Rolf S. Rees


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Minimal Clique Partitions of Norm Three II 2017 Rolf S. Rees
+ Kirkman frames having hole type h u m 1 for small h 2007 Gennian Ge
Rolf S. Rees
Nabil Shalaby
+ On group-divisible designs with block size four and group-type 6um1 2003 Gennian Ge
Rolf S. Rees
+ Further results on nearly Kirkman triple systems with subsystems 2003 Dameng Deng
Rolf S. Rees
Hao Shen
+ On the Existence of Nearly Kirkman Triple Systems with Subsystems 2003 Dameng Deng
Hao Shen
Rolf S. Rees
+ Kirkman Triple Systems and Their Generalizations: A Survey 2003 Rolf S. Rees
W. D. Wallis
+ A note on {4}-GDDs of type 210 2003 Donald L. Kreher
Alan C. H. Ling
Rolf S. Rees
Clement Lam
+ On the existence and application of incomplete nearly Kirkman triple systems with a hole of size 6 or 12 2003 Dameng Deng
Rolf S. Rees
Hao Shen
+ Group-Divisible Designs with Block Size Four and Group-Type gum1 with m as Large or as Small as Possible 2002 G. Ge
Rolf S. Rees
Lin Zhu
+ None 2002 Guanghan Ge Guanghan Ge
Rolf S. Rees
+ The spectrum of triangle-free regular graphs containing a cut vertex. 2002 Rolf S. Rees
+ Packings and coverings of v == 3m + 1 points with near-triangle factors 2001 Nicholas C. K. Phillips
W. D. Wallis
Rolf S. Rees
+ PDF Chat Group-divisible designs with block size k having k +1 groups, for k =4, 5 2000 Rolf S. Rees
+ Simple and indecomposable twofold cyclic triple systems from Skolem sequences 2000 Rolf S. Rees
Nabil Shalaby
+ Steiner triple systems with disjoint or intersecting subsystems 2000 Charles J. Colbourn
Monica A. Oravas
Rolf S. Rees
+ Maximal sets of triangle- factors. 1994 Rolf S. Rees
Alexander Rosa
W. D. Wallis
+ Hanani triple systems 1993 Scott A. Vanstone
Douglas R. Stinson
P. J. Schellenberg
A. Rosa
Rolf S. Rees
Charles J. Colbourn
Michael Carter
J. E. Carter
+ The spectrum of maximal sets of one-factors 1991 Rolf S. Rees
W. D. Wallis
+ On the number of distinct minimal clique partitions and clique covers of a line graph 1990 Sean McGuinness
Rolf S. Rees
+ On the number of blocks in a perfect covering of Ļ… points 1990 Rolf S. Rees
Douglas R. Stinson
+ On the number of connecting lines determined by n points in the real plane. 1990 P. Moore
Rolf S. Rees
+ On complementary decompositions of the complete graph 1989 Andrew Granville
Alexandros Moisiadis
Rolf S. Rees
+ Mandatory representation designs 1988 Eric Mendelsohn
Rolf S. Rees
+ Minimal clique partitions and pairwise balanced designs 1986 Rolf S. Rees
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs 1996 Charles J. Colbourn
Jeffrey H. Dinitz
+ Resolvable group divisible designs with block size 3 1989 Ahmed M. Assaf
Alan Hartman
+ Two new nearly Kirkman triple systems 1978 AE Andries Brouwer
+ Solution of Kirkmanā€™s schoolgirl problem 1971 D.K. Ray-Chaudhuri
Richard M. Wilson
+ Embeddings of nearly Kirkman triple systems 2001 Sheng Tang
Hao Shen
+ Group-Divisible Designs with Block Size Four and Group-Type gum1 with m as Large or as Small as Possible 2002 G. Ge
Rolf S. Rees
Lin Zhu
+ Kirkman's school projects 1997 Anton ČernĆ½
Peter HorƔk
W. D. Wallis
+ Mandatory representation designs MRD({4,k};v) with kā‰”1mod3 2003 Gennian Ge
+ Modified group divisible designs with block size 4 and Ī» = 1 1999 Ahmed M. Assaf
Ruizhong Wei
+ Group divisible designs with block size four and group type $$g^um^1$$ g u m 1 2013 Hengjia Wei
Gennian Ge
+ Kirkman school project designs 1999 Charles J. Colbourn
