Jean‐Philippe Poizat


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Hyperspectral electromechanical imaging at the nanoscale: Dynamical backaction, dissipation and quantum fluctuations 2024 Clément Chardin
Sébastien Pairis
Sabine Douillet
Moïra Hocevar
Julien Claudon
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Ludovic Bellon
P. Verlot
+ Optomechanical backaction processes in a bulk rare-earth doped crystal 2021 Anne Louchet-Chauvet
P. Verlot
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
T. Chanelière
+ PDF Chat Cavity-Funneled Generation of Indistinguishable Single Photons from Strongly Dissipative Quantum Emitters 2015 T. Grange
Gaston Hornecker
David Hunger
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Jean‐Michel Gérard
P. Senellart
Alexia Auffèves
+ PDF Chat Optimal Irreversible Stimulated Emission 2012 Daniel Valente
Ying Li
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Jean‐Michel Gérard
L. C. Kwek
Marcelo F. Santos
Alexia Auffèves
+ PDF Chat Surface effects in a semiconductor photonic nanowire and spectral stability of an embedded single quantum dot 2011 Inah Yeo
Nitin S. Malik
Mathieu Munsch
Emmanuel Dupuy
J. Bleuse
Yann-Michel Niquet
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Julien Claudon
Édouard Wagner
S. Seidelin
+ PDF Chat Continuous-wave versus time-resolved measurements of Purcell-factors for quantum dots in semiconductor microcavities 2009 Mathieu Munsch
A. Mosset
Alexia Auffèves
S. Seidelin
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
J.-M. Gérard
A. Lemaı̂tre
I. Sagnes
P. Senellart
+ PDF Chat Pure emitter dephasing: A resource for advanced solid-state single-photon sources 2009 Alexia Auffèves
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Dark exciton optical spectroscopy of a semiconducting quantum dot embedded in a nanowire 2009 Gregory Sallen
Adrien Tribu
Thomas Aichele
R. André
L. Besombes
Catherine Bougerol
S. Tatarenko
K. Kheng
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ Photon correlation spectroscopy on a single quantum dot embedded in a nanowire 2009 Gregory Sallen
Adrien Tribu
Thomas Aichele
R. André
Catherine Bougerol
S. Tatarenko
K. Kheng
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat CdSe quantum dots in ZnSe nanowires as efficient source for single photons up to 220K 2008 Thomas Aichele
Adrien Tribu
Gregory Sallen
Juanita Bocquel
E. Bellet‐Amalric
Catherine Bougerol
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
K. Kheng
R. André
S. Tatarenko
+ Efficient Cavity Emission assisted by Pure Solid-State Emitter Dephasing 2008 Alexia Auffèves
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous emission spectrum of a two-level atom in a very-high-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>cavity 2008 Alexia Auffèves
Benjamin Besga
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ Dynamics and spontaneous emission spectrum of a two-level atom in a very high finesse cavity 2007 Alexia Auffèves
Benjamin Besga
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Giant optical nonlinearity induced by a single two-level system interacting with a cavity in the Purcell regime 2007 Alexia Auffèves
Christoph Simon
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Quantum communication with quantum dot spins 2007 Christoph Simon
Yann-Michel Niquet
X. Caillet
J. Eymery
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Jean‐Michel Gérard
+ PDF Chat Creating Single Time-Bin-Entangled Photon Pairs 2005 Christoph Simon
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Single Photon Quantum Cryptography 2002 A. Beveratos
Rosa Brouri
Thierry Gacoin
André Villing
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Nonclassical radiation from diamond nanocrystals 2001 A. Beveratos
Rosa Brouri
Thierry Gacoin
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Nonclassical radiation from diamond nanocrystals 2001 Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ Single-photon generation by pulsed excitation of a single dipole 2000 Rosa Brouri
A. Beveratos
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Photon antibunching in the fluorescence of individual color centers in diamond 2000 Rosa Brouri
A. Beveratos
