Jean Fasel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The stable Adams operations on Hermitian K-theory 2025 Jean Fasel
Olivier Haution
+ Vector bundles on algebraic varieties 2023 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Localization and nilpotent spaces in -homotopy theory 2022 Jean Fasel
Aravind Asok
Michael J. Hopkins
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Chow-Witt groups 2021 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Chow-Witt groups 2021 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Vector bundles on algebraic varieties 2021 Jean Fasel
Aravind Asok
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Chow-Witt groups 2021 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Chow-Witt groups 2021 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Vector bundles on algebraic varieties 2021 Jean Fasel
Aravind Asok
+ PDF Chat Localization and nilpotent spaces in A^1-homotopy theory 2021 Jean Fasel
Aravind Asok
Michael J. Hopkins
+ PDF Euler class groups and motivic stable cohomotopy (with an appendix by Mrinal Kanti Das) 2021 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ THE BOREL CHARACTER 2021 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
+ PDF On the rational motivic homotopy category 2021 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
Fangzhou Jin
Adeel A. Khan
+ Suslin's cancellation conjecture in the smooth case 2021 Jean Fasel
+ Vector bundles on algebraic varieties 2021 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Milnor-Witt Motives 2020 Tom Bachmann
Baptiste Calmès
Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
Paul Arne Østvær
+ Milnor-Witt Motives 2020 Tom Bachmann
Baptiste Calmès
Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
Paul Arne Østvær
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Chow-Witt groups 2020 Jean Fasel
+ The stable Adams operations on Hermitian K-theory 2020 Jean Fasel
Olivier Haution
+ PDF Chat Motivic spheres and the image of the Suslin–Hurewicz map 2019 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
Ben Williams
+ The Borel character 2019 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
+ Borel isomorphism and absolute purity 2019 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
Fangzhou Jin
Adeel A. Khan
Jean Fasel
Michael J. Hopkins
+ Motivic spheres and the image of Suslin's Hurewicz map 2018 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
Ben Williams
+ Families of $\mathbb{A}^1$-contractible affine threefolds 2018 Jean Fasel
+ Motivic spheres and the image of the Suslin--Hurewicz map 2018 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
Ben Williams
+ MW-motivic complexes 2017 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
+ Erratum on ``On the number of generators of ideals in polynomial rings" 2017 Jean Fasel
+ A cancellation theorem for Milnor-Witt correspondences 2017 Jean Fasel
Paul Arne Østvær
+ A comparison theorem for MW-motivic cohomology 2017 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ The Milnor-Witt motivic ring spectrum and its associated theories 2017 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
+ On the effectivity of spectra representing motivic cohomology theories 2017 Tom Bachmann
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat An explicit KO‐degree map and applications 2017 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Comparing Euler Classes 2016 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Smooth Models of Motivic Spheres and the Clutching Construction 2016 Aravind Asok
Brent Doran
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat On the number of generators of ideals in polynomial rings 2016 Jean Fasel
+ Euler class groups and motivic stable cohomotopy 2016 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Comparing Euler classes 2016 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ The Vaserstein symbol on real smooth affine threefolds 2016 Jean Fasel
+ Euler class groups and motivic stable cohomotopy 2016 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
Mrinal Kanti Das
+ On the number of generators of ideals in polynomial rings 2015 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Secondary characteristic classes and the Euler class 2015 Jean Fasel
