А. М. Самойленко


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problems Unsolved with Respect to the Derivative 2021 А. М. Самойленко
С. М. Чуйко
Olga Nesmelova
+ Асимптотичне інтегрування сингулярно збурених диференціально-алгебраїчних рівнянь з точками повороту. І 2020 А. М. Самойленко
P. F. Samusenko
+ Theory of Multidimensional Delsarte–Lions Transmutation Operators. II 2019 А. М. Самойленко
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
Denis Blackmore
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ Form and Properties of the Canonical Weierstrass Product of an Entire Function with Real Values on ℝ 2019 А. М. Самойленко
+ Singular Integral Equation Equivalent in the Space of Smooth Functions to an Ordinary Differential Equation. Method of Successive Approximations for the Construction of its Smooth Solutions and its Nonsmooth Solutions 2019 А. М. Самойленко
+ Singular Integral Equation Equivalent in the Space of Smooth Functions to an Ordinary Differential Equation, Method of Successive Approximations for the Construction of Its Smooth Solutions and Its Nonsmooth Solutions 2019 А. М. Самойленко
+ Theory of Multidimensional Delsarte–Lions Transmutation Operators. I 2019 А. М. Самойленко
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
Denis Blackmore
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ Generalized Mean-Value Theorem for an Analytic Function and an Algorithm for the Evaluation of the Function of Mean Values 2017 А. М. Самойленко
+ Construction of Global Solutions of Partial Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments in the Time Variable 2015 А. М. Самойленко
L. M. Serheeva
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Bifurcation of Multifrequency Oscillations in a Fast-Slow System 2015 А. М. Самойленко
I. O. Parasyuk
B. V. Repeta
+ Periodic modes of the phenomenological spin combustion equation 2015 А. М. Самойленко
Е. П. Белан
+ Dynamical bifurcation of multi-frequency oscillations in a fast-slow system 2015 А. М. Самойленко
I. O. Parasyuk
B. V. Repeta
+ Kinklike solutions of fourth-order differential equations with a cubic bistable nonlinearity 2014 А. М. Самойленко
I. L. Nizhnik
+ Dynamics of periodic modes for the phenomenological equation of spin combustion 2013 Е. П. Белан
А. М. Самойленко
+ On asymptotic equivalence of solutions of stochastic and ordinary equations 2012 А. М. Самойленко
Oleksandr Stanzhytskyi
I. H. Novak
+ Construction of an infinite-dimensional invariant torus of a countable system of linear differential-difference equations by the method of its reduction in the angular variable 2011 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplins’kyi
K. V. Pasyuk
+ Asymptotic representations of solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential equations with regularly varying nonlinearities 2011 В. М. Евтухов
А. М. Самойленко
+ On the existence of infinite-dimensional invariant tori of nonlinear countable systems of difference-differential equations 2010 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplins’kyi
K. V. Pasyuk
+ Conditions for the existence of solutions of real nonautonomous systems of quasilinear differential equations vanishing at a singular point 2010 В. М. Евтухов
А. М. Самойленко
+ On invariant manifolds of linear differential equations. I 2010 А. М. Самойленко
+ Nikolai Alekseevich Izobov (A tribute in honor of his 70th birthday) 2010 A. V. Arutyunov
Yu. N. Bibikov
S. V. Emel'Yanov
И. В. Гайшун
В. А. Ильин
И. Т. Кигурадзе
S. K. Korovin
L. D. Kudryavtsev
А. Б. Куржанский
Е. К. Макаров
+ On invariant manifolds of linear differential equations. II 2010 А. М. Самойленко
+ On the existence of invariant tori of countable systems of difference-differential equations defined on infinite-dimensional tori 2009 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplins’kyi
K. V. Pasyuk
+ Boundary-value problems for differential equations unresolved with respect to the derivative in the space of bounded number sequences 2007 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplins’kyi
В. А. Недокис
+ Averaging of initial-value and multipoint problems for oscillation systems with slowly varying frequencies and deviated argument 2007 А. М. Самойленко
R. I. Petryshyn
I. M. Danylyuk
+ Ivan Tarielovich Kiguradze (A tribute in honor of his seventieth birthday) 2007 И. В. Гайшун
