Soumik Pal


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The Benefits of Balance: From Information Projections to Variance Reduction 2024 Lang Liu
Ronak Mehta
Soumik Pal
ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
+ PDF Chat Limiting partition function for the Mallows model: a conjecture and partial evidence 2024 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Iterated Schr\"odinger bridge approximation to Wasserstein Gradient Flows 2024 Medha Agarwal
ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
Garrett Mulcahy
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of discrete Schrödinger bridges via chaos decomposition 2024 Zaïd Harchaoui
Lang Liu
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat On the difference between entropic cost and the optimal transport cost 2024 Soumik Pal
+ Gradient Flows on Graphons: Existence, Convergence, Continuity Equations 2023 Sewoong Oh
Soumik Pal
Raghav Somani
Raghavendra Tripathi
+ The Aldous diffusion: a stationary evolution of the Brownian CRT 2023 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Wasserstein Mirror Gradient Flow as the limit of the Sinkhorn Algorithm 2023 Nabarun Deb
Young‐Heon Kim
Soumik Pal
Geoffrey Schiebinger
+ Path convergence of Markov chains on large graphs 2023 Siva Athreya
Soumik Pal
Raghav Somani
Raghavendra Tripathi
+ Projected Langevin dynamics and a gradient flow for entropic optimal transport 2023 Giovanni Conforti
Daniel Lacker
Soumik Pal
+ Ranked masses in two-parameter Fleming–Viot diffusions 2022 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Shuffling cards by spatial motion 2022 Persi Diaconis
Soumik Pal
+ Stochastic optimization on matrices and a graphon McKean-Vlasov limit 2022 ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
Sewoong Oh
Soumik Pal
Raghav Somani
Raghavendra Tripathi
+ PDF Chat Gradient flows on graphons: existence, convergence, continuity equations 2021 Sewoong Oh
Soumik Pal
Raghav Somani
Raghav Tripathi
+ PDF Chat Community detection in the sparse hypergraph stochastic block model 2021 Soumik Pal
Yizhe Zhu
+ PDF Chat Diffusions on a space of interval partitions: Poisson–Dirichlet stationary distributions 2021 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Triangular Flows for Generative Modeling: Statistical Consistency, Smoothness Classes, and Fast Rates 2021 Nicholas J. Irons
Meyer Scetbon
Soumik Pal
ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
+ Entropy Regularized Optimal Transport Independence Criterion 2021 Lang Liu
Soumik Pal
ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
+ Ranked masses in two-parameter Fleming-Viot diffusions 2021 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Gradient flows on graphons: existence, convergence, continuity equations 2021 Sewoong Oh
Soumik Pal
Raghav Somani
Raghav Tripathi
+ Asymptotics of Entropy-Regularized Optimal Transport via Chaos Decomposition 2020 ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
Lang Liu
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat The random transposition dynamics on random regular graphs and the Gaussian free field 2020 Shirshendu Ganguly
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Multiplicative Schrödinger problem and the Dirichlet transport 2020 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ PDF Chat Projections of the Aldous chain on binary trees: Intertwining and consistency 2020 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Floodings of metric graphs 2020 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Metrics on sets of interval partitions with diversity 2020 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Diffusions on a space of interval partitions: construction from marked LĂ©vy processes 2020 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Asymptotics of Discrete Schrödinger Bridges via Chaos Decomposition 2020 Zaïd Harchaoui
Lang Liu
Soumik Pal
+ Diffusions on a space of interval partitions: construction from marked L\'evy processes. 2019 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Twin peaks 2019 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Diffusions on a space of interval partitions: Poisson-Dirichlet stationary distributions 2019 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ On the difference between entropic cost and the optimal transport cost 2019 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat A note on transportation cost inequalities for diffusions with reflections 2019 Soumik Pal
Andrey Sarantsev
+ Contradictory predictions 2019 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Diffusions on a space of interval partitions: construction from marked LĂ©vy processes 2019 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Exponentially concave functions and high dimensional stochastic portfolio theory 2018 Soumik Pal
