A. P. Protogenov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Collective excitations and universal broadening of cyclotron absorption in Dirac semimetals in a quantizing magnetic field 2020 D. I. Yasnov
A. P. Protogenov
P. M. Échenique
Eugene V. Chulkov
+ PDF Chat New topological surface state in layered topological insulators: Unoccupied dirac cone 2013 С. В. Еремеев
I. V. Silkin
Tatiana V. Menshchikova
A. P. Protogenov
Е. В. Чулков
+ PDF Chat Unoccupied topological states on bismuth chalcogenides 2012 Daniel Niesner
Thomas Fauster
С. В. Еремеев
Tatiana V. Menshchikova
Yu. M. Koroteev
A. P. Protogenov
Е. В. Чулков
О. Е. Терещенко
К. А. Кох
O. Z. Alekperov
+ PDF Chat Цепочка взаимодействующих $SU(2)_{4}$-энионов и квантовые $SU(2)_{k}\times\overline{SU(2)_{k}}$ дубли 2011 Валерий Альфонасович Вербус
Валерий Альфонасович Вербус
L. Martina
L. Martina
L. Martina
L. Martina
A. P. Protogenov
A. P. Protogenov
+ A chain of strongly correlated SU(2)_4 anyons: Hamiltonian and Hilbert space of states 2010 L. Martina
A. P. Protogenov
Валерий Альфонасович Вербус
+ Random Walks over Wilson loop space 2007 A. P. Protogenov
+ PDF Chat Charge-density distributions in doped antiferromagnetic insulators 2004 L. S. Isaev
A. P. Protogenov
+ PDF Chat Structures of order parameters in inhomogeneous phase states of strongly correlated systems 2003 L. S. Isaev
A. P. Protogenov
A. P. Protogenov
+ PDF Chat Energy bounds of linked vortex states 2002 A. P. Protogenov
V. A. Verbus
+ Charge Density Bounds in Superconducting States of Strongly Correlated Systems 2002 A. P. Protogenov
+ PDF Chat Erratum: “Strong correlations in a model of a gauged (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation” [JETP Letters, 73, 5, 255–261] 2001 A. P. Protogenov
+ Strong correlations in a model of a gauged (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation 2001 A. P. Protogenov
+ Discrete equations of motion for 𝐴_{𝑘-1} algebra 2000 A. P. Protogenov
V. A. Verbus
+ PDF Chat Chern-Simons correlations on (2+1)D lattice 1999 L. A. Abramyan
A. P. Protogenov
V. A. Verbus
+ Equations of motion and conserved quantities in non-Abelian discrete integrable models 1999 V. A. Verbus
A. P. Protogenov
+ Equations and Integrals of Motion in Discrete Integrable $A_{k-1}$ Algebra Models 1999 A. P. Protogenov
V. A. Verbus
+ PDF Chat Уравнения движения и сохраняющиеся величины в неабелевых дискретных интегрируемых моделях 1999 Валерий Альфонасович Вербус
Валерий Альфонасович Вербус
A. P. Protogenov
A. P. Protogenov
+ Structure of zero modes in a model of the discrete (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation 1998 L. A. Abramyan
A. P. Protogenov
V. A. Verbus
+ Chern-Simons contribution to the structure of the zero mode of the gauged nonlinear (2+1)-dimensional Schrödinger equation 1997 L. A. Abramyan
V. I. Berezhiani
A. P. Protogenov
+ PDF Chat Generalized Exclusion Statistics in the Kondo Problem 1997 A. P. Protogenov
V. A. Verbus
+ Dynamics of fields in the gauged nonlinear (2+1)D Schrödinger equation model 1996 L. A. Abramyan
A. P. Protogenov
+ Collapse versus Turbulence 1996 L. A. Abramyan
V. I. Berezhiani
A. P. Protogenov
+ Distribution function in systems with braid statistics 1994 A. P. Protogenov
+ Quantum Group Random Walks in Strongly Correlated $2+1$ $D$ Spin Systems 1994 A. P. Protogenov
Yuri V. Rostovtsev
V. A. Verbus
+ Strong Phase Correlations of Solitons of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation 1994 A. G. Litvak
В. А. Миронов
A. P. Protogenov
+ Possibility of existence of a finite charge in the quantum field theory 1973 G. M. Avdeeva
A. A. Belavin
A. P. Protogenov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ How Algebraic Bethe Ansatz works for integrable model 1996 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ PDF Chat Painlevé analysis and integrability properties of a 2+1 nonrelativistic field theory 1995 Markus Georges Knecht
R. Pasquier
J.Y. Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Nonrelativistic Cherns-Simons theory for the repulsive Bose gas 1994 I. V. Barashenkov
Alexander Harin
+ Collapse of Chern-Simons–Gauged Matter Fields 1995 Luc Bergé
Anne de Bouard
Jean‐Claude Saut
+ Self-dual Chern-Simons vortices 1990 R. Jackiw
Erick J. Weinberg
+ PDF Chat Stable knot-like structures in classical field theory 1997 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
Antti J. Niemi
+ PDF Chat The theory of turbulence in two dimensions 1993 A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Quantum discrete sine-Gordon model at roots of 1: Integrable quantum system on the integrable classical background 1996 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
A. I. Bobenko
Nicolai Reshetikhin
+ Two-dimensional critical systems labelled by Dynkin diagrams 1987 Vincent Pasquier
+ PDF Chat Haldane’s fractional exclusion statistics for multicomponent systems 1995 Takahiro Fukui
Norio Kawakami
+ Contour dynamics for the Euler equations in two dimensions 1979 Norman J. Zabusky
M.H. Hughes
K.V. Roberts
+ PDF Chat Hidden symmetry and knot solitons in a charged two-condensate Bose system 2002 Egor Babaev
Ludvig Faddeev
Antti J. Niemi