В. А. Ильин
N. A. Izobov
В А Кондратьев
V. M. Millionshchikov
E. F. Mishchenko
Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
N. L. Partsvaniya
Bedřich Půža
Н. Х. Розов
+ Averaging method and two-sided bounded solutions of Itô stochastic systems 2007 А. М. Самойленко
N. I. Makhmudov
A. N. Stanzhitskii
+ The spectral and differential geometric aspects of a generalized De Rham-Hodge theory related with Delsarte transmutation operators in multidimension and its applications to spectral and soliton problems 2006 А. М. Самойленко
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ On the averaging of differential equations on an infinite interval 2006 А. М. Самойленко
A. N. Stanzhitskii
+ PDF Chat On the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Aspects of Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems and their Finite-Dimensional Reductions 2005 Ya. A. Prykarpats’kyi
А. М. Самойленко
+ PDF Chat Integrability by quadratures of Hamiltonian systems and Picard-Fuchs type equations: The modern differential-geometric aspects 2005 Y. A. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Denis Blackmore
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ Generalized Inverse Operators and Fredholm Boundary-Value Problems 2004 А. А. Бойчук
А. М. Самойленко
+ Generalized de Rham-Hodge Theory of Delsarte Transmutation Operators in Multidimensional Case and Its Applications 2004 Ya. A. Prykarpats’kyi
А. М. Самойленко
+ Truncation method for countable-point boundary-value problems in the space of bounded number sequences 2004 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplins’kyi
В. А. Недокис
+ Reducibility of a nonlinear oscillation system with pulse influence in the neighborhood of an integral manifold 2004 А. М. Самойленко
R. I. Petryshyn
P. M. Dudnyts’kyi
+ A geometrical approach to quantum holonomic computing algorithms 2004 А. М. Самойленко
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
Ufuk Taneri
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Denis Blackmore
+ The Delsarte-Darboux type binary transformations and their differential-geometric and operator structure. Part 1 2004 Y. A. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Valeriy Hr Samoylenko
+ PDF Chat The general differential-geometric structure of multidimensional Delsarte transmutation operators in parametric functional spaces and their applications in soliton theory. Part 2 2004 Jolanta Golenia
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ De Rham-Hodge-Skrypnik theory. A survey of the spectral and differential geometric aspects of the De Rham-Hodge-Skrypnik theory related with Delsarte transmutation operators in multidimension and its applications to spectral and soliton problems. Part 1 2004 Y. A. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ A survey of the spectral and differential geometric aspects of the De Rham-Hodge-Skrypnik theory related with Delsarte transmutation operators in multidimension and its applications to spectral and soliton problems. Part 2 2004 Y. A. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ PDF Chat Hopf Algebras and Integrable Flows Related to the Heisenberg–Weil Coalgebra 2004 Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Denis Blackmore
+ Countable Systems of Differential Equations 2003 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplinskii
+ Structure of Binary Transformations of Darboux Type and Their Application to Soliton Theory 2003 Ya. A. Prykarpats’kyi
А. М. Самойленко
В. Г. Самойленко
+ Quasiperiodic Solutions of Differential-Difference Equations on a Torus 2003 А. М. Самойленко
Е. П. Белан
+ Construction of an Integral Manifold of a Multifrequency Oscillation System with Fixed Times of Pulse Action 2003 А. М. Самойленко
R. I. Petryshyn
T. M. Sopronyuk
+ Error Estimates for the Averaging Method for Pulse Oscillation Systems 2003 А. М. Самойленко
R. I. Petryshyn
L. M. Lakusta
+ None 2002 А. М. Самойленко
+ None 2002 А. М. Самойленко
+ None 2002 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. I. Kaplun
Yu. I. Samoilenko
+ None 2002 А. М. Самойленко
Ya. I. Bigun
+ None 2001 N. A. Perestyuk
А. М. Самойленко
A. N. Stanzhitskii
+ Asymptotic Method for Investigation of m — Frequency Oscillation Systems 2000 А. М. Самойленко
