Miguel Bello Gamboa


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Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Topological insulators and superconductors: tenfold way and dimensional hierarchy 2010 Shinsei Ryu
Andreas P. Schnyder
Akira Furusaki
Andreas W. W. Ludwig
+ PDF Chat High-frequency approximation for periodically driven quantum systems from a Floquet-space perspective 2015 André Eckardt
Egidijus Anisimovas
+ PDF Chat A topological Dirac insulator in a quantum spin Hall phase 2008 David Hsieh
Dong Qian
L. Andrew Wray
Y. Xia
Y. S. Hor
R. J. Cava
M. Zahid Hasan
+ PDF Chat Interfacing single photons and single quantum dots with photonic nanostructures 2015 Peter Lodahl
Sahand Mahmoodian
Søren Stobbe
+ PDF Chat Classifying quantum phases using matrix product states and projected entangled pair states 2011 Norbert Schuch
David Pérez-Garcı́a
J. I. Cirac
+ How to Integrate A Polynomial Over A Sphere 2001 Gerald B. Folland
+ PDF Chat Aharonov-Bohm Cages in Two-Dimensional Structures 1998 Julien Vidal
Rémy Mosseri
Benoît Douçot
+ PDF Chat Subwavelength vacuum lattices and atom–atom interactions in two-dimensional photonic crystals 2015 Alejandro González-Tudela
Chen-Lung Hung
Darrick E. Chang
J. I. Cirac
H. J. Kimble
+ PDF Chat Coherent control of three-spin states in a triple quantum dot 2011 Louis Gaudreau
G. Granger
A. Kam
G. C. Aers
Sergei Studenikin
P. Zawadzki
Michel Pioro-Ladrière
Z. R. Wasilewski
A. S. Sachrajda
+ PDF Chat Many-body physics with ultracold gases 2008 Immanuel Bloch
Jean Dalibard
W. Zwerger
+ PDF Chat Quantum Communication through an Unmodulated Spin Chain 2003 Sougato Bose
+ PDF Chat Possible Realization of Directional Optical Waveguides in Photonic Crystals with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry 2008 F. D. M. Haldane
S. Raghu
+ PDF Chat Strongly correlated quantum walks in optical lattices 2015 Philipp M. Preiss
Ruichao Ma
M. Eric Tai
Alexander Lukin
Matthew Rispoli
Philip Zupancic
Yoav Lahini
Rajibul Islam
Markus Greiner
+ PDF Chat Two-Particle Bosonic-Fermionic Quantum Walk via Integrated Photonics 2012 Linda Sansoni
Fabio Sciarrino
Giuseppe Vallone
Paolo Mataloni
Andrea Crespi
Roberta Ramponi
Roberto Osellame
+ PDF Chat Bipolar spin blockade and coherent state superpositions in a triple quantum dot 2013 Maria Busl
G. Granger
Louis Gaudreau
Rafael Sánchez
A. Kam
Michel Pioro-Ladrière
Sergei Studenikin
P. Zawadzki
Z. R. Wasilewski
A. S. Sachrajda
+ PDF Chat Non-local propagation of correlations in quantum systems with long-range interactions 2014 Philip Richerme
Zhe-Xuan Gong
Aaron Lee
Crystal Senko
Jacob Smith
Michael Foss‐Feig
Spyridon Michalakis
Alexey V. Gorshkov
C. Monroe
+ PDF Chat Floquet-Bloch Theory and Topology in Periodically Driven Lattices 2013 Álvaro Gómez-León
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Two-particle states in the Hubbard model 2008 Manuel Valiente
David Petrosyan
+ Statistical Mechanics of the Anisotropic Linear Heisenberg Model 1962 Shigetoshi Katsura
+ Spin orderings of the one-dimensional Ising magnet with the nearest and next nearest neighbor interaction 1972 T. Morita
T. Horiguchi
+ PDF Chat Topological insulators and superconductors 2011 Xiao-Liang Qi
Shou-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model with ultracold fermions 2014 Gregor Jotzu
Michael Messer
Rémi Desbuquois
Martin Lebrat
Thomas Uehlinger
Daniel Greif
Tilman Esslinger
+ PDF Chat Long-Range Spin Transfer in Triple Quantum Dots 2014 Rafael Sánchez
G. Granger
Louis Gaudreau
A. Kam
Michel Pioro-Ladrière
S. A. Studenikin
P. Zawadzki
A. S. Sachrajda
Gloria Platero
+ Experimental observation of bulk and edge transport in photonic Lieb lattices 2014 Diego Guzmán-Silva
Cristian Mejía-Cortés
Miguel A. Bandres
Mikael C. Rechtsman
Steffen Weimann
Stefan Nolte
Mordechai Segev
Alexander Szameit
Rodrigo A. Vicencio
+ PDF Chat Quantum Spin Hall Insulator State in HgTe Quantum Wells 2007 Markus König
S. Wiedmann
C. Brüne
Andreas Roth
H. Buhmann
