R. Carter Hill


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Rejoinder to Harville (2022) and Christensen (2022) Comments on “On the Power of the <i>F</i>-test for Hypotheses in a Linear Model,” by Griffiths and Hill (2022) 2022 William E. Griffiths
R. Carter Hill
+ On the Power of the <i>F</i>-test for Hypotheses in a Linear Model 2021 William E. Griffiths
R. Carter Hill
+ Regression Discontinuity Designs 2017 R. Carter Hill
+ Shrinkage Estimation in the Random Parameters Logit Model 2016 Tong Zeng
R. Carter Hill
+ PDF Chat Shrinkage Estimation in the Random Parameters Logit Model 2016 Tong Zeng
R. Carter Hill
+ Collinearity Diagnostics in gretl 2015 Lee C. Adkins
Melissa S. Waters
R. Carter Hill
+ Shrinkage Estimation in the Random Parameters Logit Model 2014 R. Carter Hill
Tong Zeng
+ Teaching basic econometric concepts using Monte Carlo simulations in Excel 2013 Geneviève Briand
R. Carter Hill
+ The Hausman pretest estimator 2010 Viera Chmelarova
R. Carter Hill
+ Pretest Estimation in the Random Parameters Logit Model 2010 Tong Zeng
R. Carter Hill
+ Bootstrap Inferences in Heteroscedastic Sample Selection Models: A Monte Carlo Investigation 2007 Lee C. Adkins
R. Carter Hill
+ Imposing parameter inequality restrictions using the principle of maximum entropy 2006 Randall C. Campbell
R. Carter Hill
+ A Monte Carlo study of the effect of design characteristics on the inequality restricted maximum entropy estimator 2005 Randall C. Campbell
R. Carter Hill
+ Finite Sample Properties of the Hausman Test 2004 Viera Chmelarova
R. Carter Hill
+ Collinearity 2003 R. Carter Hill
Lee C. Adkins
+ Performance of Bandwidth Selection Rules for the Local Linear Regression 2001 R. Carter Hill
Kang-sun Lee
+ Using Excel for Undergraduate econometrics, 2nd ed. 2001 R. Carter Hill
Karen Gutermuth
+ Jackknifing the bootstrap: some monte carlo evidence 1997 R. Carter Hill
Phillip A. Cartwright
Adam Nielsen
Julia F. Arbaugh
+ Using Prior Information in the Probit Model: Empirical Risks of Bayes, Empirical Bayes, and Stein Estimators 1996 Lee C. Adkins
R. Carter Hill
+ Bayesian methods applied to time series data 1996 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
+ The Box-Cox transformation-of-variables in regression 1993 Minbo Kim
R. Carter Hill
+ Learning and Practicing Econometrics: SAS Handbook 1993 R. Carter Hill
+ The Effects of Extrapolation on Minimax Stein-Rule Prediction* *The authors would like to thank Minbo Kim and Shengyi Guo for their valuable research assistance on this research project. The authors received useful comments from Roger Koenker, Mary Ellen Bock and Jim Chalfant. Any errors are, of course, the responsibility of the authors. Fomby is grateful for the partial financial support provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas while this research was in progress, especially during the … 1992 R. Carter Hill
Thomas B. Fomby
+ The use of biased predictors in marketing research 1991 R. Carter Hill
Phillip A. Cartwright
Julia F. Arbaugh
+ A Primer on the Use of Canonical Forms and Transformations in the Linear Regression Model 1991 Lee C. Adkins
R. Carter Hill
B. Chase Russell
+ The RLS Positive‐Part Stein Estimator 1990 Lee C. Adkins
R. Carter Hill
+ An improved confidence ellipsoid for the linear regression model 1990 Lee C. Adkins
R. Carter Hill
+ An adaptive empirical Bayes estimator of the multivariate normal mean under quadratic loss 1990 George G. Judge
R. Carter Hill
Mary Ellen Bock
+ Improved estimation under collinearity and squared error loss 1990 R. Carter Hill
George G. Judge
+ Risk characteristics of a stein-like estimator for the probit regression model 1989 Lee C. Adkins
R. Carter Hill
+ Small Sample Properties of Probit Model Estimators 1987 William E. Griffiths
R. Carter Hill
Peter J. Pope
+ Small Sample Properties of Probit Model Estimators 1987 William E. Griffiths
R. Carter Hill
Peter J. Pope
+ Improved prediction in the presence of multicollinearity 1987 R. Carter Hill
George G. Judge
+ The relative efficiency of a robust generalized Bayes estimator in a linear regression model with multicollinearity 1986 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