+ Investigation of invariant deformations of integral manifolds of adiabatically perturbed completely integrable hamiltonian systems. I 1999 А. М. Самойленко
Ya. A. Prikarpats'kii
+ On invariant tori of countable systems of differential equations with delay 1999 А. М. Самойленко
А. А. Эльназаров
+ Discrete dynamical systems with invariant asymptotically stable toroidal manifold 1999 А. М. Самойленко
V. V. Slyusarchuk
+ Hierarchy of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations under nonlocal constraints: Many-dimensional generalizations and exact solutions of reduced system 1999 А. М. Самойленко
В. Г. Самойленко
Yu. M. Sidorenko
+ Asymptotic method for the investigation of m-frequency oscillation systems 1998 А. М. Самойленко
+ On the smoothness of the Green function for the problem of bounded invariant manifolds 1998 А. М. Самойленко
Oleksandr Burylko
+ The Third Bogolyubov Readings. International Scientific Conference “Asymptotic and Qualitative Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations” 1998 А. М. Самойленко
В. Г. Коломиец
В. Г. Самойленко
+ Invariant tori of linear countable systems of discrete equations given on an infinite-dimensional torus 1998 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplinskii
+ Invariant tori of differential equations in a Banach space 1998 Мамадшо Илолов
А. М. Самойленко
+ Investigation of a nonlinear difference equation in a Banach space in a neighborhood of a quasiperiodic solution 1997 А. М. Самойленко
Vasilii Efimovich Slyusarchuk
V. V. Slyusarchuk
+ Perturbation theory of smooth invariant tori of dynamical systems 1997 А. М. Самойленко
+ Averaging method in multipoint problems of the theory of nonlinear oscillations 1996 А. М. Самойленко
Ya. R. Petryshyn
+ On the reducibility of countable systems of linear difference equations 1995 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplinskii
+ I 1995 Леонид Викторович Кузьмин
T. S. Fofanova
M. Sh. Tsalenko
Alexander B. Ivanov
Vladimir L. Popov
L. N. Shevrin
V. N. Grishin
М. М. Лаврентьев
P. S. Soltan
N. M. Nagornyĭ
+ K 1995 V. V. Shekhtman
M. I. Voĭtsekhovskiĭ
D. V. Anosov
A. S. Mishchenko
A N Rudakov
A. L. Onishchik
A. Ya. Kiruta
I. K. Daugavet
D. D. Sokolov
L. E. Evtushik
+ Solutions of systems of nonlinear difference-differential equations of neutral type asymptotically bounded in the entire axis 1994 А. М. Самойленко
G. P. Pelyukh
+ Reducibility of nonlinear almost periodic systems of difference equations given on a torus 1994 А. М. Самойленко
D. I. Martynyuk
N. A. Perestyuk
+ The conference ?Nonlinear problems of differential equations and mathematical physics. The second Bogolyubov readings? 1994 Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
А. М. Самойленко
В. Г. Коломиец
+ The Poincar�-Mel'nikov geometric analysis of the transversal splitting of manifolds of slowly perturbed nonlinear dynamical systems. I 1993 А. М. Самойленко
O. Ya. Timchishin
A. K. Prikarpatskii
+ Reducibility of Linear Systems of Difference Equations with Quasiperiodic Coefficients 1993 Yu. A. Mitropolsky
А. М. Самойленко
D. I. Martinyuk
+ Invariant Toroidal Sets for Systems of Difference Equations. Investigation of the Behavior of Trajectories on Toroidal Sets and in their Vicinities 1993 Yu. A. Mitropolsky
А. М. Самойленко
D. I. Martinyuk
+ Numerical-Analytic Method of Investigation of Periodic Solutions for Systems with Aftereffect 1993 Yu. A. Mitropolsky
А. М. Самойленко
D. I. Martinyuk
+ Investigation of Periodic Solutions of Systems with Aftereffect by Bubnovgalerkin’s Method 1993 Yu. A. Mitropolsky
А. М. Самойленко
D. I. Martinyuk
+ Linear Noetherian boundary value problems for differential systems with an impulse action 1992 А. М. Самойленко
А. А. Бойчук
+ Spaces of piecewise-continuous almost-periodic functions and almost-periodic sets on the real line. II 1992 А. М. Самойленко
Sergeĭ Trofimchuk
+ Nonhomogeneous evolutionary equations with impulse effects 1992 А. М. Самойленко
Мамадшо Илолов
+ Spaces of piecewise-continuous almost-periodic functions and of almost-periodic sets on the line. I 1991 А. М. Самойленко
Sergeĭ Trofimchuk
+ Unbounded functions with almost periodic differences 1991 А. М. Самойленко
Sergeĭ Trofimchuk
+ Dynamic systems inJ m� En 1991 А. М. Самойленко
+ Generalized solutions of impulse systems and the phenomenon of pulsations 1991 А. М. Самойленко
