Arturo de Pablo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Blow-up for a double nonlocal heat equation 2024 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Positivity and asymptotic behaviour of solutions to a generalized nonlocal fast diffusion equation 2024 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Jorge Ruiz-Cases
+ Blow-Up for a Double Nonlocal Heat Equation 2024 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Blow-up for a fully fractional heat equation 2023 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Blow-up for a fully fractional heat equation 2022 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Extremals in Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities for stable processes 2021 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Antonella Ritorto
+ A nonlinear diffusion equation with reaction localized to the half-line 2021 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Extremals in Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities for stable processes. 2021 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Antonella Ritorto
+ A nonlinear diffusion equation with reaction localized in the half-line 2021 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ A nonlinear diffusion equation with reaction localized to the half-line 2021 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Extremals in Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequalities for stable processes 2021 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Antonella Ritorto
+ PDF Chat Anisotropic nonlocal diffusion equations with singular forcing 2020 Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
+ Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction 2019 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Remarks on a nonlinear nonlocal operator in Orlicz spaces 2019 Ernesto Correa
Arturo de Pablo
+ Anisotropic nonlocal diffusion equations with singular forcing 2018 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
+ Remarks on a nonlinear nonlocal operator in Orlicz spaces 2018 Ernesto Correa
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Regularity theory for singular nonlocal diffusion equations 2018 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
+ Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction 2018 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction in higher dimensions 2018 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal heat equations: Regularizing effect, decay estimates and Nash inequalities 2018 Cristina BrÀndle
Arturo de Pablo
+ Anisotropic nonlocal diffusion equations with singular forcing 2018 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana M. Rodrı́guez
+ Remarks on a nonlinear nonlocal operator in Orlicz spaces 2018 Ernesto Bribiesca Correa
Arturo de Pablo
+ Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction in higher dimensions 2018 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Grow-up for a quasilinear heat equation with a localized reaction 2018 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Nonlocal operators of order near zero 2017 Ernesto Correa
Arturo de Pablo
+ Nonlocal operators of order near zero 2017 Ernesto Correa
Arturo de Pablo
+ Regularity theory for singular nonlocal diffusion equations 2017 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
+ PDF Chat Classical solutions and higher regularity for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations 2017 Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
+ Regularity theory for singular nonlocal diffusion equations 2017 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana M. Rodrı́guez
+ Nonlocal operators of order near zero 2017 Ernesto Bribiesca Correa
Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal filtration equations with rough kernels 2016 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
+ PDF Chat Perturbations of a critical fractional equation 2014 Eduardo Colorado
Arturo de Pablo
Urko SĂĄnchez
+ Classical solutions for a logarithmic fractional diffusion equation 2014 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Decay estimates for linear and nonlinear nonlocal heat equations 2013 Cristina BrÀndle
Arturo de Pablo
+ Classical solutions and higher regularity for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations 2013 Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
+ Nonlocal heat equations: decay estimates and Nash inequalities 2013 Cristina BrÀndle
Arturo de Pablo
+ Classical solutions and higher regularity for nonlinear fractional diffusion equations 2013 Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana RodrĂ­guez
