Toby J. Mitchell


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Uses (and abuses) of standard and non-parametric statistical methods in the analysis of aging aircraft R&M data 2005 Toby J. Mitchell
+ PDF Chat Detection of Associations between Diseases in Animal Carcinogenicity Experiments 1990 Toby J. Mitchell
Bruce W. Turnbull
+ Bayesian Variable Selection in Linear Regression 1988 Toby J. Mitchell
John J. Beauchamp
+ Bayesian Variable Selection in Linear Regression: Rejoinder 1988 Toby J. Mitchell
John J. Beauchamp
+ Bayesian Variable Selection in Linear Regression 1988 Toby J. Mitchell
John J. Beauchamp
+ Extrapolation of the Relative Risk of Radiogenic Neoplasms across Mouse Strains and to Man 1988 John B. Storer
Toby J. Mitchell
Richard Fry
+ Bayesian variable selection in regression 1987 Toby J. Mitchell
John J. Beauchamp
+ Nonparametric Estimation of the Distribution of Time to Onset for Specific Diseases in Survival/Sacrifice Experiments 1984 Bruce W. Turnbull
Toby J. Mitchell
+ A computer program for the statistical analysis of disease prevalence data from survival/sacrifice experiments 1983 Toby J. Mitchell
Bruce W. Turnbull
+ Two-Level Multifactor Experiment Designs for Detecting the Presence of Interactions 1980 Max D. Morris
Toby J. Mitchell
+ Log-Linear Models in the Analysis of Disease Prevalence Data from Survival/ Sacrifice Experiments 1979 Toby J. Mitchell
Bruce W. Turnbull
+ Exploratory Analysis of Disease Prevalence Data from Survival/Sacrifice Experiments 1978 Bruce W. Turnbull
Toby J. Mitchell
+ D-Optimal Fractions of Three-Level Factorial Designs 1978 Toby J. Mitchell
C.K. Bayne
+ An application of<i>G</i>-minimax techniques to the problem of fixed precision estimation of the binomial 1978 Timothy A. DeRouen
Toby J. Mitchell
+ A G<sub>1</sub>-Minimax Estimator for a Linear Combination of Binomial Probabilities 1974 Timothy A. DeRouen
Toby J. Mitchell
+ A G 1 -Minimax Estimator for a Linear Combination of Binomial Probabilities 1974 T. A. DeRouen
Toby J. Mitchell
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Statistical Analysis of Survival Experiments&lt;xref ref-type="fn" rid="FN1"&gt;2&lt;/xref&gt; 1972 David G. Hoel
H. E. Walburg
+ Exploratory Analysis of Disease Prevalence Data from Survival/Sacrifice Experiments 1978 Bruce W. Turnbull
Toby J. Mitchell
+ PDF Chat Nonidentifiability in stochastic models of illness and death. 1977 Peter Clifford
+ PDF Chat The Empirical Distribution Function with Arbitrarily Grouped, Censored and Truncated Data 1976 Bruce W. Turnbull
+ PDF Chat On Partial a Priori Information in Statistical Inference 1967 J. R. Blum
Judah Rosenblatt
+ <i>g</i><sub>2</sub>-minimax estimators in the exponential family 1970 Duane Jackson
Thomas M. F. O'Donovan
W. J. Zimmer
John Deely
+ Evaluation of survival data and two new rank order statistics arising in its consideration. 1966 Nathan Mantel
+ A transition-probability model for the study of chronic diseases 1977 Susan T. Sacks
Chin Long Chiang
+ Log-Linear Models in the Analysis of Disease Prevalence Data from Survival/ Sacrifice Experiments 1979 Toby J. Mitchell
Bruce W. Turnbull
+ Journal of The American Statistical Association 2004 Stephen E. Fienberg
+ A generalized Wilcoxon test for comparing arbitrarily singly-censored samples 1965 E. A. Gehan
+ The two sample problem with censored data 1967 B. Efron
+ Statistical Aspects of the Analysis of Data From Retrospective Studies of Disease 1959 Nathan Mantel
William Haenszel
+ PDF Chat $\Gamma$-Minimax Selection Procedures in Treatments Versus Control Problems 1971 Ronald H. Randles
Myles Hollander