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Philippe Grangier
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Photon antibunching in the fluorescence of individual color centers in diamond 2000 Rosa Brouri
A. Beveratos
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Exciton-Photon Strong-Coupling Regime for a Single Quantum Dot Embedded in a Microcavity 2005 Emmanuelle Peter
P. Senellart
D. Martrou
A. Lemaı̂tre
J. Hours
Jean‐Michel Gérard
J. Bloch
+ PDF Chat Quantum nature of a strongly coupled single quantum dot–cavity system 2007 K. Hennessy
A. Badolato
Martin Winger
Dario Gerace
Mete Atatüre
S. Gulde
Stefan Fält
Evelyn L. Hu
Ataç İmamoğlu
+ PDF Chat Limitations on Practical Quantum Cryptography 2000 Gilles Brassard
Norbert Lütkenhaus
Tal Mor
Barry C. Sanders
+ PDF Chat Triggered Single Photons from a Quantum Dot 2001 Charles Santori
Matthew Pelton
Glenn S. Solomon
Yseulte Dale
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Unconventional motional narrowing in the optical spectrum of a semiconductor quantum dot 2006 Alice Berthelot
Iván Favero
Guillaume Cassabois
Christophe Voisin
Claude Delalande
Ph. Roussignol
R. Ferreira
Jean‐Michel Gérard
+ PDF Chat Estimates for practical quantum cryptography 1999 Norbert Lütkenhaus
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Single-Photon Source for Distributed Quantum Networking 2002 Axel Kuhn
Markus Hennrich
Gerhard Rempe
+ PDF Chat Photon Antibunching from a Single Quantum-Dot-Microcavity System in the Strong Coupling Regime 2007 David Press
Stephan Götzinger
Stephan Reitzenstein
C. Hofmann
Andreas Löffler
M. Kamp
A. Forchel
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Quantum-dot single-photon sources: Prospects for applications in linear optics quantum-information processing 2004 Alper Kıraz
Mete Atatüre
Ataç İmamoğlu
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cryptography Using Entangled Photons in Energy-Time Bell States 2000 Wolfgang Tittel
J. Brendel
Hugo Zbinden
Nicolas Gisin
+ PDF Chat Entangled State Quantum Cryptography: Eavesdropping on the Ekert Protocol 2000 Devang Naik
C. G. Peterson
A. G. White
Andrew J. Berglund
Paul G. Kwiat
+ PDF Chat Quantum Cryptography with Entangled Photons 2000 Thomas Jennewein
Christoph Simon
Gregor Weihs
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Giant optical nonlinearity induced by a single two-level system interacting with a cavity in the Purcell regime 2007 Alexia Auffèves
Christoph Simon
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous emission spectrum of a two-level atom in a very-high-<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>Q</mml:mi></mml:math>cavity 2008 Alexia Auffèves
Benjamin Besga
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ Single-photon generation by pulsed excitation of a single dipole 2000 Rosa Brouri
A. Beveratos
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Rayleigh scattering, mode coupling, and optical loss in silicon microdisks 2004 Matthew Borselli
Kartik Srinivasan
Paul E. Barclay
Oskar Painter
+ PDF Chat Security of quantum key distribution with entangled photons against individual attacks 2002 Edo Waks
Assaf Zeevi
Y. Yamamoto
+ PDF Chat Dramatic Reduction of Surface Recombination by in Situ Surface Passivation of Silicon Nanowires 2011 Yaping Dan
Kwanyong Seo
Kuniharu Takei
Jhim H. Meza
Ali Javey
Kenneth B. Crozier
+ PDF Chat Bunching and Antibunching from Single NV Color Centers in Diamond 2006 A. Beveratos
Rosa Brouri
J.-Ph. Poizat
Philippe Grangier
+ PDF Chat Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling 2014 Nicolò Spagnolo
Chiara Vitelli
Marco Bentivegna
Daniel J. Brod
Andrea Crespi
Fulvio Flamini
Sandro Giacomini
Giorgio Milani
Roberta Ramponi
Paolo Mataloni
+ PDF Chat Daylight Quantum Key Distribution over 1.6 km 2000 W. T. Buttler
Richard Hughes
S. K. Lamoreaux
G. L. Morgan
J. E. Nordholt
C. G. Peterson
+ PDF Chat Experimental demonstration of quantum-state tomography and qubit-qubit interactions for rare-earth-metal-ion-based solid-state qubits 2004 J. J. Longdell
Matthew J. Sellars
+ PDF Chat Modification of phonon processes in nanostructured rare-earth-ion-doped crystals 2016 Thomas Lutz
Lucile Veissier
Charles W. Thiel
R. L. Cone
Paul E. Barclay
Wolfgang Tittel