+ The Cauchy problem for a nonhomogeneous heat equation with reaction 2012 Arturo de Pablo
Guillermo Reyes
Ariel SĂĄnchez
+ PDF Chat A General Fractional Porous Medium Equation 2012 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Classical solutions for a logarithmic fractional diffusion equation 2012 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Classical solutions for a logarithmic fractional diffusion equation 2012 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ A general fractional porous medium equation 2011 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ A general fractional porous medium equation 2011 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ A fractional porous medium equation 2010 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ A concave-convex elliptic problem involving the fractional Laplacian 2010 Cristina BrÀndle
Eduardo Colorado
Arturo de Pablo
+ A fractional porous medium equation 2010 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ A concave-convex elliptic problem involving the fractional Laplacian 2010 Cristina BrÀndle
Eduardo Colorado
Arturo de Pablo
+ A fractional porous medium equation 2010 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ PDF Chat Stability of the blow-up time and the blow-up set under perturbations 2009 José M. Arrieta
RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Julio D. Rossi
+ Blow-up for a heat equation with convection and boundary flux 2008 Arturo de Pablo
Guillermo Reyes
Ariel SĂĄnchez
+ Incomplete quenching in a system of heat equations coupled at the boundary 2008 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Mayte PĂ©rez‐Llanos
Julio D. Rossi
+ PDF Chat Blow-up with logarithmic nonlinearities 2007 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Julio D. Rossi
+ Numerical blow-up for the $p$-Laplacian equation with a nonlinear source 2007 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Mayte PĂ©rez‐Llanos
+ Classification of blow-up with nonlinear diffusion and localized reaction 2006 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Long time behaviour for a nonlinear first-order equation 2006 Arturo de Pablo
Guillermo Reyes
+ An introduction to the problem of blow-up for semilinear and quasilinear parabolic equations 2006 Arturo de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Non-simultaneous quenching in a system of heat equations coupled at the boundary 2006 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Julio D. Rossi
+ The Interfaces of an Inhomogeneous Porous Medium Equation with Convection 2006 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Guillermo Reyes
Ariel SĂĄnchez
+ PDF Chat Blow-up for a degenerate diffusion problem not in divergence form 2006 Arturo de Pablo
RaĂșl Ferreira
Julio D. Rossi
+ PDF Chat Numerical Blow-up for the p-Aplacian Equation with a Source 2005 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
+ Superfast quenching 2004 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Julio D. Rossi
+ PDF Chat The Blow-Up Profile for a Fast Diffusion Equation with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition 2003 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Julio D. Rossi
+ Self-similar solutions satisfying or not the equation of the interface 2002 Arturo de Pablo
Ariel SĂĄnchez
+ Global Travelling Waves in Reaction–Convection–Diffusion Equations 2000 Arturo de Pablo
Ariel SĂĄnchez
+ Travelling wave behaviour for a Porous-Fisher equation 1998 Arturo de Pablo
Ariel SĂĄnchez
+ Large-time behaviour of solutions of a reaction–diffusion equation 1994 Arturo de Pablo
+ An overdetermined initial and boundary-value problem for a reaction-diffusion equation 1992 Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ PDF Chat Regularity of solutions and interfaces of a generalized porous medium equation inR N 1991 Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Travelling waves and finite propagation in a reaction-diffusion equation 1991 Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ The Balance Between Strong Reaction And Slow Diffusion 1990 Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A General Fractional Porous Medium Equation 2012 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ PDF Chat An Extension Problem Related to the Fractional Laplacian 2007 Luis Caffarelli
LuĂ­s Silvestre
+ Hardy-Littlewood theory for semigroups 1985 N. Th. Varopoulos
+ The Balance Between Strong Reaction And Slow Diffusion 1990 Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Continuity of the temperature in boundary heat control problems 2009 Ioannis Athanasopoulos
Luis Caffarelli
+ PDF Chat Regularity of the obstacle problem for a fractional power of the laplace operator 2006 LuĂ­s Silvestre
