T. Crozes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Performance of CVD diamond detectors for single ion beam-tagging applications in hadrontherapy monitoring 2021 S. Curtoni
M.-L. Gallin-Martel
S Marcatili
L. Abbassi
A. Bès
G. Bosson
J. Collot
T. Crozes
D. Dauvergne
Wout De Nolf
+ PDF Chat Radio-frequency stress-induced modulation of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots 2020 Vivekanand Tiwari
Kenji Makita
Masashi Arino
Mariko Morita
T. Crozes
E. Bellet‐Amalric
Shinji Kuroda
H. Boukari
L. Besombes
+ PDF Chat On-chip Thermometry for Microwave Optomechanics Implemented in a Nuclear Demagnetization Cryostat 2019 Xin Zhou
D. Cattiaux
R. R. Gazizulin
A. Luck
Olivier Maillet
T. Crozes
J-F. Motte
Olivier Bourgeois
Andrew Fefferman
Eddy Collin
+ Brute-force cooling and on-chip thermometry for microwave optomechanics 2019 Xin Zhou
D. Cattiaux
R. R. Gazizulin
A. Luck
Olivier Maillet
T. Crozes
J-F. Motte
Olivier Bourgeois
Andrew Fefferman
Eddy Collin
+ PDF Chat Slippage and Boundary Layer Probed in an Almost Ideal Gas by a Nanomechanical Oscillator 2014 Martial Defoort
Qi Lu
T. Crozes
Olivier Maillet
Olivier Bourgeois
Eddy Collin
+ PDF Chat MicroSQUID Force Microscopy in a Dilution Refrigerator 2014 D. J. Hykel
ZS Wang
P. Castellazzi
T. Crozes
Gorky Shaw
K. Schüster
K. Hasselbach
+ PDF Chat Transverse Conductivity in the Sliding Charge-Density-Wave State of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>NbSe</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math> 2012 A. A. Sinchenko
P. Monçeau
T. Crozes
+ PDF Chat Fabrication of stable and reproducible submicron tunnel junctions 2012 Ioan M. Pop
T. Fournier
T. Crozes
Florent Lecocq
I. Matei
B. Pannetier
O. Buisson
Wiebke Guichard
+ PDF Chat Spin-valve effect of spin-accumulation resistance in a double ferromagnet/superconductor junction 2009 Pengshun Luo
T. Crozes
B. Gilles
Sukumar Rajauria
B. Pannetier
H. Courtois
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat How to Define and Calculate the Degree of Spin Polarization in Ferromagnets 1999 I. I. Mazin
+ PDF Chat Entangled Andreev pairs and collective excitations in nanoscale superconductors 2007 A. Levy Yeyati
F. S. Bergeret
A. Martín‐Rodero
T. M. Klapwijk
+ PDF Chat Strain Coupling of a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Spin to a Diamond Mechanical Oscillator 2014 Jean Teissier
Arne Barfuss
Patrick Appel
Elke Neu
Patrick Maletinsky
+ PDF Chat Observation of standard spin-switch effects in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet trilayers with a strong ferromagnet 2006 Ion C. Moraru
W. P. Pratt
Norman O. Birge
+ PDF Chat Crossed conductance in ferromagnet/superconductor/ferromagnet double junctions: Role of out-of-equilibrium populations 2005 R. Mélin
+ PDF Chat Inverse proximity effect in superconductors near ferromagnetic material 2001 Mika A. Sillanpää
Tero T. Heikkilä
René Lindell
Pertti Hakonen
+ PDF Chat Torsional Strain of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>TaS</mml:mi><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>Whiskers on the Charge-Density Wave Depinning 2007 V. Ya. Pokrovskiǐ
S. G. Zybtsev
Irina G. Gorlova
+ PDF Chat Coherent state transfer between itinerant microwave fields and a mechanical oscillator 2013 Tauno Palomaki
Jennifer Harlow
John Teufel
R. W. Simmonds
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat Optically Probing the Fine Structure of a Single Mn Atom in an InAs Quantum Dot 2007 A. Kudelski
