilan Kadar
Lev Yitzhak Lavy
Elad Levi
Shmuel Rippa
Yair Lempert
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz
Roei Herzig
Trevor Darrell
+ Accurate Visual Localization for Automotive Applications 2019 Eli Brosh
Matan Friedmann
Ilan Kadar
Lev Yitzhak Lavy
Elad Levi
Shmuel Rippa
Yair Lempert
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz
Roei Herzig
Trevor Darrell
+ Spatio-Temporal Action Graph Networks 2018 Roei Herzig
Elad Levi
Huijuan Xu
Hang Gao
Eli Brosh
Xiaolong Wang
Amir Globerson
Trevor Darrell
+ Some Remarks on dp-Minimal Groups 2017 Itay Kaplan
Elad Levi
Pierre Simon
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on dp-minimal groups 2016 Pierre Simon
Itay Kaplan
Elad Levi
+ Some remarks on dp-minimal groups 2016 Elad Levi
Itay Kaplan
Pierre Simon
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering 2015 Florian Schroff
Dmitry Kalenichenko
James Philbin
+ PDF Chat Learning Fine-Grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking 2014 Jiang Wang
Yang Song
Thomas Leung
Chuck Rosenberg
Jingbin Wang
James Philbin
Bo Chen
Ying Wu
+ PDF Chat Deep Image Retrieval: Learning Global Representations for Image Search 2016 Albert Gordo
Jon Almazán
Jérôme Revaud
Diane Larlus
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ A disciplined approach to neural network hyper-parameters: Part 1 -- learning rate, batch size, momentum, and weight decay 2018 Leslie N. Smith
+ PDF Chat Fine-Tuning CNN Image Retrieval with No Human Annotation 2018 Filip Radenović
Giorgos Tolias
Ondřej Chum
+ PDF Chat CNN Image Retrieval Learns from BoW: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning with Hard Examples 2016 Filip Radenović
Giorgos Tolias
Ondřej Chum
+ PDF Chat Super-convergence: very fast training of neural networks using large learning rates 2019 Leslie N. Smith
Nicholay Topin
+ PDF Chat Deep Supervised Hashing with Triplet Labels 2017 Xiaofang Wang
Yi Shi
Kris Kitani
+ PDF Chat DeepVO: Towards end-to-end visual odometry with deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks 2017 Sen Wang
Ronald Clark
Hongkai Wen
Niki Trigoni
+ PDF Chat NetVLAD: CNN Architecture for Weakly Supervised Place Recognition 2017 Relja Arandjelović
Petr Gronát
Akihiko Torii
Tomáš Pajdla
Josef Šivic
+ PDF Chat Deep Triplet Quantization 2018 Bin Liu
Yue Cao
Mingsheng Long
Jianmin Wang
Jingdong Wang
+ PDF Chat CNN Features Off-the-Shelf: An Astounding Baseline for Recognition 2014 Ali Sharif Razavian
Hossein Azizpour
Josephine Sullivan
Stefan Carlsson
+ Attention Is All You Need 2017 Ashish Vaswani
Noam Shazeer
Niki Parmar
Jakob Uszkoreit
Llion Jones
Aidan N. Gomez
Łukasz Kaiser
Illia Polosukhin
+ Convolutional networks for real-time 6-DOF camera relocalization. 2015 Alex Kendall
Matthew Koichi Grimes
Roberto Cipolla
+ PDF Chat Attention-based Pyramid Aggregation Network for Visual Place Recognition 2018 Yingying Zhu
Jiong Wang
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+ PDF Chat Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth Estimation and Visual Odometry with Deep Feature Reconstruction 2018 Huangying Zhan
Ravi Garg
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+ PDF Chat UnDeepVO: Monocular Visual Odometry Through Unsupervised Deep Learning 2018 Ruihao Li
Sen Wang
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+ PDF Chat End-to-End Learning of Deep Visual Representations for Image Retrieval 2017 Albert Gordo
Jon Almazán