+ Polynomial equations for rational conformal field theories 1988 Gregory J. Moore
Nathan Seiberg
+ Blow-up in Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations-I A General Review 1986 J. Juul Rasmussen
Kristoffer Rypdal
+ PDF Chat Tensor Renormalization Group Approach to Two-Dimensional Classical Lattice Models 2007 Michael Levin
Cody P. Nave
+ Conformal weights of RSOS lattice models and their fusion hierarchies 1992 Andreas Klümper
Paul A. Pearce
+ PDF Chat Topological field theory of time-reversal invariant insulators 2008 Xiao‐Liang Qi
Taylor L. Hughes
Shou-Cheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat A tunable topological insulator in the spin helical Dirac transport regime 2009 David Hsieh
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+ PDF Chat Antiferromagnetic order induced by an applied magnetic field in a high-temperature superconductor 2002 B. Lake
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N. B. Christensen
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+ PDF Chat Exact Chiral Spin Liquid with Non-Abelian Anyons 2007 Hong Yao
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Steven G. Louie
+ PDF Chat Projector augmented-wave method 1994 Peter E. Blöchl
+ PDF Chat Bethe Ansatz and Classical Hirota Equation 1997 P. Wiegmann
+ PDF Chat DYNKIN TBA’S 1993 Francesco Ravanini
Angelo Valleriani
Roberto Tateo
+ PDF Chat A Four Unit Cell Periodic Pattern of Quasi-Particle States Surrounding Vortex Cores in Bi <sub>2</sub> Sr <sub>2</sub> CaCu <sub>2</sub> O <sub>8+δ</sub> 2002 Jennifer E. Hoffman
Eric Hudson
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Vidya Madhavan
Hiroshi Eisaki
S. Uchida
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+ PDF Chat A Short Introduction to Fibonacci Anyon Models 2008 Simon Trebst
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+ PDF Chat Topological Surface States with Persistent High Spin Polarization across the Dirac Point in<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Bi</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>Te</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:mi>Se</mml:mi></mml:math>and<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>Bi</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub><mml:msub><mml:mi>Se</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:… 2012 K. Miyamoto
A. Kimura
Taichi Okuda
H. Miyahara
Kenta Kuroda
H. Namatame
M. Taniguchi
С. В. Еремеев
Tatiana V. Menshchikova
Е. В. Чулков
+ PDF Chat Loop models and their critical points 2006 Paul Fendley
+ PDF Chat Dual Neutral Variables and Knot Solitons in Triplet Superconductors 2002 Egor Babaev
+ PDF Chat Knots as Stable Soliton Solutions in a Three-Dimensional Classical Field Theory 1998 Richard A. Battye
Paul Sutcliffe
+ PDF Chat Monopoles and Knots in Skyrme Theory 2001 Y. M. Cho
+ Averaged description of wave beams in linear and nonlinear media (the method of moments) 1971 S. N. Vlasov
V. A. Petrishchev
V. I. Talanov
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Solutions to Difference Non-Linear Equations and Related Many-Body Problems 1998 I. M. Krichever
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A. Zabrodin
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David Hsieh
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+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial 1989 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Topological Insulators in Three Dimensions 2007 Liang Fu
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+ PDF Chat Self-Dual Chern-Simons Solitons 1992 R. Jackiw
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+ PDF Chat Microscopic electronic inhomogeneity in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x 2001 S. H. Pan
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S. Uchida
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+ PDF Chat Quantum Spin Hall Effect in Three Dimensional Materials: Lattice Computation of Z<sub>2</sub> Topological Invariants and Its Application to Bi and Sb 2007 Takahiro Fukui
Yasuhiro Hatsugai
+ PDF Chat Quantum group symmetries and non-local currents in 2D QFT 1991 Denis Bernard
André LeClair
+ Virasoro Algebra, von Neumann Algebra and Critical Eight-Vertex SOS Models 1986 Atsuo Kuniba
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+ Vacuum curves, classical integrable systems in discrete space-time and statistical physics 1993 I. G. Korepanov
+ Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz in relativistic models: Scaling 3-state potts and Lee-Yang models 1990 Al.B. Zamolodchikov
+ PDF Chat Hirota equation as an example of an integrable symplectic map 1994 L. D. Faddeev
A. Yu. Volkov
+ PDF Chat Splitting the Topological Degeneracy of Non-Abelian Anyons 2009 Parsa Bonderson
+ Bethe Ansatz and Classical Hirota Equations 1996 A. Zabrodin
+ Chern-Simons contribution to the structure of the zero mode of the gauged nonlinear (2+1)-dimensional Schrödinger equation 1997 L. A. Abramyan
V. I. Berezhiani
A. P. Protogenov
+ Projected p-wave superconducting wave-functions for topological orders 2007 Su-Peng Kou Xiao-Gang Wen
+ Bethe-ansatz for the Bloch electron in magnetic field 1994 P. Wiegmann
A. Zabrodin