Aravind Asok
+ On the number of generators of ideals in polynomial rings 2015 Jean Fasel
+ Families of \mathbb{A}^1-contractible affine threefolds 2015 Adrien Dubouloz
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat A cohomological classification of vector bundles on smooth affine threefolds 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Splitting vector bundles outside the stable range and 𝔸¹-homotopy sheaves of punctured affine spaces 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Mennicke symbols, 𝐾-cohomology and a Bass-Kubota theorem 2014 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Algebraic vector bundles on spheres 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Groupes Classiques 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Groupes Classiques 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Groupes Classiques 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Groupes Classiques 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Groupes Classiques 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Finite Chow-Witt correspondences 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Algebraic vs. topological vector bundles on spheres 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Smooth models of motivic spheres 2014 Aravind Asok
Brent Doran
Jean Fasel
+ Groupes Classiques 2014 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Motivic secondary characteristic classes and the Euler class 2013 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Euler class groups and 2-torsion elements 2013 S. M. Bhatwadekar
Jean Fasel
Sarang Sane
+ The projective bundle theorem for I<sup><i>j</i></sup>-cohomology 2013 Jean Fasel
+ Secondary characteristic classes and the Euler class 2013 Jean Fasel
Aravind Asok
+ Splitting vector bundles outside the stable range and A^1-homotopy sheaves of punctured affine spaces 2012 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat On Stably Free Modules over Affine Algebras 2012 Jean Fasel
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
+ Splitting vector bundles outside the stable range and A^1-homotopy sheaves of punctured affine spaces 2012 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Simply-laced isomonodromy systems . On the functions counting walks with small steps in the quarter plane . The structure of approximate groups . On stably free modules over affine algebras . Perfectoid spaces 2012 Philip Boalch
Irina Kurkova
Kilian Raschel
Emmanuel Breuillard
Ben Green
Terence Tao
Jean Fasel
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
Peter Scholze
+ Trivial Witt groups of flag varieties 2011 Baptiste Calmès
Jean Fasel
+ Mennicke symbols, K-cohomology and a Bass-Kubota theorem 2011 Jean Fasel
+ A degree map on unimodular rows 2011 Jean Fasel
+ Mennicke symbols, K-cohomology and a Bass-Kubota theorem 2011 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Stably free modules over smooth affine threefolds 2010 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Some remarks on orbit sets of unimodular rows 2010 Jean Fasel
+ Projective modules over the real algebraic sphere of dimension 3 2010 Jean Fasel
+ Projective modules over the real algebraic sphere of dimension 3 2009 Jean Fasel
+ Some remarks on orbit sets of unimodular rows 2009 Jean Fasel
+ The excess intersection formula for Grothendieck–Witt groups 2009 Jean Fasel
+ Chow–Witt groups and Grothendieck–Witt groups of regular schemes 2009 Jean Fasel
V. Srinivas
+ Projective modules over the real algebraic sphere of dimension 3 2009 Jean Fasel
+ Groupes de Chow-Witt 2008 Jean Fasel
+ PDF A vanishing theorem for oriented intersection multiplicities 2008 Jean Fasel
V. Srinivas
+ PDF The Witt groups of the spheres away from two 2007 Ivo Dell’Ambrogio
Jean Fasel
+ The Chow-Witt ring. 2007 Jean Fasel
+ Groupes de Chow orientés 2005 Jean Fasel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF A1-homotopy theory of schemes 1999 Fabien Morel
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ Groupes de Chow-Witt 2008 Jean Fasel
+ PDF A Gersten–Witt spectral sequence for regular schemes 2002 Paul Balmer
Charles Walter