N. A. Perestyuk
Sergeĭ Trofimchuk
R. I. Petrishin
+ Existence and uniqueness of bounded (on the whole axis) solutions of systems of nonlinear differential-difference equations of neutral type 1991 А. М. Самойленко
G. P. Pelyukh
+ Existence and uniqueness of bounded (on the whole axis) solutions of systems of nonlinear differential-difference equations of neutral type 1991 А. М. Самойленко
G. P. Pelyukh
+ Some problems of the linear theory 1991 А. М. Самойленко
+ Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Multi-Frequency Oscillations 1991 А. М. Самойленко
+ Periodic and quasi-periodic functions 1991 А. М. Самойленко
+ Perturbation theory of an invariant torus of a non-linear system 1991 А. М. Самойленко
+ Measure of reducible difference systems 1990 А. М. Самойленко
A. A. Sukhomlin
+ An averaging principle for a class of systems of differential equations with deviating argument 1990 А. М. Самойленко
Kh. Z. Mustafaev
+ Reducibility of a system of linear differential equations with quasiperiodic coefficients 1989 А. М. Самойленко
+ Behavior of solutions of linear quasiperiodic systems near resonances 1989 А. М. Самойленко
Vasile Glavan
+ Asymptotic decompositions and differentiability with respect to a parameter of an invariant torus of a quasilinear system of differential equations 1987 А. М. Самойленко
+ Smoothness in the parameter of an invariant torus of a quasilinear system of differential equations 1987 А. М. Самойленко
+ Certain iteration methods for the determination of periodic solutions of nonautonomous systems of differential equations 1985 А. М. Самойленко
K. Kenzhebaev
В. Н. Лаптинский
+ Decomposability of linearized systems of differential equations 1983 А. М. Самойленко
V. L. Kulik
+ Asymptotic expansions in nonlinear mechanics 1979 Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
А. М. Самойленко
+ Splitting of a dynamical system in the neighborhood of a stable invariant manifold 1978 А. М. Самойленко
Александр Владимирович Дворак
+ The problem of justifying the averaging method for second-order equations with impulsive action 1978 Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
А. М. Самойленко
N. A. Perestyuk
+ The 7th international conference on nonlinear oscillations 1977 О. Б. Лыкова
А. М. Самойленко
A. N. Sharkovskii
+ On asymptotic integration of weakly nonlinear systems 1977 Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
А. М. Самойленко
+ Multifrequency oscillations of weakly nonlinear second-order systems 1977 Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
А. М. Самойленко
+ On the existence of the Green function of the problem of the invariant torus 1976 А. М. Самойленко
V. L. Kulik
+ Quasi-Periodic Solutions in Problems of Nonlinear Mechanics 1976 N. N. Bogoljubov
Ju. A. Mitropoliskii
А. М. Самойленко
+ Quasi-periodic oscillations in linear systems 1973 Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
А. М. Самойленко
+ The equivalence of a smooth function to a Taylor polynomial in the neighborhood of a finite-type critical point 1969 А. М. Самойленко
+ On the construction of solutions of linear differential equations with quasiperiodic coefficients by the method of accelerated convergence 1968 Ju. A. Mitropol′skiĭ
А. М. Самойленко
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations 1961 N. N. Bogolyubov
Yu. A. Mitropol’skii
+ Algebraic integrability of nonlinear dynamical systems on manifolds : classical and quantum aspects 1998 A. K. Prikarpatskii
Я В Микитюк
+ Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Multi-Frequency Oscillations 1991 А. М. Самойленко
Anatoliy M. Samoilenko
Yarema A. Prykarpatsky
+ PDF Chat The general differential-geometric structure of multidimensional Delsarte transmutation operators in parametric functional spaces and their applications in soliton theory. Part 2 2004 Jolanta Golenia
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
А. М. Самойленко
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ Countable Systems of Differential Equations 2003 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplinskii
+ Darboux Transformations from Reductions of the KP Hierarchy 1994 J. J. C. Nimmo
+ PDF Chat Sturm–liouville and dirac operators 1992 Levitan
I. Sargsjan
+ Algebraic Integrability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems on Manifolds 1998 Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
