Jaak Peetre


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat H-infinity and Complex Interpolation 2025 Jaak Peetre
Per G. Nilsson
+ Banach Couples. I. Elementary Theory 2023 Jaak Peetre
Per Nilsson
+ Generalizing Ovchinnikovs Theorem 2023 Jaak Peetre
Per Nilsson
+ Several Complex Variables III: Geometric Function Theory 2011 G. M. Khenkin
I. M. Dektyarev
Jaak Peetre
+ Special issue on trilinear forms in Hilbert space and other topics 2006 Sergei Silvestrov
Jaak Peetre
Michael Ćwikel
+ Preface [Special issue on trilinear forms in Hilbert space and other topics]. 2006 Jaak Peetre
+ Multilinear Forms of Hilbert Type and Some Other Distinguished Forms 2005 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat On the formula of Jacques-Louis Lions for reproducing kernels of harmonic and other functions 2004 Miroslav Engliš
Dag Lukkassen
Jaak Peetre
Lars-Erik Persson
+ $p$-arclength of the $q$-circle 2003 Peter Lindqvist
Jaak Peetre
+ On the development of interpolation - instead of a history three letters 2002 Jaak Peetre
+ Two Remarkable Identities, Called Twos, for Inverses to Some Abelian Integrals 2001 Peter Lindqvist
Jaak Peetre
+ Generalized Trigonometric Functions: 10744 2001 Peter Lindqvist
Jaak Peetre
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ Two Remarkable Identities, Called Twos, for Inverses to Some Abelian Integrals 2001 Peter Lindqvist
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Singular Values of Trilinear Forms 2001 Bo Bernhardsson
Jaak Peetre
+ Remarks on symmetries of trilinear forms 2000 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ Extreme points of the complex binary trilinear ball 2000 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ Singular Values of Trilinear Forms 2000 Bo Bernhardsson
Jaak Peetre
+ Singular Values of Trilinear Forms 2000 Bo Bernhardsson
Jaak Peetre
+ Some Compactness Results in Real Interpolation for Families of Banach Spaces 1998 Marı́a J. Carro
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Invariant Cauchy-Riemann operators and relative discrete series of line bundles over the unit ball of Cd. 1998 Jaak Peetre
Genkai Zhang
+ PDF Chat Green's Functions for Powers of the Invariant Laplacian 1998 Miroslav Engliš
Jaak Peetre
+ On the connection between real and complex interpolation of quasi-banach spaces 1998 Fernando Cobos
Jaak Peetre
Per O. Å. Persson
+ PDF Chat Covariant differential operators and Green's functions 1997 Miroslav Engliš
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat A green's function for the annulus 1996 Miroslav Engliš
Jaak Peetre
+ Covariant Cauchy-Riemann operators and higher Laplacians on Kähler manifolds. 1996 Jaak Peetre
Miroslav Engliš
+ PDF Chat On the Correspondence Principle for the Quantized Annulus. 1996 Miroslav Engliš
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Generalized Fock spaces, interpolation, multipliers, circle geometry 1996 Jaak Peetre
Sundaram Thangavelu
Nils-Olof Wallin
+ Generalised Fock spaces, abstract interpolation, multipliers circle geometry 1996 Jaak Peetre
Sundaram Thangavelu
Nil-Olof Wallin
+ Outline of a scientific biography of Ernst Meissel (1826-1895) 1995 Jaak Peetre
+ Higher order Hankel forms 1995 Jaak Peetre
Richard Rochberg
+ PDF Chat Hankel Forms of Arbitrary Weight over a Symmetric Domain Via the Transvectant 1994 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Möbius covariance of iterated Dirac operators 1994 Jaak Peetre
Tao Qian
+ Hankel and Toeplitz operators 1994 Jaak Peetre
+ Edgar Krahn, 1894-1961 ; a centenary volume 1994 Jaak Peetre
Ülo Lumiste
+ PDF Chat Hankel kernels of higher weight for the ball 1993 Jaak Peetre
+ Comparison of two kinds of Hankel type operators 1993 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Harmonic analysis on the quantized Riemann sphere 1993 Jaak Peetre
Genkai Zhang
+ Three-line theorems and clifford analysis 1992 Jaak Peetre
Per Sjölin
+ PDF Chat On the $S_4$-Norm of a Hankel Form 1992 Jaak Peetre