+ The risk of general Stein-like estimators in the presence of multicollinearity 1984 R. Carter Hill
Rod F. Ziemer
+ Feasible Generalized Least Squares Estimation 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Special Topics in Simultaneous Equations 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Multicollinearity and the Minimax Conditions of the Bock Stein-like Estimator 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
+ Preliminary Test and Stein-Rule Estimators 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Limited Information Estimation 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Heteroscedasticity 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Multicollinearity 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Unobservable Variables 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Point Estimation and Tests of Hypotheses in Small Samples 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Lagged Dependent Variables and Autocorrelation 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Review of Ordinary Least Squares and Generalized Least Squares 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Reduced Form Estimation and Prediction in Simultaneous Equations Models 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Use of Prior Information 1984 Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
R. Carter Hill
+ Missing regressor values under conditions of multicollinearity 1983 R. Carter Hill
Rod F. Ziemer
+ The application of generalized ridge and stein-like general minimax rules to multicollinear data 1982 R. Carter Hill
Rod F. Ziemer
+ Small sample performance of the Stein-Rule in non-orthogonal designs 1982 R. Carter Hill
Rod F. Ziemer
+ Principal Components and Stein‐Like Estimation 1981 Rod F. Ziemer
R. Carter Hill
+ Is the Regression Equation Adequate?-A Reply 1980 R. Carter Hill
George G. Judge
Thomas B. Fomby
+ Multicollinearity and the value of a priori information 1979 Thomas E. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
+ On Testing the Adequacy of a Regression Model 1978 R. Carter Hill
George G. Judge
Thomas B. Fomby
+ On Testing the Adequacy of a Regression Model 1978 R. Carter Hill
George G. Judge
Thomas B. Fomby
+ Principal Components Estimators and Restricted Least Squares—An Alternative Perspective 1978 R. Carter Hill
Stanley R. Johnson
+ Deletion Criteria for Principal Components Regression Analysis 1978 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
+ An Optimal Property of Principal Components in the Context of Restricted Least Squares 1978 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
Stan R. Johnson
+ Component selection norms for principal components regression 1977 R. Carter Hill
Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
+ Elements of partial differential equations. International series in pure and applied mathematics 1958 R. Carter Hill
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Statistical Implications of Pre-Test and Stein-Rule Estimators in Econometrics 1979 Rand R. Wilcox
George G. Judge
Mary Ellen Bock
+ An Optimal Property of Principal Components in the Context of Restricted Least Squares 1978 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
Stan R. Johnson
+ A Test of the Mean Square Error Criterion for Restrictions in Linear Regression 1968 Carlos Toro-Vizcarrondo
T. D. Wallace
+ Ridge Regression: Applications to Nonorthogonal Problems 1970 Arthur E. Hoerl
Robert W. Kennard
+ A Test of the Mean Square Error Criterion for Restrictions in Linear Regression 1968 Carlos Toro-Vizcarrondo
T. D. Wallace
+ PDF Chat Estimation of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution 1981 Charles Stein
+ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1923 5
+ Ridge Regression: Biased Estimation for Nonorthogonal Problems 1970 Arthur E. Hoerl
Robert W. Kennard
+ On Truncation of Shrinkage Estimators in Simultaneous Estimation of Normal Means 1983 Dipak K. Dey
James O. Berger
+ PDF Chat Weaker Criteria and Tests for Linear Restrictions in Regression 1972 T. D. Wallace
+ An adaptive empirical Bayes estimator of the multivariate normal mean under quadratic loss 1990 George G. Judge
R. Carter Hill
Mary Ellen Bock