+ PDF Chat Pure emitter dephasing: A resource for advanced solid-state single-photon sources 2009 Alexia Auffèves
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Jean‐Philippe Poizat
+ PDF Chat Demonstration of an all-optical quantum controlled-NOT gate 2003 Jeremy L. O’Brien
Geoff J. Pryde
A. G. White
Timothy C. Ralph
David Branning
+ PDF Chat Experimental quantum teleportation 1997 Dik Bouwmeester
Jian-Wei Pan
Klaus Mattle
Manfred Eibl
Harald Weinfurter
Anton Zeilinger
+ PDF Chat Selective Spin Coupling through a Single Exciton 2004 Ahsan Nazir
Brendon W. Lovett
S. D. Barrett
Timothy P. Spiller
G. A. D. Briggs
+ PDF Chat Creation of entangled states of distant atoms by interference 1999 C. Cabrillo
J. I. Cirac
Pablo García‐Fernández
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat On-demand semiconductor single-photon source with near-unity indistinguishability 2013 Yuming He
Yu He
Yu-Jia Wei
Dian Wu
Mete Atatüre
Christian Schneider
Sven Höfling
M. Kamp
Chao‐Yang Lu
Jian-Wei Pan
+ PDF Chat Controlling the dynamics of a coupled atom-cavity system by pure dephasing 2010 Alexia Auffèves
Dario Gerace
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Marcelo F. Santos
Lucio Claudio Andreani
J.-Ph. Poizat
+ Polarization-Controlled Single Photons 2007 Tatjana Wilk
S. C. Webster
Holger Specht
Gerhard Rempe
Axel Kuhn
+ PDF Chat Influence of pure dephasing on emission spectra from single photon sources 2008 Andreas Naesby
T. Suhr
Philip Trøst Kristensen
Jesper Mørk
+ PDF Chat Strain Coupling of a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Spin to a Diamond Mechanical Oscillator 2014 Jean Teissier
Arne Barfuss
Patrick Appel
Elke Neu
Patrick Maletinsky
+ PDF Chat Dipole Induced Transparency in Drop-Filter Cavity-Waveguide Systems 2006 Edo Waks
Jelena Vučković
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Conditional Phase Shifts for Quantum Logic 1995 Q. A. Turchette
C. J. Hood
W. Lange
Hideo Mabuchi
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Decoherence in semiconductor cavity QED systems due to phonon couplings 2014 P. Kaer
Jesper Mørk
+ PDF Chat A posteriori teleportation 1998 Samuel L. Braunstein
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Linear optical quantum computing with photonic qubits 2007 Pieter Kok
William J. Munro
Kae Nemoto
Timothy C. Ralph
Jonathan P. Dowling
G. J. Milburn
+ PDF Chat Generating single microwave photons in a circuit 2007 Andrew Houck
David Schuster
Jay Gambetta
J. A. Schreier
Blake Johnson
Jerry M. Chow
Luigi Frunzio
Johannes Majer
Michel Devoret
S. M. Girvin
+ PDF Chat Quantum Interference of Tunably Indistinguishable Photons from Remote Organic Molecules 2010 R. Lettow
Y. L. A. Rezus
Alois Renn
G. Zumofen
Erkki Ikonen
Stephan Götzinger
Vahid Sandoghdar
+ PDF Chat Defect-free ZnSe nanowire and nanoneedle nanostructures 2008 Thomas Aichele
Adrien Tribu
Catherine Bougerol
K. Kheng
R. André
S. Tatarenko
+ PDF Chat Optical lattices with micromechanical mirrors 2010 Klemens Hammerer
Kai Stannigel
Claudiu Genes
P. Zoller
Philipp Treutlein
Stephan Camerer
David Hunger
Theodor W. Hänsch
+ PDF Chat Resonance fluorescence of a cold atom in a high-finesse resonator 2007 Marc Bienert
Juan Mauricio Torres
Stefano Zippilli
Giovanna Morigi
+ PDF Chat Theory of quantum optical control of a single spin in a quantum dot 2004 Pochung Chen
Carlo Piermarocchi
L. J. Sham
D. Gammon
D. G. Steel
+ PDF Chat Practical Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution over 1 km 1998 W. T. Buttler
Richard Hughes
Paul G. Kwiat
S. K. Lamoreaux
G. G. Luther
G. L. Morgan
J. E. Nordholt
C. G. Peterson
C. M. Simmons
+ PDF Chat Indistinguishable Photons from a Single Molecule 2005 Alper Kıraz
M. Ehrl
Thomas Hellerer
Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu
Christoph Bräuchle
Andreas Zumbusch
+ PDF Chat A diamond nanowire single-photon source 2010 Thomas M. Babinec
Birgit J. M. Hausmann
Mughees Khan
Yinan Zhang
J. R. Maze
Philip Hemmer
Marko Lončar
+ PDF Chat Cooling Trapped Atoms in Optical Resonators 2005 Stefano Zippilli
Giovanna Morigi
+ PDF Chat Coupling of a Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond to a Fiber-Based Microcavity 2013 Roland Albrecht
Alexander Bommer
Christian Deutsch
Jakob Reichel
Christoph Becher