+ A weighted Plancherel formula III: the case of the hyperbolic matrix ball 1992 Jaak Peetre
Genkai Zhang
+ Schatten-von Neumann classes of multilinear forms 1992 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Some observations on algorithms of the Gauss-Borchardt type 1991 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Projective structures on an annulus and Hankel forms 1991 Jaak Peetre
Genkai Zhang
+ Interpolation of Compact Operators: The Multidimensional Case 1991 Fernando Cobos
Jaak Peetre
+ Membership of Hankel Operators on the Ball in Unitary Ideals 1991 Jonathan Arazy
Stephen D. Fisher
Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ On an algorithm considered by Stieltjes 1990 Tomas Claesson
Jaak Peetre
+ Hankel operators on planar domains 1990 Jonathan Arazy
Stephen D. Fisher
Jaak Peetre
+ Fourier Analysis of a space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators: new "Ha-plitz" type operators 1990 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Notes on projective structures on complex manifolds 1989 Björn Gustafsson
Jaak Peetre
+ Interpolation of compactness using Aronszajn-Gagliardo functors 1989 Fernando Cobos
Jaak Peetre
+ Big Hankel operators of higher weight 1989 Jan Boman
Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Paracommutators - brief introduction, open problems 1989 Jaak Peetre
+ A submultiplicative function 1989 Jan Gustavsson
Lech Maligranda
Jaak Peetre
+ Some calculations related to Fock space and the Shale-Weil representation 1989 Jaak Peetre
+ General Beckenbach's inequality with applications 1989 Jaak Peetre
Lars-Erik Persson
+ PDF Chat A multidimensional Wolff theorem 1989 Fernando Cobos
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat A new look on Hankel forms over Fock space 1989 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
Robert Wallstén
+ Hankel forms on Fock space modulo CN 1988 Jaak Peetre
+ Hankel forms on multiply connected plane domains. part one. the case of connectivity two 1988 Jaak Peetre
+ Function Spaces and Applications: Proceedings of the Us-Swedish Seminar Held in Lund, Sweden, June 15-21, 1986 1988 Michael Ćwikel
Jaak Peetre
Yoram Sagher
Hans Wallin
Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrådet
+ PDF Chat Paracommutators―boundedness and Schatten-von Neumann properties 1988 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ Paracommutators-Boundedness and Schatten-Von Neumann Properties 1988 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ Marcel Riesz in Lund 1988 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Function Spaces and Applications 1988 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Hankel Forms and the Fock Space 1987 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
Richard Rochberg
+ A New Generalization of Hankel Operators (the Case of Higher Weights) 1987 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ On the K functional between L1 and L2 and some other K functionals 1986 Per G. Nilsson
Jaak Peetre
+ On the action of Hankel and Toeplitz operators on some function spaces 1984 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
Stephen Semmes
+ PDF Chat On the generalized Hardy's inequality of McGhee, Pigno and Smith and the problem of interpolation between BMO and a Besov space. 1984 Jaak Peetre
Erik D. Svensson
+ Notes on Wolff's Note on Interpolation Spaces 1984 Svante Janson
Per G. Nilsson
Jaak Peetre
Misha Zafran
+ Function spaces on subsets of Rn 1984 Alf Jonsson
Hans Wallin
Jaak Peetre
+ Higher order commutators of singular integral operators 1984 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ Duality for Fernandez Type Spaces 1984 Jaak Peetre
+ The theory of interpolation spaces — its origin, prospects for the future 1984 Jaak Peetre
+ Harmonic interpolation 1984 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ Invariant Function Spaces Connected with the Holomorphic Discrete Series 1984 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Locally analytically pseudo-convex topological vector spaces 1982 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Properties of the L function 1982 Jan Gustavsson
