Chelsea A. K. Duran


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Disentangling Fine Motor Skills’ Relations to Academic Achievement: The Relative Contributions of Visual-Spatial Integration and Visual-Motor Coordination 2013 Abby G. Carlson
Ellen W. Rowe
Timothy W. Curby
+ Precursors to Mathematical Skills: Examining the Roles of Visual-Spatial Skills, Executive Processes, and Parenting Factors 2003 Mike A. Assel
Susan H. Landry
Paul R. Swank
Karen E. Smith
Laura Steelman
+ PDF Chat What Can We Learn About Effective Early Mathematics Teaching? A Framework for Estimating Causal Effects Using Longitudinal Survey Data 2013 Cassandra M. Guarino
Steven Dieterle
Anna E. Bargagliotti
William M. Mason
+ Fine motor skills and mathematics achievement in East Asian American and European American kindergartners and first graders 2007 Zupei Luo
Paul E. Jose
Carol S. Huntsinger
Terri Pigott
+ The relation between spatial skill and early number knowledge: The role of the linear number line. 2012 Elizabeth A. Gunderson
Gerardo Ramirez
Sian L. Beilock
Susan C. Levine
+ PDF Chat Deconstructing Building Blocks: Preschoolers' Spatial Assembly Performance Relates to Early Mathematical Skills 2013 Brian N. Verdine
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
Kathryn Hirsh‐Pasek
Nora S. Newcombe
Andrew T. Filipowicz
Alicia H. Chang
+ Cognitive and developmental influences in visual-motor integration skills in young children. 2011 Scott L. Decker
Julia A. Englund
Jessica A. Carboni
Janell Hargrove Brooks
+ Relating Effortful Control, Executive Function, and False Belief Understanding to Emerging Math and Literacy Ability in Kindergarten 2007 Clancy Blair
Rachel A. Razza
+ PDF Chat Fine Motor Skills and Executive Function Both Contribute to Kindergarten Achievement 2012 Claire E. Cameron
Laura L. Brock
William M. Murrah
Lindsay H. Bell
Samantha L. Worzalla
David W. Grissmer
Frederick J. Morrison
+ PDF Chat The development of cognitive skills and gains in academic school readiness for children from low-income families. 2010 Janet A. Welsh
Robert L. Nix
Clancy Blair
Karen L. Bierman
Keith E. Nelson
+ Behavioral self-regulation and executive function both predict visuomotor skills and early academic achievement 2014 Derek R. Becker
Alicia Miao
Robert J. Duncan
Megan M. McClelland
+ PDF Chat Contributions of executive function and spatial skills to preschool mathematics achievement 2014 Brian N. Verdine
Casey Irwin Helvey
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
Kathryn Hirsh‐Pasek
+ PDF Chat Mathematical skill in individuals with Williams syndrome: Evidence from a standardized mathematics battery 2007 Kirsten O’Hearn
Barbara Landau
+ The number sense: how the mind creates mathematics 1998 Stanislas Dehaene
+ Fit indices in covariance structure modeling: Sensitivity to underparameterized model misspecification. 1998 Li‐tze Hu
Peter M. Bentler
+ The mental representation of parity and number magnitude. 1993 Stanislas Dehaene
Serge Bossini
Pascal Giraux
+ Dissociation between physical and mental number line bisection in right hemisphere brain damage 2005 Fabrizio Doricchi
Paola Guariglia
Maurizio Gasparini
Francesco Tomaiuolo
+ Developmental Dynamics of Math Performance From Preschool to Grade 2. 2004 Kaisa Aunola
Esko Leskinen
Marja‐Kristiina Lerkkanen
Jari‐Erik Nurmi
+ The role of executive attention in the acquisition of mathematical skills for children in Grades 2 through 4 2012 Jo‐Anne LeFevre
Lindsay Berrigan
Corrie Vendetti
Deepthi Kamawar
Jeffrey Bisanz
Sheri‐Lynn Skwarchuk
Brenda L. Smith‐Chant
+ Is There a Role for Executive Functions in the Development of Mathematics Ability? 2008 Clancy Blair
Hilary Knipe
David A. Gamson
+ Does executive function mediate SES and home quality associations with academic readiness? 2012 Janean E. Dilworth‐Bart
+ The family, neuroscience, and academic skills: An interdisciplinary account of social class gaps in children’s test scores 2012 Daniel Potter
Andrew J. Mashburn
David W. Grissmer
+ Taking Account of Time Lags in Causal Models 1987 Harry F. Gollob
