Michel Deville


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Boundary Layer 2022 Michel Deville
+ Application of the Rosenbrock methods to the solution of unsteady 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 2018 Simone Deparis
Michel Deville
Filippo Menghini
Luca Pegolotti
Alfio Quarteroni
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional linear advection–diffusion equation: Analytical and finite element solutions 2014 Abdelkader Mojtabi
Michel Deville
+ The Boltzmann Equation 2012 Michel Deville
Thomas B. Gatski
+ ÉlĂ©ments finis pour les fluides incompressibles 2011 Mejdi AzaĂŻez
Michel Deville
E. H. Mund
+ Inverse Methods 2010 M. Rappaz
Michel Bellet
Michel Deville
+ Elements of Numerical Algorithms 2010 M. Rappaz
Michel Bellet
Michel Deville
+ Large-eddy simulation of the flow in a lid-driven cubical cavity 2007 Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
Emmanuel Leriche
+ PDF Chat Solution of moving-boundary problems by the spectral element method 2007 Nicolas Bodard
Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat A coupled approximate deconvolution and dynamic mixed scale model for large-eddy simulation 2007 Marc A. Habisreutinger
Roland Bouffanais
Emmanuel Leriche
Michel Deville
+ Computational performance of a parallelized high-order spectral and mortar element toolbox 2007 Roland Bouffanais
Vincent Keller
Ralf Gruber
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat Large-Eddy Simulation of the Lid-Driven Cubic Cavity Flow by the Spectral Element Method 2006 Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
Paul Fischer
Emmanuel Leriche
Daniel Weill
+ PDF Chat Mesh Update Techniques for Free-Surface Flow Solvers Using Spectral Element Method 2006 Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat Numerical Evaluation of the Accuracy and Stability Properties of High-order Direct Stokes Solvers with or without Temporal Splitting 2006 Emmanuel Leriche
Etienne Perchat
G. Labrosse
Michel Deville
+ New perspectives for spectral and high order methods 2004 Michel Deville
Paul Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ Parabolic and Hyperbolic Problems 2002 Michel Deville
P. F. Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ Vector and Parallel Implementations 2002 Michel Deville
P. F. Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ Orthogonal Polynomials and Discrete Transforms 2002 Michel Deville
Paul Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ High-Order Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow 2002 Michel Deville
Paul Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ Domain Decomposition 2002 Michel Deville
P. F. Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ High-order time schemes for (Navier-)Stokes equations with spectral methods : a numerical invetigation 2002 Emmanuel Leriche
Etienne Perchat
Michel Deville
G. Labrosse
+ High-order time splitting schemes for Navier-Stokes equations with spectral methods: numerical invetigation of their comparative properties 2001 Emmanuel Leriche
Etienne Perchat
Michel Deville
G. Labrosse
+ Large-Eddy Simulation of Shock/Homogeneous Turbulence Interaction 1999 Éric Garnier
Pierre Sagaut
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat Fortran 90 1997 L. Machiels
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Iterative Solution Method for the Chebyshev Collocation of Advection-Dominated Transport Problems 1996 Alfredo Pinelli
W. Couzy
Michel Deville
C. Benocci
+ Chebyshev Pseudospectral Solution of Advection-Diffusion Equations with Mapped Finite Difference Preconditioning 1994 Alfredo Pinelli
C. Benocci
Michel Deville
+ Chebyshev pseudospectral solution of advection - Diffusion equations with mapped finite difference preconditioning 1994 Alfredo Pinelli
Michel Deville
+ A Chebyshev collocation algorithm for the solution of advection—diffusion equations 1994 Alfredo Pinelli
C. Benocci
Michel Deville
+ A preconditioning technique for Chebyshev collocated advection diffusion operators 1992 Alfredo Pinelli
C. Benocci
Michel Deville
+ Numerical Simulation of 3-D Incompressible Unsteady Viscous Laminar Flows: A GAMM-Workshop 1992 Michel Deville
Y. Morchoisne
+ General Synthesis of the Numerical Results 1990 Brigitte Le Roux
G. Vahl Davis
Michel Deville
R. L. Sani
K. H. Winters
+ Steady-State Solution of a Convection Benchmark Problem by Multidomain Chebyshev Collocation 1990 Christophe Schneidesch
Michel Deville
Pierre Demaret
+ Boundary conditions for incompressible flows 1986 Steven A. Orszag
M. Israeli
Michel Deville
+ Chebyshev pseudospectral solution of second-order elliptic equations with finite element preconditioning 1985 Michel Deville
E Mund
+ Pressure and time treatment for Chebyshev spectral solution of a Stokes problem 1984 Michel Deville
Leonhard Kleiser
F. Montigny‐Rannou
+ Numerical experiments on the MAC code for a slow flow 1974 Michel Deville
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ High-Order Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow 2002 Michel Deville
Paul Fischer
E. H. Mund
+ High-order splitting methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations 1991 George Em Karniadakis
M. Israeli
Steven A. Orszag
+ Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods 1977 David Gottlieb
Steven A. Orszag
+ An Analysis of the Fractional Step Method 1993 Blair Perot