Jaak Peetre
+ On Hadamard's variational formula 1980 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat The Euler derivative. An intrinsic approach to the calculus of variations. 1978 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of Orlicz spaces 1977 Jan Gustavsson
Jaak Peetre
+ New thoughts on Besov spaces 1976 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat On spaces of Triebel—Lizorkin type 1975 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Interpolation and non-commutative integration 1975 Jaak Peetre
Gunnar Sparr
+ A remark on sobolev spaces. The case 0 < p < 1 1975 Jaak Peetre
+ H p spaces 1975 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Remark on the Dual of an Interpolation Space. 1974 Jaak Peetre
+ Some classes of operators in BANACH space 1970 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat A new approach in interpolation spaces 1970 Jaak Peetre
+ Approximation theorems connected with generalized translations 1969 Jörgen Löfström
Jaak Peetre
+ On the theory of Lp,λ spaces 1969 Jaak Peetre
+ On certain functionals arising in the theory of interpolation spaces 1969 Tord Holmstedt
Jaak Peetre
+ Sur la transformation de Fourier des fonctions à valeurs vectorielles 1969 Jaak Peetre
+ On interpolation functions : II. 1968 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat On the Rate of Convergence for Discrete Initial-Value Problems. 1967 Jaak Peetre
Vidar Thomée
+ Estimates for eigenfunctions 1967 Jaak Peetre
+ On convolution operators leavingL p,λ spaces invariant 1966 Jaak Peetre
+ Some estimates for spectral functions 1966 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Espaces d'interpolation et théorème de Soboleff 1966 Jaak Peetre
+ Pointwise convergence of singular convolution integrals 1966 Jaak Peetre
+ Connectedness of the Hilbert scheme . Relations entre deux methodes d'interpolation . Complements a un article de mans Grauert sur la conjecture de mordell . Ample vector bundles . On the de rham cohomology of algebraic varieties 1966 Robin Hartshorne
Jaak Peetre
Samuel Pierre
Alexandre Grothendieck
+ Sur une classe d'espaces d'interpolation (p. 5 à 68) . On combinatorial isotopy (p. 69 à 94) 1964 Jacques Louis Lions
Jaak Peetre
J. F. P. Hudson
E. C. Zeeman
+ Elliptic partial differential equations of higher order 1962 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat On Estimating the Solutions of Hypoelliptic Differential Equations Near the Plane Boundary. 1961 Jaak Peetre
+ A proof of the hypoellipticity of formally hypoelliptic differential operators 1961 Jaak Peetre
+ Another approach to elliptic boundary problems 1961 Jaak Peetre
+ Mixed problems for higher order elliptic equations in two variables, I 1961 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Une caractérisation abstraite des opérateurs différentiels. 1959 Jaak Peetre
+ Comparaison d'opérateurs différentiels 1959 Jaak Peetre
+ Théorèmes de régularité pour quelques classes d'opérateurs différentiels 1959 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Courant's nodal domain theorem. 1957 Jaak Peetre
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Hankel Forms and the Fock Space 1987 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
Richard Rochberg
+ A New Generalization of Hankel Operators (the Case of Higher Weights) 1987 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Notes on projective structures on complex manifolds 1989 Björn Gustafsson
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Hp spaces of several variables 1972 Charles Fefferman
E. M. Stein
+ The Bergman space, the Bloch space, and commutators of multiplication operators 1986 Sheldon Axler
+ Schatten-von Neumann classes of multilinear forms 1992 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ Hankel Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces 1988 Jonathan Arazy