Alan C. H. Ling
+ None 2002 Guanghan Ge Guanghan Ge
Rolf S. Rees
+ On the existence and application of incomplete nearly Kirkman triple systems with a hole of size 6 or 12 2003 Dameng Deng
Rolf S. Rees
Hao Shen
+ On group-divisible designs with block size four and group-type 6um1 2003 Gennian Ge
Rolf S. Rees
+ PDF Chat Group-divisible designs with block size k having k +1 groups, for k =4, 5 2000 Rolf S. Rees
+ Small group-divisible designs with block size four 1997 Donald L. Kreher
Douglas R. Stinson
+ Old and new results on perfect coverings 1982 R. G. Stanton
+ Group divisible designs with block size four and group type gum1 for small g 2004 Gennian Ge
Alan C. H. Ling
+ 1-factorizing regular graphs of high degreeā€”an improved bound 1989 Amanda G. Chetwynd
A. J. W. Hilton
+ Construction for indecomposable simple (v, k, Ī»)-BIBDs 1996 Xuebin Zhang
+ PDF Chat The chromatic index of cyclic Steiner 2-designs 1982 Charles J. Colbourn
Marlene J. Colbourn
+ Extended skolem sequences 1995 Catharine A. Baker
+ An improved product construction for large sets of Kirkman triple systems 2003 Shengtong Zhang
Lei Zhu
+ Minimal clique partitions and pairwise balanced designs 1986 Rolf S. Rees
+ Asymptotic behavior of the chromatic index for hypergraphs 1989 Nicholas Pippenger
Joel Spencer
+ Indecomposable triple systems exist for all lambda 1993 Dan Archdeacon
Jeff Dinitz
+ A survey of Kirkman triple systems and related designs 1991 Douglas R. Stinson
+ Transitive resolvable idempotent symmetric quasigroups and large sets of Kirkman triple systems 2002 Shiwen Zhang
Lei Zhu
+ Clique coverings of graphs ā€” A survey 1983 Norman J. Pullman
+ Subspaces of Linear Spaces of Line Size 4 1981 Andries E. Brouwer
Hanfried Lenz
+ On a combinatorial problem 1948 FA Dick de Bruijn
P. Erdős
+ Oneā€factorizations of the complete graphā€”A survey 1985 Eric Mendelsohn
Alexander Rosa
+ Packings and coverings of v == 3m + 1 points with near-triangle factors 2001 Nicholas C. K. Phillips
W. D. Wallis
Rolf S. Rees
+ Three Orthogonal Latin Squares 1986 W. D. Wallis
+ PDF Chat Further Results on the Construction of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares and the Falsity of Euler's Conjecture 1960 R. C. Bose
S. S. Shrikhande
E. T. Parker
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Mathematics X 1983 1
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Mathematics IX 1982 1
+ PDF Chat Verification of a Conjecture of Th. Skolem. 1961 EDWARD S. O'KEEFE
+ Some new large sets of KTS(v). 1999 Yanxun Chang
Gennian Ge
+ Group Divisible Designs with Block Size Four and Group Type gum1 with Minimum m 2005 Gennian Ge
Alan C. H. Ling
+ On a problem in combinations 1847 T. P. Kirkman
+ Congruent Graphs and the Connectivity of Graphs 1932 Hassler Whitney
+ Maximal sets of triangle- factors. 1994 Rolf S. Rees
Alexander Rosa
W. D. Wallis
+ On Partially Resolvable tā€“Partitions 1982 Charlotte Huang
Eric Mendelsohn
Alexander Rosa
+ UnterrƤume von BlockplƤnen 1979 Andries E. Brouwer
Hanfried Lenz
+ Skolem sequences and additive permutations 1981 JaromĆ­r Abrham
Anton Kotzig
+ Ī±ā€Resolvable group divisible designs with block size three 2004 Yan Zhang
Beiliang Du
+ None 2002 H. Cao
Lei Zhu
+ Kirkman Triple Systems and Their Generalizations: A Survey 2003 Rolf S. Rees
W. D. Wallis
+ Elliptic semiplanes and group divisible designs with orthogonal resolutions 1986 E. R. Lamken
Scott A. Vanstone