Charles S. Reichardt
+ Determinants of individual differences during skill acquisition: Cognitive abilities and information processing. 1988 Phillip L. Ackerman
+ PDF Chat Do different types of school mathematics development depend on different constellations of numerical versus general cognitive abilities? 2010 Lynn S. Fuchs
David C. Geary
Donald L. Compton
Douglas Fuchs
Carol L. Hamlett
Pamela M. Seethaler
Joan Bryant
Christopher Schatschneider
+ Long-Term Prediction of Achievement and Attitudes in Mathematics and Reading 1986 Harold W. Stevenson
Richard S. Newman
+ Links between behavioral regulation and preschoolers' literacy, vocabulary, and math skills. 2007 Megan M. McClelland
Claire E. Cameron
Carol McDonald Connor
Carrie L. Farris
Abigail M. Jewkes
Frederick J. Morrison
+ Varieties of numerical abilities 1992 Stanislas Dehaene
+ PDF Chat Reinterpreting the development of reading skills 2005 Scott G. Paris
+ PDF Chat Developmental Gains in Visuospatial Memory Predict Gains in Mathematics Achievement 2013 Yaoran Li
David C. Geary
+ External validation of the strategy choice model for addition 1989 David C. Geary
Maryann Burlingham-Dubree
+ Number Sense 1999 Russell Gersten
David J. Chard
+ PDF Chat Longitudinal Associations Between Executive Control and Developing Mathematical Competence in Preschool Boys and Girls 2012 Caron A. C. Clark
Tiffany D. Sheffield
Sandra A. Wiebe
Kimberly Andrews Espy
+ PDF Chat Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, and Executive Functioning in Preschoolers: Longitudinal Predictors of Mathematical Achievement at Age 7 Years 2008 Rebecca Bull
Kimberly Andrews Espy
Sandra A. Wiebe
+ PDF Chat Cognitive predictors of achievement growth in mathematics: A 5-year longitudinal study. 2011 David C. Geary
+ PDF Chat Cultural Recycling of Cortical Maps 2007 Stanislas Dehaene
Laurent Cohen
+ PDF Chat Distribution of the product confidence limits for the indirect effect: Program PRODCLIN 2007 David P. MacKinnon
Matthew S. Fritz
Jason Williams
Chondra M. Lockwood
+ The Unity and Diversity of Executive Functions and Their Contributions to Complex “Frontal Lobe” Tasks: A Latent Variable Analysis 2000 Akira Miyake
Naomi P. Friedman
Michael J. Emerson
Alexander Witzki
Amy Howerter
Tor D. Wager
+ Skills underlying mathematics: The role of executive function in the development of mathematics proficiency 2014 Lucy Cragg
Camilla Gilmore
+ Executive Functioning and Mathematics Achievement 2014 Rebecca Bull
Kerry Lee
+ Executive Functioning as a Predictor of Children's Mathematics Ability: Inhibition, Switching, and Working Memory 2001 Rebecca Bull
Gaia Scerif
+ PDF Chat Early Foundations for Mathematics Learning and Their Relations to Learning Disabilities 2013 David C. Geary
+ Building Blocks for early childhood mathematics 2004 Julie Sarama
Douglas H. Clements
+ Psychometric Properties of the Teacher-Reported Motor Skills Rating Scale 2014 Helyn Kim
William M. Murrah
Claire E. Cameron
Laura L. Brock
Elizabeth A. Cottone
David W. Grissmer
+ PDF Chat Developmental Changes in Mental Arithmetic: Evidence for Increased Functional Specialization in the Left Inferior Parietal Cortex 2005 Susan M. Rivera
Allan L. Reiss
Mark A. Eckert
Vinod Menon
+ PDF Chat Is Kindergarten the New First Grade? 2016 Daphna Bassok
Scott Latham
Anna Rorem
+ Learning executive function and early mathematics: Directions of causal relations 2015 Douglas H. Clements
Julie Sarama
Carrie Germeroth
+ Unique contributions of attentional control and visuomotor integration on concurrent teacher-reported classroom functioning in early elementary students 2016 Helyn Kim
Anthony I. Byers
Claire E. Cameron
Laura L. Brock
Elizabeth A. Cottone
David W. Grissmer
+ How Are Motor Skills Linked to Children's School Performance and Academic Achievement? 2016 Claire E. Cameron
Elizabeth A. Cottone
William M. Murrah
David W. Grissmer
+ Longitudinal associations between executive functioning and academic skills across content areas. 2014 Mary Wagner Fuhs
Kimberly Turner Nesbitt
Dale C. Farran
Nianbo Dong