Stephen D. Fisher
J. Peetre
+ PDF Chat Schatten classes and commutators of singular integral operators 1982 Svante Janson
Thomas Wolff
+ PDF Chat General concept of quantization 1975 F. A. Berezin
+ Paracommutators and Minimal Spaces 1985 J. Peetre
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ New thoughts on Besov spaces 1976 Jaak Peetre
+ Factorization Theorems for Hardy Spaces in Several Variables 1976 Ronald R. Coifman
Richard Rochberg
Guido Weiss
+ Invariant Function Spaces Connected with the Holomorphic Discrete Series 1984 Jaak Peetre
+ A theory of complex interpolation for families of Banach spaces 1982 Ronald R. Coifman
Michael Ćwikel
Richard Rochberg
Yoram Sagher
George H. Weiss
+ Extreme points of the complex binary trilinear ball 2000 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Paracommutators―boundedness and Schatten-von Neumann properties 1988 Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ Big Hankel operators of higher weight 1989 Jan Boman
Svante Janson
Jaak Peetre
+ Automorphic Forms And Kleinian Groups 1972 Irwin Kra
+ PDF Chat Estimates for translation invariant operators in Lp spaces 1960 Lars Hörmander
+ PDF Chat Interpolation d'espaces vectoriels qui ne sont ni normés ni complets. Applications 1967 Paul Krée
+ Eine Verallgemeinerung der Abelschen Integrale 1957 Martin Eichler
+ Espaces D’interpolation, Généralisations, Applications 1964 Giacomo Peetre
+ Trace Ideals and Their Applications 2010 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Hankel operators between weighted Bergman spaces 1988 Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat On the compactness of operators of Hankel type 1978 Akihito Uchiyama
+ Hankel forms on multiply connected plane domains. part one. the case of connectivity two 1988 Jaak Peetre
+ Remarks on symmetries of trilinear forms 2000 Fernando Cobos
Thomas Kühn
Jaak Peetre
+ Linear Partial Differential Operators 1963 Lars Hörmander
+ Nearly weakly orthonormal sequences, singular value estimates, and Calderon-Zygmund operators 1989 Richard Rochberg
Stephen Semmes
+ Representation and Uniqueness Theorems for Polyharmonic Functions 1993 W. K. Hayman
Boris Korenblum
+ PDF Chat On the regularity of the solutions of boundary problems 1958 Lars Hörmander
+ Hankel forms on multiply connected plane domains. part two. the case of higher connectivity 1990 Björn Gustafsson
Jaak Peertre
+ On cauchy's problem for hyperbolic equations and the differentiability of solutions of elliptic equations 1955 Peter D. Lax
+ Semi-Groups of Operators and Approximation 1967 Paul P. Butzer
Hubert Berens
+ Some aspects of the minimal, Möbiusinvariant space of analytic functions on the unit disc 1984 Jonathan Arazy
Stephen D. Fisher
+ A computation of Green functions for the weighted biharmonic operators Δ|z|−2αΔ, with α>−1 1994 Håakan Hedenmalm
+ PDF Chat Equazioni ellittiche del IIo ordine e spazi $$\mathfrak{L}^{(2,\lambda )} $$ . 1965 Sergio Campanato
+ PDF Chat Mean oscillation over cubes and Hölder continuity 1964 Norman G. Meyers
+ On functions of bounded mean oscillation 1961 Franklin John
Louis Nirenberg
+ Characterizations of certain classes of Hankel operators on the Bergman spaces of the unit disk 1992 Daniel H. Luecking
+ £<sup>(p,λ)</sup>‐spaces and interpolation 1964 Guido Stampacchia
+ Extreme elements of the unit ball of bilinear operators onl 2 2 1988 Ryszard Grząślewicz
Kamil John
+ PDF Chat Paracommutators - brief introduction, open problems 1989 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Interpolation spaces and interpolation methods 1965 N. Aronszajn
Emilio Gagliardo
+ The Kernel Function and Conformal Mapping 1951 H. G. Eggleston
Stefan Bergman
+ On bounded polynomials in several variables 1928 O. D. Kellogg
+ PDF Chat An extremal property of the Bloch space 1979 Lee A. Rubel
Richard M. Timoney
+ Minimal and maximal methods of interpolation 1981 Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Compact Hankel operators on the Bergman space 1990 Karel Stroethoff