+ The Statistical Implications of Pre-Test and Stein-Rule Estimators in Econometrics. 1978 R. W. Farebrother
George G. Judge
M. E. Bock
+ Quadratic risk domination of restricted least squares estimators via Stein-ruled auxiliary constraints 1985 Ron C. Mittelhammer
+ On assessing prior distributions and Bayesian regression analysis with g-prior distributions 1986 Arnold Zellner
+ Generalized Inverses, Ridge Regression, Biased Linear Estimation, and Nonlinear Estimation 1970 Donald W. Marquardt
+ Bootstrapping a Regression Equation: Some Empirical Results 1984 David A. Freedman
Stephen C. Peters
+ Proceedings of the Fourth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability 1963 M. S. Bartlett
+ Component selection norms for principal components regression 1977 R. Carter Hill
Thomas B. Fomby
Stanley R. Johnson
+ Wallace's Weak Mean Square Error Criterion for Testing Linear Restrictions in Regression: A Tighter Bound 1973 T.A. Yancey
George G. Judge
Mary Ellen Bock
+ Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Econometrics 1989 Eric R. Ziegel
George G. Judge
Peter Hill
William E. Griffiths
Helmut Lütkepohl
Thomas C. M. Lee
Helmut Lütkepohl
+ Minimum Variance Properties of Principal Component Regression 1975 Edward Greenberg
+ Stein's Estimation Rule and its Competitors—An Empirical Bayes Approach 1973 Bradley Efron
Carl N. Morris
+ The extended Stein procedure for simultaneous model selection and parameter estimation 1987 George G. Judge
Gang Yi
T.A. Yancey
Timo Teräsvirta
+ Ridge Regression: Biased Estimation for Nonorthogonal Problems 1970 Arthur E. Hoerl
Robert W. Kennard
+ The Statistical Consequences of Preliminary Test Estimators in Regression 1973 Mary Ellen Bock
T.A. Yancey
George G. Judge
+ Ridge Regression: Biased Estimation for Nonorthogonal Problems 2000 Arthur E. Hoerl
Robert W. Kennard
+ Journal of The American Statistical Association 2004 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ Minimax Adaptive Generalized Ridge Regression Estimators 1978 William E. Strawderman
+ PDF Chat A Robust Generalized Bayes Estimator and Confidence Region for a Multivariate Normal Mean 1980 James O. Berger
+ The risk of general Stein-like estimators in the presence of multicollinearity 1984 R. Carter Hill
Rod F. Ziemer
+ PDF Chat Minimax Estimators of the Mean of a Multivariate Normal Distribution 1975 Mary Ellen Bock
+ Principal Component Estimators and Minimum Mean Square Error Criteria in Regression Analysis 1972 R. W. Farebrother
+ PDF Chat Sequential Methods in Model Construction 1972 T. D. Wallace
V. G. Ashar
+ Limiting the Risk of Bayes and Empirical Bayes Estimators—Part II: The Empirical Bayes Case 1972 Bradley Efron
Carl N. Morris
+ Regression analysis and problems of multicollinearity 1975 Richard F. Gunst
J. T. Webster
+ Jackknife, Bootstrap and Other Resampling Methods in Regression Analysis 1986 C. F. Jeff Wu
+ On the concept of non-significant functions and its implications for regression analysis 1981 Yair Mundlak
+ PDF Chat Specification Tests in Econometrics 1978 Jerry A. Hausman
+ Regression Analysis and Problems of Multicollinearity 1975 Robert Mason
Richard F. Gunst
J. T. Webster
+ Properties of estimators after preliminary tests of significance when stochastic restrictions are used in regression 1973 George G. Judge
T.A. Yancey
Mary Ellen Bock
+ On the conditioning problem in generalized linear models 1992 Bo Segerstedt
Hans Nyquist
+ Deletion Criteria for Principal Components Regression Analysis 1978 Thomas B. Fomby
R. Carter Hill
+ The optimal set of principal component restrictions on a least-squares regression 1973 William F. Lott
+ An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis 1986 Robb J. Muirhead
T. W. Anderson
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Theory for the Bootstrap 1981 Peter J. Bickel
David A. Freedman
+ A multicollinearity diagnostic for the cox model with time dependent covariates 1996 Kyung‐Yul Lee
Lisa A. Weissfeld
+ Pretest Estimation in Regression: A Survey 1977 T. D. Wallace
+ PDF Chat Operational Techniques and Tables for Making Weak MSE Tests for Restrictions in Regressions 1972 J. H. Goodnight
T. D. Wallace
+ The Heteroscedastic Linear Model: Exact Finite Sample Results 1978 William E. Taylor