A. Lemaı̂tre
A. Miard
P. Voisin
T.C.M. Graham
Richard J. Warburton
O. Krebs
+ Application of the variation method to the problem of thermomolecular pressure difference in a cylindrical channel 1974 V. G. Chernyak
Б. Т. Породнов
P. E. Suetin
+ PDF Chat Hybrid circuit cavity quantum electrodynamics with a micromechanical resonator 2013 J.-M. Pirkkalainen
S. U. Cho
Jian Li
G. S. Paraoanu
Pertti Hakonen
Mika A. Sillanpää
+ PDF Chat Sideband cooling of micromechanical motion to the quantum ground state 2011 John Teufel
Tobias Donner
Dale Li
Jennifer Harlow
Mark Allman
Katarina Cicak
Adam Sirois
Jed D. Whittaker
K. W. Lehnert
R. W. Simmonds
+ PDF Chat Meissner response of anisotropic superconductors 2003 V. G. Kogan
+ PDF Chat Microwave response of vortices in superconducting thin films of Re and Al 2009 Chao Song
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B. L. T. Plourde
+ PDF Chat Phonon-Induced Spin-Spin Interactions in Diamond Nanostructures: Application to Spin Squeezing 2013 Steven Bennett
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Johannes Otterbach
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+ PDF Chat Resolved Sideband Emission of<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>InAs</mml:mi><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mi>GaAs</mml:mi></mml:math>Quantum Dots Strained by Surface Acoustic Waves 2010 Michael Metcalfe
Stephen M Carr
Andreas Müller
Glenn S. Solomon
John Lawall
+ PDF Chat Preparation and detection of a mechanical resonator near the ground state of motion 2009 Tristan O. Rocheleau
Tchefor Ndukum
Chris Macklin
Jared Hertzberg
Aashish A. Clerk
Keith Schwab
+ PDF Chat Circuit theory of crossed Andreev reflection 2006 Jan Petter Morten
Arne Brataas
Wolfgang Belzig
+ PDF Chat Electron transport in a mesoscopic superconducting / ferromagnetic hybrid conductor 2003 M. Giroud
K. Hasselbach
H. Courtois
D. Mailly
B. Pannetier
+ Viscosity and slip velocity in gas flow in microchannels 2005 M. Fichman
G. Hetsroni
+ PDF Chat Inverse spin switch effects in ferromagnet-superconductor-ferromagnet trilayers with strong ferromagnets 2006 A. Yu. Rusanov
S. Habraken
J. Aarts
+ PDF Chat Correlated tunneling into a superconductor in a multiprobe hybrid structure 2001 G. Falci
D. Feinberg
F. W. J. Hekking
+ PDF Chat Spin-accumulation-induced resistance in mesoscopic ferromagnet-superconductor junctions 1999 F. J. Jedema
B. J. van Wees
B. H. Hoving
A. T. Filip
T. M. Klapwijk
+ PDF Chat Subnanosecond spectral diffusion measurement using photon correlation 2010 Gregory Sallen
Adrien Tribu
Thomas Aichele
R. André
L. Besombes
Catherine Bougerol
Maxime Richard
S. Tatarenko
K. Kheng
J.-Ph. Poizat
+ PDF Chat Large Variation in the Boundary-Condition Slippage for a Rarefied Gas Flowing between Two Surfaces 2011 Justine Laurent
Aurélien Drezet
H. Sellier
J. Chevrier
S. Huant
+ Universality in Oscillating Flows 2008 K. L. Ekinci
Devrez M. Karabacak
Victor Yakhot
+ PDF Chat Dissipation due to tunneling two-level systems in gold nanomechanical resonators 2010 A. Venkatesan
Qi Lu
M. J. Patton
A. D. Armour
Christopher J. Mellor
J. R. Owers-Bradley
+ PDF Chat Evidence for the Role of Normal-State Electrons in Nanoelectromechanical Damping Mechanisms at Very Low Temperatures 2013 Qi Lu
Martial Defoort
Christophe Blanc
Olivier Bourgeois
Eddy Collin
+ PDF Chat Complete stabilization and improvement of the characteristics of tunnel junctions by thermal annealing 2007 P. J. Koppinen
