André Garon


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Variable-step deferred correction methods based on backward differentiation formulae for ordinary differential equations 2022 Yves Bourgault
André Garon
+ Interactions between adaptive time-integrators and adaptive meshing in a monolithic FEM solver 2019 Étienne Muller
Dominique Pelletier
André Garon
+ High-order implicit Runge-Kutta time integrators for fluid-structure interactions 2015 Jean‐François Cori
Stéphane Étienne
André Garon
Dominique Pelletier
+ hp-adaptive time integration for ALE simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction problems 2015 Alexander Hay
Stéphane Étienne
Dominique Pelletier
André Garon
+ Quadratic Models to Fit Experimental Data of Paclitaxel Release Kinetics from Biodegradable Polymers 2011 Guillaume Blanchet
Michel C. Delfour
André Garon
+ Implicit Runge-Kutta Time Integrators for Fluid-Structure Interactions 2010 Jean‐François Cori
Stéphane Étienne
Dominique Pelletier
André Garon
+ New equations for the dose under pulsative/periodic conditions in the design of coated stents 2009 Michel C. Delfour
André Garon
+ Verification of some Commercial CFD Codes on Atypical CFD Problems 2005 Juan Abanto
Dominique Pelletier
André Garon
Jean‐Yves Trépanier
Marcelo Reggio
+ Incompressible Navier–Stokes computations with stable and stabilized space–time formulations: a comparative study 2002 Donatien N’dri
André Garon
A. Fortin
+ A new stable space–time formulation for two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional incompressible viscous flow 2001 Donatien N’dri
André Garon
A. Fortin
+ Analysis of mixed and stabilized space-time finite element methods for the Navier-Stokes equations 2001 Donatien N’dri
André Garon
A. Fortin
+ Stable space-time formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations 2000 Donatien N’dri
André Garon
A. Fortin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for second order hyperbolic problems 1993 Claes Johnson
+ Implementation and adaptivity of a space-time finite element method for structural dynamics 1998 Xiangdong Li
N.‐E. Wiberg
+ High-order temporal accuracy for 3D finite-element ALE flow simulations 2014 A. Hay
Kintak Raymond Yu
Stéphane Étienne
A. Garon
D. Pelletier
+ Error Estimates and Automatic Time Step Control for Nonlinear Parabolic Problems, I 1987 Kenneth Eriksson
Claes Johnson
+ The control of order and steplength for backward differentiation methods 1977 Stig Skelboe
+ Adaptive time step control for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 2009 Volker John
Joachim Rang
+ The Effect of Variable Mesh Size on the Stability of Multistep Methods 1974 C. W. Geart
K. W. Tu
+ A partitioned coupling approach for dynamic fluid–structure interaction with applications to biological membranes 2008 Clare Wood
Antonio J. Gil
O. Hassan
Javier Bonet
+ Numerical computation of the free boundary for the two-dimensional Stefan problem by space-time finite elements 1977 R Bonnerot
P. Jamet
+ A time-adaptive fluid-structure interaction method for thermal coupling 2010 Philipp Birken
Karsten J. Quint
Stefan Hartmann
Andreas Meister
+ Stable space-time formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations 2000 Donatien N’dri
André Garon
A. Fortin
+ Numerical Solution of Initial-Value Problems in Differential-Algebraic Equations 1995 K. E. Brenan
Stephen L. Campbell
L. R. Petzold
+ Adaptive time stepping for fluid-structure interaction solvers 2017 Matthias Mayr
Wolfgang A. Wall
Michael W. Gee
+ PDF Chat Recent improvements in aerodynamic design optimization on unstructured meshes 2001 E. Nielsen
W. Kyle Anderson
+ A new finite element formulation for computational fluid dynamics: V. Circumventing the babuška-brezzi condition: a stable Petrov-Galerkin formulation of the stokes problem accommodating equal-order interpolations 1986 Thomas J.R. Hughes
Leopoldo P. Franca
Marc Balestra
+ Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems I: A Linear Model Problem 1991 Kenneth Eriksson
Claes Johnson