Jérôme Revaud
Diane Larlus
+ PDF Chat SIFT Meets CNN: A Decade Survey of Instance Retrieval 2017 Liang Zheng
Yi Yang
Qi Tian
+ On the structure of ℵ0-categorical groups 1983 A. B. Apps
+ Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition in Videos 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Dp-Minimality: Basic Facts and Examples 2011 Alfred Dolich
John Goodrick
David Lippel
+ Soluble omega-categorical groups 1997 Richard Archer
Dugald Macpherson
+ On 𝜔-categorical groups and rings with NIP 2011 Krzysztof Krupiński
+ ?0 stable groups 1978 Ulrich Felgner
+ Deep Unsupervised Learning using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics 2015 Jascha Sohl‐Dickstein
Eric A. Weiss
Niru Maheswaranathan
Surya Ganguli
+ PDF Chat Forking and Dividing in NTP<sub>2</sub> theories 2012 Artem Chernikov
Itay Kaplan
+ Particular object retrieval with integral max-pooling of CNN activations 2015 Giorgos Tolias
Ronan Sicre
Hervé Jeǵou
+ Online Batch Selection for Faster Training of Neural Networks 2015 Ilya Loshchilov
Frank Hutter
+ On dp-minimal fields 2015 Will Johnson
+ Totally categorical groups and rings 1979 Walter Bäur
Gregory Cherlin
Angus Macintyre
+ PDF Chat Beyond short snippets: Deep networks for video classification 2015 Joe Yue-Hei Ng
Matthew Hausknecht
Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan
Oriol Vinyals
Rajat Monga
George Toderici
+ PDF Chat Definably amenable NIP groups 2015 Artem Chernikov
Pierre Simon
+ Training Deep Neural Networks on Noisy Labels with Bootstrapping 2014 Scott Reed
Honglak Lee
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Christian Szegedy
Dumitru Erhan
Andrew Rabinovich
+ PDF Chat DeepDriving: Learning Affordance for Direct Perception in Autonomous Driving 2015 Chenyi Chen
Ari Seff
Alain L. Kornhauser
Jianxiong Xiao
+ Additivity of the dp-rank 2013 Itay Kaplan
Alf Onshuus
Alexander Usvyatsov
+ On dp-minimality, strong dependence and weight 2011 Alf Onshuus
Alexander Usvyatsov
+ Towards Weakly-Supervised Action Localization 2016 Philippe Weinzaepfel
Xavier Martín
Cordelia Schmid
+ End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars 2016 Mariusz Bojarski
Davide Del Testa
Daniel Dworakowski
Bernhard Firner
Beat Flepp
Prasoon Goyal
Lawrence D. Jackel
Mathew Monfort
Urs Müller
Jiakai Zhang
+ A Guide to NIP Theories 2015 Pierre Simon
+ PDF Chat Strongly dependent theories 2014 Saharon Shelah
+ PDF Chat Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection 2017 Tsung-Yi Lin
Piotr Dollár
Ross Girshick
Kaiming He
Bharath Hariharan
Serge Belongie
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat Asynchronous Temporal Fields for Action Recognition 2017 Gunnar A. Sigurdsson
Santosh Divvala
Ali Farhadi
Abhinav Gupta
+ Uncertainty-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Collision Avoidance 2017 Gregory Kahn
Adam Villaflor
Vitchyr H. Pong
Pieter Abbeel
Sergey Levine
+ PDF Chat Convolutional Two-Stream Network Fusion for Video Action Recognition 2016 Christoph Feichtenhofer
Axel Pinz
Andrew Zisserman
+ PDF Chat No Fuss Distance Metric Learning Using Proxies 2017 Yair Movshovitz-Attias
Alexander Toshev
Thomas Leung
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Saurabh Singh
+ PDF Chat A-Fast-RCNN: Hard Positive Generation via Adversary for Object Detection 2017 Xiaolong Wang
Abhinav Shrivastava
Abhinav Gupta
+ Minimal bounded index subgroup for dependent theories 2007 Saharon Shelah