Roberto H. Schonmann


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Theorems motivated by foundations of quantum mechanics and some of their applications 2022 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Altruism Can Proliferate through Population Viscosity despite High Random Gene Flow 2013 Roberto H. Schonmann
Renato Vicente
Nestor Caticha
+ The Taylor-Frank method cannot be applied to some biologically important, continuous tness functions 2012 Roberto H. Schonmann
Robert Boyd
Renato Vicente
+ Invasion, polymorphic equilibria and fixation of a mutant social allele in group structured populations 2012 Roberto H. Schonmann
Renato Vicente
Robert Boyd
+ The Taylor-Frank method cannot be applied to some biologically important, continuous fitness functions 2012 Roberto H. Schonmann
Robert W. Boyd
Renato Vicente
+ Two-level Fisher-Wright framework with selection and migration: An approach to studying evolution in group structured populations 2011 Roberto H. Schonmann
Renato Vicente
Nestor Caticha
+ PDF Chat Facilitated Oriented Spin Models: Some Non Equilibrium Results 2010 Nicoletta Cancrini
Fabio Martinelli
Roberto H. Schonmann
Cristina Toninelli
+ PDF Chat Metastable Behavior for Bootstrap Percolation on Regular Trees 2009 Marek Biskup
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The survival of large dimensional threshold contact processes 2009 Thomas Mountford
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Bootstrap Percolation on Homogeneous Trees Has 2 Phase Transitions 2008 Luiz Renato Fontes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Threshold θ ≥ 2 contact processes on homogeneous trees 2007 Luiz Renato Fontes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Threshold $theta geq 2$ contact processes on homogeneous trees 2006 Luiz Renato Fontes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat 3D Crystal: How Flat its Flat Facets Are? 2005 Thierry Bodineau
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ Einstein Relation for a Class of Interface Models 2003 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Stretched Exponential Fixation in Stochastic Ising Models at Zero Temperature 2002 Luiz Renato Fontes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Vladas Sidoravičius
+ Mean-Field Criticality for Percolation on Planar Non-Amenable Graphs 2002 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Multiplicity of Phase Transitions and Mean-Field Criticality on Highly Non-Amenable Graphs 2001 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Rigidity of the Critical Phases on a Cayley Tree 2001 Pavel Bleher
J. Stephany
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
Valentin A. Zagrebnov
+ PDF Chat Mixed percolation as a bridge between site and bond percolation 2000 Lincoln Chayes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The Ising model on diluted graphs and strong amenability 2000 Olle Häggström
Roberto H. Schonmann
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ PDF Chat The Griffiths singularity random field 2000 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Christian Maes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ The Griffiths Singularity Random Field 2000 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Christian Maes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat The Second Lowest Extremal Invariant Measure of the Contact Process II 1999 Marcia Salzano
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Stability of infinite clusters in supercritical percolation 1999 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Percolation in ∞ + 1 Dimensions at the Uniqueness Threshold 1999 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Percolation on Transitive Graphs as a Coalescent Process: Relentless Merging Followed by Simultaneous Uniqueness 1999 Olle Häggström
Yuval Peres
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Dobrushin-Kotecký-Shlosman Theorem up to the Critical Temperature 1998 Dmitry Ioffe
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat A new proof that for the contact process on homogeneous trees local survival implies complete convergence 1998 Marcia Salzano
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Wulff Droplets and the Metastable Relaxation of Kinetic Ising Models 1998 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Lack of monotonicity in ferromagnetic Ising model phase diagrams 1998 Roberto H. Schonmann
Nelson I. Tanaka
+ None 1998 Elisabeti Kira
E. Jordão Neves
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ None 1998 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Complete Analyticity of the 2D Potts Model above the Critical Temperature 1997 Aernout C. D. van Enter
Roberto Fernández
Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ Exponential Relaxation of Glauber Dynamics with Some Special Boundary Conditions 1997 Roberto H. Schonmann
Nobuo Yoshida
+ PDF Chat The second lowest extremal invariant measure of the contact process 1997 Marcia Salzano
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Metropolis Dynamics Relaxation via Nucleation and Growth 1997 Pouria Dehghanpour
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Domination by product measures 1997 Thomas M. Liggett
Roberto H. Schonmann
Alan Stacey