+ A Note on Transportation Cost Inequalities for Diffusions with Reflections 2018 Soumik Pal
Andrey Sarantsev
+ PDF Chat Uniform control of local times of spectrally positive stable processes 2018 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Multiplicative Schr\"odinger problem and the Dirichlet transport 2018 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ PDF Chat Exponentially concave functions and a new information geometry 2018 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Projections of the Aldous chain on binary trees: Intertwining and consistency 2018 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Interval partition evolutions with emigration related to the Aldous diffusion 2018 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Aldous diffusion I: a projective system of continuum $k$-tree evolutions 2018 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ A Note on Transportation Cost Inequalities for Diffusions with Reflections 2018 Soumik Pal
Andrey Sarantsev
+ Multiplicative Schrödinger problem and the Dirichlet transport 2018 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Projections of the Aldous chain on binary trees: Intertwining and consistency 2018 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Embedding optimal transports in statistical manifolds 2017 Soumik Pal
+ Embedding optimal transports in statistical manifolds 2017 Soumik Pal
+ Floodings of metric graphs 2017 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Shuffling cards by spatial motion 2017 Persi Diaconis
Soumik Pal
+ Embedding optimal transports in statistical manifolds 2017 Soumik Pal
+ Uniform control of local times of spectrally positive stable processes 2016 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Twin peaks 2016 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Exponentially concave functions and a new information geometry 2016 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Exponentially concave functions and a new information geometry 2016 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Exponentially concave functions and high dimensional stochastic portfolio theory 2016 Soumik Pal
+ Systems of Brownian particles with asymmetric collisions 2016 Ioannis Karatzas
Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Diffusions on a space of interval partitions with Poisson-Dirichlet stationary distributions 2016 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Uniform control of local times of spectrally positive stable processes 2016 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ Exponentially concave functions and high dimensional stochastic portfolio theory 2016 Soumik Pal
+ Exponentially concave functions and a new information geometry 2016 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Twin peaks 2016 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat The geometry of relative arbitrage 2015 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ On meteors, earthworms and WIMPs 2015 Sara Billey
Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
Bruce E. Sagan
+ The Random Transposition Dynamics on Random Regular Graphs and the Gaussian Free Field 2014 Shirshendu Ganguly
Soumik Pal
+ Cycles and eigenvalues of sequentially growing random regular graphs 2014 Tobias Johnson
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Concentration of measure for Brownian particle systems interacting through their ranks 2014 Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ The geometry of relative arbitrage 2014 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ The geometry of relative arbitrage 2014 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ The Random Transposition Dynamics on Random Regular Graphs and the Gaussian Free Field 2014 Shirshendu Ganguly
Soumik Pal
+ Brownian earthworm 2013 Krzysztof Burdzy
Zhen-Qing Chen
Soumik Pal
+ Energy, entropy, and arbitrage 2013 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Intertwining diffusions and wave equations 2013 Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ PDF Chat Intertwining diffusions and wave equations 2013 Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Wright–Fisher diffusion with negative mutation rates 2013 Soumik Pal
+ Energy, entropy, and arbitrage 2013 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ Intertwining diffusions and wave equations 2013 Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Systems of Brownian particles with asymmetric collisions 2012 Ioannis Karatzas
Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Sparse regular random graphs: Spectral density and eigenvectors 2012 Ioana Dumitriu
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Functional limit theorems for random regular graphs 2012 Ioana Dumitriu
Tobias Johnson
Soumik Pal
Elliot Paquette