+ hp-Adaptive time integration based on the BDF for viscous flows 2015 A. Hay
Stéphane Étienne
Dominique Pelletier
A. Garon
+ Localization of Hopf bifurcations in fluid flow problems 1997 A. Fortin
Mohamed Jardak
Jean-Jacques Gervais
Roger Pierre
+ PDF Chat Adaptive Time-Stepping for Incompressible Flow Part I: Scalar Advection-Diffusion 2008 Philip Gresho
David F. Griffiths
David J. Silvester
+ The characteristic streamline diffusion method for incompressible flow in three dimensions 1993 Peter Hansbo
+ Characteristic-Galerkin and Galerkin/least-squares space-time formulations for the advection-diffusion equation with time-dependent domains 1992 Olivier Pironneau
J. Liou
Tayfun E. Tezduyar
+ Space‐time finite elements incorporating characteristics for the burgers' equation 1980 Erol Varoḡlu
W. D. Liam Finn
+ The finite element method with Lagrangian multipliers 1973 Ivo Babuška
+ On the Stability of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Heat Equation 1997 Ch. Makridakis
Ivo Babuška
+ On the structure of errors for Radau IA methods applied to index-2 DAEs 1996 Anne Aubry
P. Chartier
+ Role of optimal control theory in cancer chemotherapy 1990 George W. Swan
+ PDF Chat Error estimates for deferred correction methods in time 2006 Wendy Kress
+ Higher-Order Time Integration Schemes for Aeroelastic Applications on Unstructured Meshes 2006 Zhi Yang
Dimitri J. Mavriplis
+ PDF Chat Fluid–structure interaction in blood flow capturing non-zero longitudinal structure displacement 2012 Martina Bukač
Sunčica Čanić
Roland Glowinski
Josip Tambača
Annalisa Quaini
+ A new stable space–time formulation for two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional incompressible viscous flow 2001 Donatien N’dri
André Garon
A. Fortin
+ PDF Chat Semi-implicit spectral deferred correction methods for ordinary differential equations 2003 Michael L. Minion
+ Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1973 E. I.
C. W. Gear
+ Modified extended BDF scheme for the discontinuous Galerkin solution of unsteady compressible flows 2014 Alessandra Nigro
A. Ghidoni
S Rebay
F. Bassi
+ Individual-based and continuum models of growing cell populations: a comparison 2008 Helen M. Byrne
Dirk Drasdo
+ PDF Chat High-Order Time Stepping for the Incompressible Navier--Stokes Equations 2015 Jean‐Luc Guermond
P Minev
+ PDF Chat Two level algorithms for partitioned fluid–structure interaction computations 2006 A.H. van Zuijlen
S. Bosscher
H. Bijl
+ Solvers for large-displacement fluid–structure interaction problems: segregated versus monolithic approaches 2008 Matthias Heil
Andrew L. Hazel
Jonathan Boyle
+ Implicit Runge-Kutta Time Integrators for Fluid-Structure Interactions 2010 Jean‐François Cori
Stéphane Étienne
Dominique Pelletier
André Garon
+ Time-integration for incompressible viscous flows: Stepsize and order selection based on the BDF 2014 Alexander Hay
Stéphane Étienne
Dominique Pelletier
+ PDF Chat Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations 1972 James Watt
+ PDF Chat Time discretization of parabolic problems by the discontinuous Galerkin method 1985 Kenneth Eriksson
Claes Johnson
Vidar Thomée
+ On efficient high-order semi-implicit time-stepping schemes for unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 2017 Kak Choon Loy
Yves Bourgault
+ A velocity pressure streamline diffusion finite element method for Navier-Stokes equations 1990 Peter Hansbo
Anders Szepessy
+ PDF Chat Arbitrary high order A-stable and B-convergent numerical methods for ODEs via deferred correction 2021 Saint-Cyr E. R. Koyaguerebo-Imé
Yves Bourgault
+ PDF Chat International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2006 Yanhu Guo
Klaus-J Urgen Bathe
Klaus‐Jürgen Bathe
+ A multi-purpose system for the numerical integration of ODE's 1989 Gustaf Söderlind
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1991 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations 1971 J. L. Lions
+ PDF Chat On Improving the Convergence of Radau IIA Methods Applied to Index 2 DAEs 1998 Anne Aubry
P. Chartier
+ None 2002 Wendy Kress
Bertil Gustafsson