+ PDF Chat Large-Eddy Simulation of the Lid-Driven Cubic Cavity Flow by the Spectral Element Method 2006 Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
Paul Fischer
Emmanuel Leriche
Daniel Weill
+ Large-eddy simulation of the flow in a lid-driven cubical cavity 2007 Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
Emmanuel Leriche
+ A Stability Analysis for the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Formulation with Finite Elements 1999 Luca Formaggia
Fabio Nobile
+ Comments on the Fractional Step Method 1995 Blair Perot
+ PDF Chat Mesh Update Techniques for Free-Surface Flow Solvers Using Spectral Element Method 2006 Roland Bouffanais
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations 1968 Alexandre J. Chorin
+ PDF Chat On the development of an implicit high-order Discontinuous Galerkin method for DNS and implicit LES of turbulent flows 2015 F. Bassi
Lorenzo Botti
A. Colombo
Andrea Crivellini
A. Ghidoni
Francesco Carlo Massa
+ General Hopscotch Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations 1971 A. R. Gourlay
George McGuire
+ PDF Chat Spectral multigrid methods for elliptic equations 1982 Thomas A. Zang
Yau Shu Wong
M. Yousuff Hussaini
+ State-Of-The-Art Surveys on Computational Mechanics 1989 Ahmed K. Noor
J. Tinsley Oden
+ None 2002 Gustaf Söderlind
+ Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1984 M. Yousuff Hussaini
Craig L. Streett
T. A. Zang
+ Numerical approximation of fluid-structure interaction problems with application to haemodynamics 2001 Fabio Nobile
+ Fundamentals of Maxwell's Kinetic Theory of a Simple Monatomic Gas - Treated as a Branch of Rational Mechanics 1980 C. Truesdell
Robert G. Muncaster
+ PDF Chat A Second-Order Rosenbrock Method Applied to Photochemical Dispersion Problems 1999 J.G. Verwer
E.J. Spee
J.G. Blom
Willem Hundsdorfer
+ The Correct Formulation of Intermediate Boundary Conditions for Runge--Kutta Time Integration of Initial Boundary Value Problems 1997 D. Pathria
+ Improved Subgrid-scale Models for Large-Eddy Simulation 1980 J. Bardina
Joel H. Ferziger
W. C. Reynolds
+ PDF Chat Approximation results for orthogonal polynomials in Sobolev spaces 1982 Claudio Canuto
Alfio Quarteroni
+ Sur l'approximation de la solution des équations de Navier-Stokes par la méthode des pas fractionnaires (II) 1969 Roger Témam
+ Adaptive time step control for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 2009 Volker John
Joachim Rang
+ Spectral element methods for the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations 1991 Einar Malvin Roenquist
+ Rosenbrock methods for Differential Algebraic Equations 1987 Michel Roche
+ Inverse Heat Conduction: Ill-Posed Problems 1985 James V. Beck
Ben Blackwell
Charles Clair
+ PDF Chat Some stable explicit difference approximations to the diffusion equation 1964 Bert K. Larkin
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II 1996 Ernst Hairer
Gerhard Wanner
+ PDF Chat <i>Colloquium</i>: Role of the<i>H</i>theorem in lattice Boltzmann hydrodynamic simulations 2002 Sauro Succi
Iliya V. Karlin
Hudong Chen
+ A comparison of time-discretization/linearization approaches for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations 2005 Volker John
Gunar Matthies
Joachim Rang
+ PDF Chat Boundary Conditions in Chebyshev and Legendre Methods 1986 Claudio Canuto
+ Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes, II 1989 Chi‐Wang Shu
Stanley Osher
+ A preconditioning technique for Chebyshev collocated advection diffusion operators 1992 Alfredo Pinelli
C. Benocci
Michel Deville
+ PDF Chat An efficient method for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on irregular domains with no-slip boundary conditions, high order up to the boundary 2011 David Shirokoff
Rodolfo R. Rosales
+ API stepsize control for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations 1988 Kjell Gustafsson
Michael Lundh
Gustaf Söderlind
+ Method for the Exact Solution of a Nonlinear Diffusion-Convection Equation 1982 Gerald Rosen
+ PDF Chat Generalized lattice Boltzmann equation with forcing term for computation of wall-bounded turbulent flows 2009 Kannan N. Premnath
Martin J. Pattison
Sw. Banerjee
+ On the Solution of the Diffusion Equations by Numerical Methods 1966 Hussein Zaky. Barakat
John A. Clark
+ Applied Numerical Methods 1970 Donald Greenspan
Brice Carnahan
H. Luther
James Wilkes
+ Polynomial Approximation of Differential Equations. 1994 Eitan Tadmor
Daniele Funaro
+ Design and analysis of robust ALE time-integrators for the solution of unsteady flow problems on moving grids 2004 Charbel Farhat
Philippe Geuzaine
+ Stability of the Fourier Method 1979 Heinz‐Otto Kreiss
Joseph Oliger
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of discrete approximations to the Navier-Stokes equations 1969 Alexandre J. Chorin
+ Quelques rĂ©sultats nouveaux sur les mĂ©thodes de projection 2001 Jean‐Luc Guermond
Jie Shen
+ Role of the LBB Condition in Weak Spectral Projection Methods 2001 F. Auteri
Jean‐Luc Guermond
Nicola Parolini
+ Boundary conditions for incompressible flows 1986 Steven A. Orszag
M. Israeli
Michel Deville
+ New Rosenbrock W-Methods of Order 3 for Partial Differential Algebraic Equations of Index 1 2005 Joachim Rang
Lutz Angermann
+ On Error Estimates of Projection Methods for Navier–Stokes Equations: First-Order Schemes 1992 Jie Shen
+ Order conditions for Rosenbrock type methods 1979 Syvert P. Nïżœrsett
Arne Wolfbrandt