+ PDF Chat Convergence rates for rank-based models with applications to portfolio theory 2012 Tomoyuki Ichiba
Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Brownian approximation to counting graphs 2012 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Brownian Approximation to Counting Graphs 2012 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Extinction of Fleming-Viot-type particle systems with strong drift 2012 Mariusz Bieniek
Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Systems of Brownian particles with asymmetric collisions 2012 Ioannis Karatzas
Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Brownian approximation to counting graphs 2012 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Archimedes’ principle for Brownian liquid 2011 Krzysztof Burdzy
Zhen-Qing Chen
Soumik Pal
+ Extinction of Fleming-Viot-type particle systems with strong drift 2011 Mariusz Bieniek
Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Convergence rates for rank-based models with applications to portfolio theory 2011 Tomoyuki Ichiba
Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Markov processes on time-like graphs 2011 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Concentration for multidimensional diffusions and their boundary local times 2011 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Analysis of market weights under volatility-stabilized market models 2011 Soumik Pal
+ On the Aldous diffusion on Continuum Trees. I 2011 Soumik Pal
+ Convergence rates for rank-based models with applications to portfolio theory 2011 Tomoyuki Ichiba
Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Extinction of Fleming-Viot-type particle systems with strong drift 2011 Mariusz Bieniek
Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
+ Concentration of measure for systems of Brownian particles interacting through their ranks 2010 Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ PDF Chat An Excursion-Theoretic Approach to Stability of Discrete-Time Stochastic Hybrid Systems 2010 Debasish Chatterjee
Soumik Pal
+ Analysis of continuous strict local martingales via h-transforms 2010 Soumik Pal
Philip Protter
+ Concentration for multidimensional diffusions and their boundary local times 2010 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Analysis of continuous strict local martingales via <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>h</mml:mi></mml:math>-transforms 2010 Soumik Pal
Philip Protter
+ Wright-Fisher model with negative mutation rates 2010 Soumik Pal
+ Crowding of Brownian spheres 2010 Krzysztof Burdzy
Soumik Pal
Jason R. Swanson
+ Concentration of measure for systems of Brownian particles interacting through their ranks 2010 Soumik Pal
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ Concentration for multidimensional diffusions and their boundary local times 2010 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat A Combinatorial Analysis of Interacting Diffusions 2009 Sourav Chatterjee
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat A phase transition behavior for Brownian motions interacting through their ranks 2009 Sourav Chatterjee
Soumik Pal
+ A passage to the Poisson-Dirichlet through the Bessel square processes 2009 Soumik Pal
+ A combinatorial analysis of interacting diffusions 2009 Sourav Chatterjee
Soumik Pal
+ On a conjectured sharpness principle for probabilistic forecasting with calibration 2009 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional Brownian particle systems with rank-dependent drifts 2008 Soumik Pal
Jim Pitman
+ PDF Chat Symmetrization of Bernoulli 2008 Soumik Pal
+ One-dimensional Brownian particle systems with rank dependent drifts 2007 Soumik Pal
Jim Pitman
+ A phase transition behavior for Brownian motions interacting through their ranks 2007 Sourav Chatterjee
Soumik Pal
+ Capital requirement for achieving acceptability 2006 Soumik Pal
+ Symmetrization of Bernoulli 2006 Soumik Pal
+ Capital Requirement for Achieving Acceptability 2006 Soumik Pal
+ Computing strategies for achieving acceptability 2006 Soumik Pal
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Atlas models of equity markets 2005 Adrian Banner
Robert Fernholz
Ioannis Karatzas
+ PDF Chat The Continuum Random Tree. I 1991 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat A phase transition behavior for Brownian motions interacting through their ranks 2009 Sourav Chatterjee
Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Propagation of chaos and Poincaré inequalities for a system of particles interacting through their cdf 2008 Benjamin Jourdain
Florent Malrieu
+ PDF Chat The geometry of relative arbitrage 2015 Soumik Pal
Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ PDF Chat A decomposition of Bessel Bridges 1982 Jim Pitman