+ Chow–Witt groups and Grothendieck–Witt groups of regular schemes 2009 Jean Fasel
V. Srinivas
+ A1-Algebraic Topology over a Field 2012 Fabien Morel
+ PDF Chat Algebraic vector bundles on spheres 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF An exact sequence for K<sub>∗</sub><sup>M</sup>∕2 with applications to quadratic forms 2007 Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
Alexander Vishik
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ The Chow-Witt ring. 2007 Jean Fasel
+ Motivic cohomology with Z/2-coefficients 2003 Vladimir Voevodsky
+ PDF Sur les puissances de l?id�al fondamental de l?anneau de Witt 2004 Fabien Morel
+ PDF Chat A cohomological classification of vector bundles on smooth affine threefolds 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Groupe de Chow des cycles orientés et classe d'Euler des fibrés vectoriels 2000 Jean Barge
Fabien Morel
+ AlgebraicK-theory and quadratic forms 1970 John Milnor
+ PDF Reduced power operations in motivic cohomology 2003 Vladimir Voevodsky
+ PDF Geometric models for higher Grothendieck–Witt groups in $$\mathbb {A}^1$$ A 1 -homotopy theory 2014 Marco Schlichting
Girja Shanker Tripathi
+ A graded Gersten–Witt complex for schemes with a dualizing complex and the Chow group 2006 Stefan Gille
+ Zero Cycles and Projective Modules 1994 M. Pavaman Murthy
+ PDF A module structure on certain orbit sets of unimodular rows 1989 Wilberd van der Kallen
+ PDF Some remarks on orbit sets of unimodular rows 2010 Jean Fasel
+ PDF Hermitian K-theory, derived equivalences and Karoubi's fundamental theorem 2016 Marco Schlichting
+ PDF Chow groups with coefficients 1996 Markus Rost
+ PDF The Mayer-Vietoris principle for Grothendieck-Witt groups of schemes 2009 Marco Schlichting
+ Triangulated Categories of Mixed Motives 2019 Denis-Charles Cisinski
Frédéric Déglise
+ PDF None 2000 S. M. Bhatwadekar
R. Sridharan
+ The projective bundle theorem for I<sup><i>j</i></sup>-cohomology 2013 Jean Fasel
Andrei Suslin
+ Homotopy theory of schemes 2006 Fabien Morel
+ PDF Gersten's conjecture and the homology of schemes 1974 Spencer Bloch
Arthur Ogus
+ Algebraic Cycles and Vector Bundles over Affine Three-Folds 1982 N. Mohan Kuma
M. Pavaman Murthy
+ Pairings in triangular Witt theory 2003 Stefan Gille
Alexander Nenashev
+ Hermitian <i>K</i>-theory of exact categories 2009 Marco Schlichting
+ A cancellation theorem for projective modules over algebras 1977 Andrei Suslin
+ PDF Smooth Models of Motivic Spheres and the Clutching Construction 2016 Aravind Asok
Brent Doran
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Chat Comparing Euler Classes 2016 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ PDF Products of degenerate quadratic forms 2005 Paul Balmer
+ MW-motivic complexes 2017 Frédéric Déglise
Jean Fasel
+ Milnor’s conjecture on quadratic forms and $~mod \ ; 2$ motivic complexes 2005 Fabien Morel
+ Zero cycles and the Euler class groups of smooth real affine varieties 1999 S. M. Bhatwadekar
R. Sridharan
+ PDF Chat Algebraic <i>K</i> -theory, <b>A</b> <sup>1</sup> -homotopy and Riemann-Roch theorems 2010 Joël Riou
+ PDF Chat On Stably Free Modules over Affine Algebras 2012 Jean Fasel
Ravi A. Rao
Richard G. Swan
+ PDF Chat Affine representability results in 𝔸1–homotopy theory, II : Principal bundles and homogeneous spaces 2018 Aravind Asok
Marc Hoyois
Matthias Wendt
+ Zero-cycles and cohomology on real algebraic varieties 1996 Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
Claus Scheiderer
+ Splitting vector bundles outside the stable range and 𝔸¹-homotopy sheaves of punctured affine spaces 2014 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Euler class groups and the homology of elementary and special linear groups 2017 Marco Schlichting
+ Splitting vector bundles outside the stable range and A^1-homotopy sheaves of punctured affine spaces 2012 Aravind Asok
Jean Fasel
+ Libération des modules projectifs sur certains anneaux de polynômes 2006 Hyman Bass
+ On Witt groups with support 2002 Stefan Gille
+ PDF Chat The Chow Ring of a Classifying Space 2014 Burt Totaro
+ Le Theoreme Fondamental de la K-Theorie Hermitienne 1980 Max Karoubi
+ Mennicke symbols and their applications in the k-theory of fields 1982 A. A. Suslin