Mitsuhiro Takeuchi


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Relations of Representations of Quantum Groups and Finite Groups 2023 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The Coquasitriangular Hopf Algebra Associated to a Rigid Yang–Baxter Coalgebra 2019 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ FRT construction for dynamical Yang–Baxter maps 2009 Youichi Shibukawa
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Hopf Algebraic Approach to Picard-Vessiot Theory 2009 Katsutoshi Amano
Akira Masuoka
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ FRT Construction for Dynamical Yang-Baxter Maps 2009 Youichi Shibukawa
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Morita equivalences induced by bimodules over Hopf–Galois extensions 2007 S. Caenepeel
Septimiu Crivei
Andrei Marcus
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Representations of the Hopf algebra 𝑈(𝑛) 2007 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Morita equivalences induced by bimodules over Hopf-Galois extensions 2006 S. Caenepeel
Septimiu Crivei
Andrei Marcus
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat A survey on Nichols algebras 2005 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ A Short Course on Quantum Matrices 2002 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Modular Categories and Hopf Algebras 2001 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Survey of braided Hopf algebras 2000 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Bi-Frobenius algebras 2000 Yukio Doi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The Cylinder Product and Cylinder Matrices 1999 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Finite Hopf algebras in braided tensor categories 1999 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Cocycle Deformations of Coordinate Rings of Quantum Matrices 1997 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat The group ring of GLn(q) and the q-Schur algebra 1996 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Hopf algebras and their actions on rings 1995 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Quaternion algebras and hopf crossed products 1995 Yukio Doi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Quotient spaces for hopf algebras 1994 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The quantum hyperalgebra of 𝑆𝐿_{𝑞}(2) 1994 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Some topics on GLq(n) 1992 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Finite dimensional representations of the quantum Lorentz group 1992 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Groups associated with some types of infinite dimensional Lie algebras 1992 Eiichi Abe
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Hopf algebra techniques applied to the quantum group 𝑈_{𝑞}(𝑠𝑙(2)) 1992 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat A new one-parameter family of $2\times 2$ quantum matrices 1991 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
Daisuke Tambara
+ PDF Chat The q-bracket product and quantum enveloping algebras of classical types 1990 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Matric bialgebras and quantum groups 1990 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat A two-parameter quantization of ${GL}\left( n \right)$. (Summary) 1990 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ A Hopf algebraic approach to the Picard-Vessiot theory 1989 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Hopf-Galois extensions of algebras, the Miyashita-Ulbrich action, and Azumaya algebras 1989 Yukio Doi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Quantum orthogonal and symplectic groups and their embedding into quantum $GL$ 1989 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Rigidity of maps from Hopf algebras to group algebras 1988 Alexandru Buium
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Morita theory --- Formal ring laws and monoidal equivalences of categories of bimodules --- 1987 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Cleft comodule algebras for a bialgebra 1986 Yukio Doi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ ω krull rings, II 1986 Yukio Doi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Equivalences of categories of algebras 1985 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Erratum to Ä Simple Proof of the Extension Theorem of Sequences of Divided Powers in Characteristic p" 1984 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Erratum: “A simple proof of the extension theorem of sequences of divided powers in characteristic 𝑝” [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 84 (1982), no. 2, 175–178; MR 83e:16011] 1984 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Generators and reiations for the hyperalgebras of reductive groups 1983 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ A hyperalgebraic proof of the isomorphism and isogeny theorems for reductive groups 1983 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Complexes of categories with Abelian group structure 1983 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
K.-H. Ulbrich
+ Commutative Hopf algebras and cocommutative Hopf algebras in positive characteristic 1982 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ A Simple Proof of the Extension Theorem of Sequences of Divided Powers in Characteristic p 1982 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat A simple proof of the extension theorem of sequences of divided powers in characteristic $p$ 1982 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On Coverings and Hyperalgebras of Affine Algebraic Groups, III 1981 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Matched pairs of groups and bismash products of hopf algebras 1981 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Extad(Sp R, μ^) ∼-B^r(A/k) 1980 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat On extensions of Lie algebras by algebras 1980 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Relative Hopf modules—Equivalences and freeness criteria 1979 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Morita theorems for categories of comodules 1977 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
N. Iwahori