+ Ī›-Minimax Estimation of a Scale Parameter 1972 Daniel Solomon
+ Nonparametric Estimation of Lifetime and Disease Onset Distributions from Incomplete Observations 1982 Gregg E. Dinse
Stephen W. Lagakos
+ Doseā€response models for timeā€toā€response toxicity data 1983 John D. Kalbfleisch
Daniel Krewski
Ohn Van Ryzin
+ Posterior probabilities for choosing a regression model 1978 Anthony C. Atkinson
+ PDF Chat An Empirical Distribution Function for Sampling with Incomplete Information 1955 Miriam Ayer
H. D. Brunk
George M. Ewing
Willam T. Reid
Edward Silverman
+ Extrapolation of the Relative Risk of Radiogenic Neoplasms across Mouse Strains and to Man 1988 John B. Storer
Toby J. Mitchell
Richard Fry
+ Ī›-Minimax Estimation of a Multivariate Location Parameter 1972 Daniel Solomon
+ An alternative to the standard Bayesian procedure for discrimination between normal linear models 1984 Luis R. Pericchi
+ General Right Censoring and Its Impact on the Analysis of Survival Data 1979 Stephen W. Lagakos
+ On estimating binomial response relations 1956 F. J. Anscombe
+ Tests for Differences in Tumor Incidence Based on Animal Carcinogenesis Experiments 1984 Barbara McKnight
John Crowley
+ Ridge Regression: Biased Estimation for Nonorthogonal Problems 2000 Arthur E. Hoerl
Robert W. Kennard
+ A G<sub>1</sub>-Minimax Estimator for a Linear Combination of Binomial Probabilities 1974 Timothy A. DeRouen
Toby J. Mitchell
+ Testing Disease Dependence in Survival Experiments with Serial Sacrifice 1979 Bengt Berlin
Joel Brodsky
Peter Clifford
+ PDF Chat On the Existence and Uniqueness of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate of a Vector-Valued Parameter in Fixed-Size Samples 1981 Timo MƤkelƤinen
Klaus D. Schmidt
George P. H. Styan
+ Bayes's theorem and the use of prior knowledge in regression analysis 1964 George C. Tiao
Arnold Zellner
+ A generalized Kruskal-Wallis test for comparing K samples subject to unequal patterns of censorship 1970 Norman E. Breslow
+ The Empirical Bayes Approach to Statistical Decision Problems 1964 Herbert Robbins
+ PDF Chat Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters 1956 J. Kiefer
J. Wolfowitz
+ Lindley's Paradox 1982 Glenn Shafer
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife 1979 B. Efron
+ Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. 1975 Joseph B. Kadane
George E. P. Box
George C. Tiao
+ 10.2 Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data 2024 A. P. Dempster
+ Analysis of Multiple Tumor Data from a Rodent Carcinogenicity Experiment 1989 Dianne M. Finkelstein
David Schoenfeld
+ A Biometrics Invited Paper. The Analysis and Selection of Variables in Linear Regression 1976 R. R. Hocking
+ Nonparametric Joint Estimators for Disease Resistance and Survival Functions in Survival/Sacrifice Experiments 1982 Ralph L. Kodell
Gary W. Shaw
Alan M. Johnson
+ A Representation of Mortality Data by Competing Risks 1972 David G. Hoel
+ Models for the Estimation of Competing Risks from Grouped Data 1969 A. W. Kimball
+ An Illness-Death Model for the Study of the Carcinogenic Process Using Survival/Sacrifice Data 1980 Ralph L. Kodell
C. J. Nelson
+ Likelihood Analyses and Tests for Binary Data 1975 J. K. Lindsey
+ Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics 1969 M. S. Bartlett
Chin Long Chiang
+ PDF Chat Selection of Subsets of Regression Variables 1984 Alan J. Miller
+ A Predictive Model Selection Criterion 1984 Antonella Martini
Fulvio Spezzaferri
+ Regressions by Leaps and Bounds 1974 George M. Furnival
Robert W. Wilson
+ PDF Chat Optimum Designs in Regression Problems, II 1961 J. Kiefer
+ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. 1923 1