Ihor V. Mykytiuk
+ On decomposability of countable systems of differential equations 1993 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplinskii
+ Transmutations d’opérateurs différentiels dans le domaine complexe 1958 Jean Delsarte
J. L. Lions
D.R. Sarkissian
+ Lectures on Differential Geometry. 1966 J. R. Vanstone
S. Sternberg
+ Impulsive Differential Equations 1995 А. М. Самойленко
N. A. Perestyuk
+ A new approach to the perturbation theory of invariant surfaces 1965 Robert J. Sacker
+ PDF Chat Inverse problem of quantum scattering theory. II. 1976 L. D. Faddeev
+ Systems of Evolution Equations with Periodic and Quasiperiodic Coefficients 1993 Yu. A. Mitropolsky
А. М. Самойленко
D. I. Martinyuk
+ PDF Chat Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds 1980 Raymond O. Wells
+ A reductibility theorem for linear differential equations with quasiperiodic coefficients 1984 А. Г. Баскаков
+ Multifrequency Oscillations of Nonlinear Systems 2004 А. М. Самойленко
R. I. Petryshyn
+ Structure of Binary Transformations of Darboux Type and Their Application to Soliton Theory 2003 Ya. A. Prykarpats’kyi
А. М. Самойленко
В. Г. Самойленко
+ Countable Systems of Differential Equations 2003 А. М. Самойленко
Yu. V. Teplinskii
+ PDF Chat Geometric Theory of Semilinear Parabolic Equations 1981 Daniel Henry
+ Volterra Equations and Inverse Problems 1999 A. L. Bughgeim
+ Bäcklund transformations for nonlinear evolution equations in 2 + 1 dimensions 1981 D. Levi
L. Pilloni
P. M. Santini
+ Lax-type flows on Grassmann manifolds and dual momentum mappings 1997 Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
J. Zagrodziński
Denis Blackmore
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Elements of Applied Bifurcation Theory 2004 Yuri A. Kuznetsov
+ Partial Differential Relations 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Chat Dichotomies in Stability Theory 1978 W. A. Coppel
+ PDF Chat Singularly Perturbed Problems in Case of Exchange of Stabilities 2004 В. Ф. Бутузов
Н. Н. Нефедов
К. R. Schneider
+ The inverse scattering problems for the hyperbolic equations and their application to non-linear integrable systems 1988 Л. П. Нижник
+ On a Countable-Point Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problem on a Semiaxis for Ordinary Differential Equations in the Space of Bounded Numerical Sequences 2003 Yu. V. Teplins’kyi
В. А. Недокис
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Algebraic structure of the gradient-holonomic algorithm for Lax integrable nonlinear dynamical systems. I 1994 Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
В. Г. Самойленко
Roman Andrushkiw
Yu. O. Mitropolsky
M. M. Prytula
+ Impulse systems with fixed shock times of general disposition: Existence, uniqueness of solution, and the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem 1990 Elena Trofimchuk
Sergeĭ Trofimchuk
+ Smoothness of spectral subbundles and reducibility of quasi-periodic linear differential systems 1981 Russell Johnson
George R. Sell
+ Integration of nonlinear equations of mathematical physics by the method of inverse scattering. II 1979 В. Е. Захаров
A. B. Shabat
+ Qualitative theorie Nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen 1963 R. Reissing
G. Sansone
Roberto Conti
+ Almost-periodic solutions of nonlinear impulse systems 1989 Marat Akhmet
N. A. Perestyuk
+ Transformation Groups in Differential Geometry 1972 Shôshichi Kobayashi
+ Existence and uniqueness of bounded (on the whole axis) solutions of systems of nonlinear differential-difference equations of neutral type 1991 А. М. Самойленко
G. P. Pelyukh
+ On the existence of the Green function of the problem of the invariant torus 1976 А. М. Самойленко
V. L. Kulik
+ The spectral and differential geometric aspects of a generalized De Rham-Hodge theory related with Delsarte transmutation operators in multidimension and its applications to spectral and soliton problems 2006 А. М. Самойленко
Y. A. Prykarpatsky
Anatoliy K. Prykarpatsky
+ Multiplicative Number Theory 1980 H. Davenport
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ PDF Chat Zur Theorie der complexen Zahlen. 1847 E.E. Kummer
+ On the reducibility of linear differential equations with quasiperiodic coefficients 1992 Àngel Jorba
Carles Simö