+ PDF Chat Groups of algebras over A⊗A- 1977 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On extensions of formal groups by μ<sup>A</sup> 1977 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Formal schemes over fields<sup>∗</sup> 1977 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ A characterization of the Galois subbialgebras Hk(KF) 1976 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On ksk-Galois theory for fields 1976 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat On Coverings and Hyperalgebras of Affine Algebraic Groups 1975 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On the structure of commutative affine group schemes over a non-perfect field 1975 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat On coverings and hyperalgebras of affine algebraic groups 1975 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Tangent Coalgebras and Hyperalgebras I 1974 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On the theory of unipotent algebraic groups over an arbitrary ground field 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Decomposition theorems for central extensions of co utative group schemes; application to the two-dimensional unipotent groups 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Forms of vector groups; groups of Russell type 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The question of commutativity for two-dimensional unipotent groups 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Forms of the affine line and geometry of the groups of Russell type 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The hyperalgebra of a unipotent group scheme 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Actions of unipotent group schemes 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The underlying scheme of a unipotent algebraic group 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Unipotent Algebraic Groups 1974 Tatsuji Kambayashi
Masayoshi Miyanishi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ A note on geometrically reductive groups 1973 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
N. Iwahori
+ Cohomologies over commutative Hopf algebras 1973 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
Yukio Doi
+ A correspondence between Hopf ideals and sub-Hopf algebras 1972 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On the dimension of the space of integrals of Hopf algebras 1972 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat On a semi-direct product decomposition of affine groups over a field of characteristic $0$ 1972 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Free Hopf algebras generated by coalgebras 1971 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ There Exists a Hopf Algebra Whose Antipode is not Injective 1971 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A correspondence between Hopf ideals and sub-Hopf algebras 1972 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Affine Hopf algebras, I 1969 Robert G Heyneman
Moss E. Sweedler
+ Groups of simple algebras 1974 Moss E. Sweedler
+ Affine Hopf algebras II 1970 Robert G Heyneman
Moss E. Sweedler
+ PDF Chat Tangent Coalgebras and Hyperalgebras I 1974 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Algebraic K-theory 1968 Hyman Bass
+ PDF Chat Hopf algebras with one grouplike element 1967 Moss E. Sweedler
+ Quantum Groups 1994 Christian Kassel
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of algebras over Hopf algebras 1968 Moss E. Sweedler
+ Quantum groups and quantum determinants 1992 Takahiro Hayashi
+ Hopf Algebras and Their Actions on Rings 1993 Susan Montgomery
+ Quantization of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 1988 L. D. Faddeev
Nicolai Reshetikhin
Leon A. Takhtajan
+ Two dual classes of bialgebras related to the concepts of “quantum group” and “quantum lie algebra” 1991 Richard G. Larson
Jacob Towber
+ PDF Chat On coverings and hyperalgebras of affine algebraic groups 1975 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Quantum groupA ∞ 1991 Serge Levendorskiǐ
Yan Soibelman
+ Matric bialgebras and quantum groups 1990 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Introduction to Affine Group Schemes 1979 William C. Waterhouse
+ Relative Hopf modules—Equivalences and freeness criteria 1979 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Braided bialgebras and quadratic blalgebras 1993 Yukio Doi
+ On extensions of formal groups by μ<sup>A</sup> 1977 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ The diamond lemma for ring theory 1978 George M. Bergman
+ PDF Chat Quantum linear groups 1991 Brian Parshall
Jian Pan Wang
+ Quantum groups and non-commutative geometry 1988 I︠u︡. I. Manin
+ Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups 2012 E. R. Kolchin
+ PDF Chat Differential Function Fields and Moduli of Algebraic Varieties 1986 Alexandru Buium
+ Formal schemes over fields<sup>∗</sup> 1977 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Reflexivity and coalgebras of finite type 1974 Robert G Heyneman
David E. Radford
+ Cleft comodule algebras for a bialgebra 1986 Yukio Doi
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ On the structure of relative hopf modules 1983 Yukio Doi
+ PDF Chat A simple proof of the extension theorem of sequences of divided powers in characteristic $p$ 1982 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ PDF Chat Classical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation 1992 Alan Weinstein
Ping Xu
+ Brauer groups and Amitsur cohomology for general commutative ring extensions 1977 Orlando E. Villamayor
Daniel Zelinsky
+ An introduction to differential algebra 1957 Irving Kaplansky
+ PDF Chat QuantumR matrix for the generalized Toda system 1986 Michio Jimbo
+ PDF Chat Pairings and actions for dynamical quantum groups 2006 Erik Koelink
Yvette van Norden
+ A theory of linear descent based upon Hopf algebraic techniques 1969 Harry P Allen
Moss E. Sweedler
+ Linear Algebraic Groups 1998 T. A. Springer
+ PDF Chat Finite-dimensional Hopf algebras arising from quantized universal enveloping algebra 1990 G. Lusztig
+ PDF Chat The predual theorem to the Jacobson-Bourbaki theorem 1975 Moss E. Sweedler
+ Linear algebraic groups 1966 Armand Borel
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Yang-Baxter Equation and Quantum Vector Bundles 2005 J. Donin
Andrey Mudrov
+ PDF Chat Central separable algebras with purely inseparable splitting rings of exponent one 1971 Shuen Yuan
+ Cocycle Deformations of Coordinate Rings of Quantum Matrices 1997 Mitsuhiro Takeuchi
+ Quantum deformation of flag schemes and Grassmann schemes. I. A q-deformation of the shape-algebra for GL(n) 1991 Earl J. Taft
Jacob Towber
+ PDF Chat On the set-theoretical Yang-Baxter equation 2000 Jiang-Hua Lu
Min Yan
Yongchang Zhu
+ Classification-theory of semi-simple algebraic groups 1967 一郎 佐武
光夫 杉浦
Doris Schattschneider
+ PDF Chat Solutions of the Quantum Dynamical Yang-Baxter Equation and Dynamical Quantum Groups 1998 Pavel Etingof
Alexander Varchenko
+ PDF Chat Sequences of divided powers in irreducible, cocommutative Hopf algebras 1972 Kenneth Newman
+ Quasigroups and loops : introduction 1990 Hala O. Pflugfelder