+ PDF Chat A nucleation-and-growth model 1997 Pouria Dehghanpour
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ On the two-dimensional stochastic Ising model in the phase coexistence region near the critical point 1996 Filippo Cesi
Gianluca Guadagni
Fabio Martinelli
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Constrained variational problem with applications to the Ising model 1996 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat On some growth models with a small parameter 1995 Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Lifshitz' law for the volume of a two-dimensional droplet at zero temperature 1995 Lincoln Chayes
Roberto H. Schonmann
Glen Swindle
+ PDF Chat Complete analyticity for 2D Ising completed 1995 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat On the Critical Behavior of the Contact Process in Deterministic Inhomogeneous Environments 1994 Neal Madras
Rinaldo B. Schinazi
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Slow droplet-driven relaxation of stochastic Ising models in the vicinity of the phase coexistence region 1994 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Theorems and Conjectures on the Droplet-Driven Relaxation of Stochastic Ising Models 1994 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Some Partially Parallel Gibbs Samplers with Annealing 1993 Pablo A. Ferrari
Arnoldo Frigessi
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Relaxation Times for Stochastic Ising Models in the Limit of Vanishing External Field at Fixed Low Temperatures 1993 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Behavior of droplets for a class of Glauber dynamics at very low temperature 1992 E. Jordão Neves
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The pattern of escape from metastability of a stochastic ising model 1992 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat On the Behavior of Some Cellular Automata Related to Bootstrap Percolation 1992 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The Contact Processes in a Random Environment 1991 Maury Bramson
Rick Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Critical droplets and metastability for a Glauber dynamics at very low temperatures 1991 E. Jordão Neves
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Critical points of two-dimensional bootstrap percolation-like cellular automata 1990 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat A note on the Ising model in high dimensions 1989 Jean Bricmont
Harry Kesten
J. L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The Contact Process on a Finite Set. III: The Critical Case 1989 Richard Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
Nelson I. Tanaka
+ PDF Chat The Correlation Length for the High-Density Phase of Bernoulli Percolation 1989 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Exponential convergence under mixing 1989 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Correlation lengths for oriented percolation 1989 Richard Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
Nelson I. Tanaka
+ PDF Chat Projections of Gibbs measures may be non-Gibbsian 1989 Roberto H. Schonmann
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Correlation lenght of the high density phase of Bernoulli percolation 1989 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Geoffrey Grimmett
Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for the contact process and two dimensional percolation 1988 Rick Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The Contact Process on a Finite Set. II 1988 Richard Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ On two correlation inequalities for Potts models 1988 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-free energies and large deviations for non gibbsian FKG measures 1988 Joel L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Exponential decay of connectivities in the two-dimensional ising model 1987 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Second order large deviation estimates for ferromagnetic systems in the phase coexistence region 1987 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ On the asymptotics of occurrence times of rare events for stochastic spin systems 1987 Joel L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Absence of a Stationary Distribution for the Edge Process of Subcritical Oriented Percolation in Two Dimensions 1987 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Growth Models 1987 R. Durrett
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Microscopic selection principle for a diffusion-reaction equation 1986 Maury Bramson
P. Calderoni
Anna De Masi
Pablo A. Ferrari
Joel L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Central Limit Theorem for the Contact Process 1986 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The survival of the large dimensional basic contact process 1986 Roberto H. Schonmann
Maria Eulália Vares
+ Metastability for the contact process 1985 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ On the global character of some restricted equilibrium conditions?A remark on metastability 1982 J. Fernando Perez
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Alguns aspectos de sistemas finitos em mecânica estatística 1982 Roberto H. Schonmann