L. M. Väistö
I. J. Maasilta
+ The viscosity and thermal conductivity of pure monatomic gases from their normal boiling point up to 5000 K in the limit of zero density and at 0.101325 MPa 1990 Eckard Bich
J. Millat
Eckhard Vogel
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal Correlations in Normal-Metal Superconducting Systems 2006 Paul Cadden-Zimansky
Venkat Chandrasekhar
+ PDF Chat Andreev Reflection in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junctions 1995 M. J. M. de Jong
C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Spin accumulation probed in multiterminal lateral all-metallic devices 2006 Marius V. Costache
Marco Zaffalon
B. J. van Wees
+ Flow of a rarefied gas past a circular cylinder 1985 Kyoji Yamamoto
Kazuyuki Sera
+ PDF Chat Optical Stark Effect and Dressed Exciton States in a Mn-Doped CdTe Quantum Dot 2011 Claire Le Gall
A. Brunetti
H. Boukari
L. Besombes
+ PDF Chat <i>In-situ</i> comprehensive calibration of a tri-port nano-electro-mechanical device 2012 Eddy Collin
Martial Defoort
Qi Lu
T. Moutonet
Jean-Savin Heron
Olivier Bourgeois
Yu. M. Bunkov
H. Godfrin
+ PDF Chat Experimental Observation of Bias-Dependent Nonlocal Andreev Reflection 2005 Saverio Russo
M. Kroug
T. M. Klapwijk
Alberto F. Morpurgo
+ PDF Chat Dynamic strain-mediated coupling of a single diamond spin to a mechanical resonator 2014 Preeti Ovartchaiyapong
Kenneth W. Lee
Bryan Myers
Ania C. Bleszynski Jayich
+ PDF Chat Strain-mediated coupling in a quantum dot–mechanical oscillator hybrid system 2013 Inah Yeo
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P. Verlot
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Julien Claudon
Jean‐Michel Gérard
Alexia Auffèves
+ PDF Chat Dynamical Multistability Induced by Radiation Pressure in High-Finesse Micromechanical Optical Cavities 2006 Florian Marquardt
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S. M. Girvin
+ PDF Chat Crossover from Hydrodynamics to the Kinetic Regime in Confined Nanoflows 2012 Charles Lissandrello
Victor Yakhot
K. L. Ekinci
+ <i>Molecular Flow of Gases</i> 1956 G.N. Patterson
Stanley Singer
+ Velocity gradient singularity and structure of the velocity profile in the Knudsen layer according to the Boltzmann equation 2007 C Lilley
John E. Sader
+ PDF Chat Multimode circuit optomechanics near the quantum limit 2012 Francesco Massel
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+ PDF Chat Laser cooling of a nanomechanical oscillator into its quantum ground state 2011 Jasper Fuk‐Woo Chan
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Oskar Painter
+ Nanomechanical motion measured with an imprecision below that at the standard quantum limit 2009 John Teufel
Tobias Donner
Manuel Castellanos-Beltran
Jennifer Harlow
K. W. Lehnert
+ PDF Chat A scanning superconducting quantum interference device with single electron spin sensitivity 2013 Denis Vasyukov
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Y. Myasoedov
M. L. Rappaport
+ Viscous Cavity Damping of a Microlever in a Simple Fluid 2009 Alessandro Siria
Aurélien Drezet
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F. Comin
S. Huant
J. Chevrier
+ PDF Chat Spin injection and detection in magnetic nanostructures 2003 S. Takahashi
Sadamichi Maekawa
+ PDF Chat Frequency fluctuations in silicon nanoresonators 2016 Marc Sansa
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Akshay Naik
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Laurent Duraffourg
M. L. Roukes