+ Generation of Semi-Groups of Nonlinear Transformations on General Banach Spaces 1971 Michael G. Crandall
Thomas M. Liggett
+ The Role of Critical Exponents in Blow-Up Theorems: The Sequel 2000 Keng Deng
Howard A. Levine
+ Some properties of fractional integrals. I. 1928 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions forut=Δu+a(x)upinRd 1997 Ross G. Pinsky
+ Travelling waves and finite propagation in a reaction-diffusion equation 1991 Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ On critical Fujita exponents for heat equations with nonlinear flux conditions on the boundary 1996 Victor A. Galaktionov
Howard A. Levine
+ A fractional porous medium equation 2010 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Drift diffusion equations with fractional diffusion and the quasi-geostrophic equation 2010 Luis Caffarelli
Alexis Vasseur
+ PDF Chat The Role of Critical Exponents in Blowup Theorems 1990 Howard A. Levine
+ PDF Chat The Pohozaev Identity for the Fractional Laplacian 2014 Xavier Ros‐Oton
Joaquim Serra
+ PDF Chat Some theorems on stable processes 1960 Robert Blumenthal
R. K. Getoor
+ Some existence and nonexistence theorems for solutions of degenerate parabolic equations 1984 Howard A. Levine
Paul Sacks
+ An Introduction to Evolution Governed by Accretive Operators 1976 Michael G. Crandall
+ On a class of similarity solutions of the porous media equation 1976 Brian H. Gilding
L. A. Peletier
+ PDF Chat The Blow-Up Profile for a Fast Diffusion Equation with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition 2003 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Julio D. Rossi
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat A Cauchy problem for $u_t - \Delta u = u^p \ \hbox{with}\ 0 < p < 1$. Asymptotic behaviour of solutions 1987 José Antonio Facenda Aguirre
Miguel Escobedo
+ PDF Chat Positive solutions of nonlinear problems involving the square root of the Laplacian 2010 Xavier Cabré
Jinggang Tan
+ PDF Chat Local Regularity for Parabolic Nonlocal Operators 2013 Matthieu Felsinger
Moritz Kaßmann
+ Existence and non-existence of global solutions for a semilinear heat equation 1981 Fred B. Weissler
+ PDF Chat The potential kernel and hitting probabilities for the general stable process in $R\sp{N}$ 1969 William E. Pruitt
S. J. Taylor
+ Blow-Up in Quasilinear Parabolic Equations 1995 Victor A. Galaktionov
+ PDF Chat A concave—convex elliptic problem involving the fractional Laplacian 2013 Cristina BrĂ€ndle
Eduardo Colorado
A. de Pablo
Urko SĂĄnchez
+ Asymptotic simplification for a reaction-diffusion problem with a nonlinear boundary condition 2002 A. de Pablo
+ PDF Chat Symmetric decreasing rearrangement is sometimes continuous 1989 Frederick J. Almgren
Élliott H. Lieb
+ Classification of blow-up with nonlinear diffusion and localized reaction 2006 RaĂșl Ferreira
Arturo de Pablo
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications 1973 Antonio Ambrosetti
Paul H. Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat The initial trace of a solution of the porous medium equation 1983 D. G. Aronson
Luis Caffarelli
+ Stabilization of solutions of a degenerate nonlinear diffusion problem 1982 Donald G. Aronson
Michael G. Crandall
L. A. Peletier
+ PDF Chat Blow-up on the boundary: a survey 1996 ĐœĐ°Ń€Đ”Đș ЀОла
JĂĄn Filo
+ PDF Chat The porous medium equation in one dimension 1977 Barry F. Knerr
+ Classification of solutions for an integral equation 2005 Wenxiong Chen
Congming Li
Biao Ou
+ PDF Chat The problem Of blow-up in nonlinear parabolic equations 2002 Victor A. Galaktionov
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez
+ Remarks on sublinear elliptic equations 1986 Haı̈m Brezis
Luc Oswald
+ Diffusivity versus absorption through the boundary 1992 JĂĄn Filo
+ Complete blow-up after Tmax for the solution of a semilinear heat equation 1987 Pierre Baras
Liron Cohen
+ Positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations involving critical sobolev exponents 1983 Haı̈m Brezis
Louis Nirenberg
+ On Asymptotic Self-Similar Behaviour for a Quasilinear Heat Equation: Single Point Blow-Up 1995 Victor A. Galaktionov
+ Blow-up problems for quasilinear parabolic equations 1997 Ryuichi Suzuki
+ Blowup in diffusion equations: A survey 1998 Catherine Bandle
Hermann Brunner
+ Blow-up of positive solutions of semilinear heat equations 1985 Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat On nonexistence of global solutions of some semilinear parabolic differential equations 1973 Kantaro Hayakawa
+ Classical solutions for a logarithmic fractional diffusion equation 2014 Arturo de Pablo
Fernando QuirĂłs
Ana Alonso RodrĂ­guez
Juan LuĂ­s VĂĄzquez