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Interacting Particle Systems 2016 Thomas M. Liggett
+ Metastability effects in bootstrap percolation 1988 Michael Aizenman
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ Metastable behavior of stochastic dynamics: A pathwise approach 1984 M. Cassandro
Antonio Galves
Enzo Olivieri
Maria Eul�lia Vares
+ PDF Chat Slow droplet-driven relaxation of stochastic Ising models in the vicinity of the phase coexistence region 1994 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Supercritical Contact Processes on $Z$ 1983 Richard Durrett
David Griffeath
+ PDF Chat Percolation Theory for Mathematicians. 1984 J. M. Hammersley
Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Group-invariant Percolation on Graphs 1999 Itaı Benjamini
Russell Lyons
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ PDF Chat Limit set of a weakly supercritical contact process on a homogeneous tree 1998 Steven P. Lalley
T. Sellke
+ PDF Chat Oriented Percolation in Two Dimensions 1984 Richard Durrett
+ PDF Chat Critical droplets and metastability for a Glauber dynamics at very low temperatures 1991 E. Jordão Neves
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-free energies and large deviations for non gibbsian FKG measures 1988 Joel L. Lebowitz
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat The Contact Process on Trees 1992 Robin Pemantle
+ PDF Chat The Critical Contact Process Dies Out 1990 Carol Bezuidenhout
Geoffrey Grimmett
+ PDF Chat Percolation Beyond $Z^d$, Many Questions And a Few Answers 1996 Itaı Benjamini
Oded Schramm
+ Constrained variational problem with applications to the Ising model 1996 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ Branching random walks on trees 1992 Neal Madras
Rinaldo B. Schinazi
+ PDF Chat The complete convergence theorem of the contact process on trees 1996 Yu Zhang
+ The critical contact process on a homogeneous tree 1994 Gregory J. Morrow
Rinaldo B. Schinazi
Yu Zhang
+ PDF Chat Complete analyticity for 2D Ising completed 1995 Roberto H. Schonmann
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat Percolation on fuchsian groups 1998 Steven P. Lalley
+ PDF Chat The existence of an intermediate phase for the contact process on trees 1996 Alan Stacey
+ PDF Chat Large Deviations for the Empirical Field of a Gibbs Measure 1988 Hans Föllmer
Steven Orey
+ None 1999 Johan Jonasson
Jeffrey E. Steif
+ Metastability for the contact process 1985 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Intermediate Phase for the Contact Process on a Tree 1995 Rick Durrett
Rinaldo B. Schinazi
+ PDF Chat Branching random walks and contact processes on homogeneous trees 1996 Thomas M. Liggett
+ PDF Chat Wulff Construction: A Global Shape from Local Interaction 1992 R. L. Dobrushin
Roman Kotecký
Senya Shlosman
+ PDF Chat On some growth models with a small parameter 1995 Harry Kesten
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Large deviations for Gibbs random fields 1988 Stefano Olla
+ PDF Chat Monotonicity of uniqueness for percolation on Cayley graphs: all infinite clusters are born simultaneously 1999 Olle Häggström
Yuval Peres
+ Stochastic Interacting Systems: Contact, Voter and Exclusion Processes 1999 Thomas M. Liggett
+ Statistical Mechanics: Rigorous Results 1969 David Ruelle
+ Approach to equilibrium of Glauber dynamics in the one phase region 1994 Fabio Martinelli
Enzo Olivieri
+ PDF Chat A new proof that for the contact process on homogeneous trees local survival implies complete convergence 1998 Marcia Salzano
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat For 2-D lattice spin systems weak mixing implies strong mixing 1994 Fabio Martinelli
Enzo Olivieri
R. H. Schonmann
+ PDF Chat Lack of monotonicity in ferromagnetic Ising model phase diagrams 1998 Roberto H. Schonmann
Nelson I. Tanaka
+ PDF Chat The second lowest extremal invariant measure of the contact process 1997 Marcia Salzano
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Large deviations for the 2D ising model: A lower bound without cluster expansions 1994 Dmitry Ioffe
+ PDF Chat A study of metastability in the Ising model 1974 D. Capocaccia
M. Cassandro
Enzo Olivieri
+ Large deviations and phase separation in the two-dimensional Ising model 1991 Charles‐Edouard Pfister
+ Approach to equilibrium of Glauber dynamics in the one phase region 1994 Fabio Martinelli
Enzo Olivieri
+ PDF Chat Coexistence of infinite (*)-clusters II. Ising percolation in two dimensions 1993 Yasunari Higuchi
+ Exponential decay of connectivities in the two-dimensional ising model 1987 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Indistinguishability of Percolation Clusters 2011 Russell Lyons
Oded Schramm
+ Bootstrap percolation on a Bethe lattice 1979 J. Chalupa
P. L. Leath
Gary Reich
+ PDF Chat Exact large deviation bounds up toT c for the Ising model in two dimensions 1995 Dmitry Ioffe
+ PDF Chat Metastable lifetimes in a kinetic Ising model: Dependence on field and system size 1994 Per Arne Rikvold
Hiroyuki Tomita
Seiji Miyashita
Scott Sides
+ Infinite clusters in percolation models 1981 Charles M. Newman
L. S. Schulman
+ Proof of Straley's argument for bootstrap percolation 1987 Aernout C. D. van Enter
+ Contact Interactions on a Lattice 1974 T. E. Harris