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat The two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet distribution derived from a stable subordinator 1997 Jim Pitman
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat Characterization of invariant measures at the leading edge for competing particle systems 2005 A. A. Ruzmaikina
Michael Aizenman
+ PDF Chat One-dimensional Brownian particle systems with rank-dependent drifts 2008 Soumik Pal
Jim Pitman
+ PDF Chat Regenerative tree growth: Binary self-similar continuum random trees and Poisson–Dirichlet compositions 2009 Jim Pitman
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Regenerative composition structures 2005 Alexander Gnedin
Jim Pitman
+ PDF Chat Hybrid Atlas models 2011 Tomoyuki Ichiba
Vassilios Papathanakos
Adrian Banner
Ioannis Karatzas
Robert Fernholz
+ PDF Chat The contour of splitting trees is a LĂ©vy process 2010 Amaury Lambert
+ PDF Chat Diversity and relative arbitrage in equity markets 2004 Robert Fernholz
Ioannis Karatzas
Constantinos Kardaras
+ The infinitely-many-neutral-alleles diffusion model 1981 S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat On collisions of Brownian particles 2010 Tomoyuki Ichiba
Ioannis Karatzas
+ PDF Chat The Concentration of Measure Phenomenon 2005 Michel Ledoux
+ PDF Chat Reflected Brownian motion with skew symmetric data in a polyhedral domain 1987 Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat Mixing Time for a Markov Chain on Cladograms 2000 David Aldous
+ PDF Chat On the structure of quasi-stationary competing particle systems 2009 Louis‐Pierre Arguin
Michael Aizenman
+ PDF Chat Two-parameter family of infinite-dimensional diffusions on the Kingman simplex 2009 Leonid Petrov
+ PDF Chat Bessel diffusions as a one-parameter family of diffusion processes 1973 Tokuzo Shiga
Shinzo Watanabe
+ PDF Chat Analysis of market weights under volatility-stabilized market models 2011 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Optimization of relative arbitrage 2015 Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ PDF Chat The geometry of optimal transportation 1996 Wilfrid Gangbo
Robert J. McCann
+ Wright–Fisher diffusion with negative mutation rates 2013 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Uniform control of local times of spectrally positive stable processes 2018 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Brownian models of open queueing networks with homogeneous customer populations<sup>∗</sup> 1987 J. Michael Harrison
Ruth Williams
+ The Variational Formulation of the Fokker--Planck Equation 1998 Richard W. Jordan
David Kinderlehrer
FĂ©lix Otto
+ PDF Chat Embedding optimal transports in statistical manifolds 2017 Soumik Pal
+ PDF Chat Transportation cost-information inequalities and applications to random dynamical systems and diffusions 2004 HacĂšne Djellout
Arnaud Guillin
Liming Wu
+ Transportation cost for Gaussian and other product measures 1996 Michel Talagrand
+ From the Schrödinger problem to the Monge–Kantorovich problem 2011 Christian LĂ©onard
+ PDF Chat On the equivalence of the entropic curvature-dimension condition and Bochner’s inequality on metric measure spaces 2014 Matthias Erbar
Kazumasa Kuwada
Karl-Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat A propagation of chaos result for Burgers' equation 1986 A. S. Sznitman
+ A measure concentration inequality for contracting markov chains 1996 K. Marton
+ Metrics on sets of interval partitions with diversity 2020 Noah Forman
Soumik Pal
Douglas Rizzolo
Matthias Winkel
+ PDF Chat Some diffusion processes associated with two parameter Poisson–Dirichlet distribution and Dirichlet process 2009 Shui Feng
Wei Sun
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Modern Probability 2021 Olav Kallenberg
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Reflected Brownian Motions Having Exponential Stationary Distributions 1987 J. Michael Harrison
Ruth Williams
+ PDF Chat Competing particle systems evolving by interacting LĂ©vy processes 2011 Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
+ PDF Chat The Aldous chain on cladograms in the diffusion limit 2020 Wolfgang Löhr
Leonid Mytnik
Anita Winter
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Stochastic Processes 2006 Jim Pitman
Jean Picard
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic divergences from optimal transport and RĂ©nyi geometry 2018 Ting‐Kam Leonard Wong
+ PDF Chat Alpha-diversity processes and normalized inverse-Gaussian diffusions 2013 Matteo Ruggiero
Stephen G. Walker
Stefano Favaro
+ Topics in propagation of chaos 1991 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Arcsine Laws and Interval Partitions Derived from a Stable Subordinator 1992 Jim Pitman
Marc Yor
+ Two Results on Dual Excursions 1981 R. K. Getoor
M. J. Sharpe
+ PDF Chat The Motion of a Tagged Particle in the Simple Symmetric Exclusion System on $Z$ 1983 Richard Arratia