L. W. Molenkamp
Xiao-Liang Qi
Shou-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Topological Entanglement Entropy 2006 Alexei Kitaev
John Preskill
+ PDF Chat Quantum many-body models with cold atoms coupled to photonic crystals 2015 James S. Douglas
Hessam Habibian
Chen-Lung Hung
Alexey V. Gorshkov
H. J. Kimble
Darrick E. Chang
+ PDF Chat Entanglement Spectrum of a Disordered Topological Chern Insulator 2010 Emil Prodan
Taylor L. Hughes
B. Andrei Bernevig
+ PDF Chat Quantum-state engineering with Josephson-junction devices 2001 Yuriy Makhlin
Gerd Schön
Alexander Shnirman
+ PDF Chat Quantum Simulation of Frustrated Classical Magnetism in Triangular Optical Lattices 2011 Julian Struck
C. Ölschläger
Rodolphe Le Targat
Parvis Soltan-Panahi
André Eckardt
Maciej Lewenstein
Patrick Windpassinger
K. Sengstock
+ PDF Chat Coherent Control of Interacting Particles Using Dynamical and Aharonov-Bohm Phases 2010 C. E. Creffield
Gloria Platero
+ PDF Chat Observation of a Localized Flat-Band State in a Photonic Lieb Lattice 2015 Sebabrata Mukherjee
Alexander Spracklen
Debaditya Choudhury
Nathan Goldman
Patrik Öhberg
Erika Andersson
Robert R. Thomson
+ PDF Chat Directed transport in driven optical lattices by gauge generation 2011 C. E. Creffield
Fernando Sols
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Topological insulators 2010 M. Zahid Hasan
C. L. Kane
+ PDF Chat Quantum computation with quantum dots 1998 Daniel Loss
David P. DiVincenzo
+ PDF Chat Classification of gapped symmetric phases in one-dimensional spin systems 2011 Xie Chen
Zheng‐Cheng Gu
Xiao-Gang Wen
+ PDF Chat Observation of Elastic Doublon Decay in the Fermi-Hubbard Model 2010 Niels Strohmaier
Daniel Greif
Robert Jördens
Leticia Tarruell
Henning Moritz
Tilman Esslinger
Rajdeep Sensarma
David Pekker
Ehud Altman
Eugene Demler
+ PDF Chat Anderson localization and topological transition in Chern insulators 2015 Eduardo V. Castro
M. P. López-Sancho
María A. H. Vozmediano
+ PDF Chat Intrinsic phonon decoherence and quantum gates in coupled lateral quantum-dot charge qubits 2005 M. J. Storcz
Udo Hartmann
Sigmund Kohler
Frank K. Wilhelm
+ PDF Chat Repulsively bound atom pairs in an optical lattice 2006 Klaus Winkler
Gregor Thalhammer
Florian Lang
Rudolf Grimm
Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Andrew J. Daley
Adrian Kantian
Hans Peter Büchler
P. Zoller
+ PDF Chat Direct measurement of the Zak phase in topological Bloch bands 2013 Marcos Atala
Monika Aidelsburger
Julio T. Barreiro
Dmitry A. Abanin
Takuya Kitagawa
Eugene Demler
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond 2006 Alexei Kitaev
+ PDF Chat Spins in few-electron quantum dots 2007 Ronald Hanson
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
J. R. Petta
Seigo Tarucha
L. M. K. Vandersypen
+ PDF Chat Characterization of Qubit Dephasing by Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana Interferometry 2014 Florian Förster
G. Petersen
S. Manus
Peter Hänggi
D. Schuh
W. Wegscheider
Sigmund Kohler
S. Ludwig
+ Introduction to dissipation and decoherence in quantum systems 2008 Florian Marquardt
Annett Püttmann
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian anyons and topological quantum computation 2008 Chetan Nayak
Steven H. Simon
Ady Stern
Michael Freedman
S. Das Sarma
+ PDF Chat Direct observation of second-order atom tunnelling 2007 Simon Fölling
Stefan Trotzky
Patrick Cheinet
Michael S. Feld
Robert Saers
Artur Widera
Tobias M. Müller
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Brillouin-Wigner theory for high-frequency expansion in periodically driven systems: Application to Floquet topological insulators 2016 Takahiro Mikami
Sota Kitamura
Kenji Yasuda
Naoto Tsuji
Takashi Oka
Hideo Aoki
+ PDF Chat Spatial adiabatic passage via interaction-induced band separation 2016 Albert Benseny
J. Gillet
Thomas Busch
+ PDF Chat Dynamical signatures of bound states in waveguide QED 2017 Eduardo Sánchez-Burillo
David Zueco
L. Martı́n-Moreno
Juan José García‐Ripoll